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      • what classes do you play besides warrior?

        in Warrior

        Posted January 25, 2023

        2 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

        Nice kitty.

        Got to share my kitty, pardon the dark fur I colored him after a beloved pet cat that was possessed by satan...

        Also I grabbed the super saiyan god hair-do when I had the chance so...

        My Charrdian...

        yess good

        • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (1)1
        • what classes do you play besides warrior?

          in Warrior

          Posted January 25, 2023

          4 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

          Shadow Cat eh?

          Yes correct

          • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (2)1
          • Can we stop the cc spamming? (warriors)

            in Player vs. Player

            Posted January 24, 2023

            Just now, Lucentfir.7430 said:

            I could tell you how, but that would also require undoing the No damage CC Philosophy :]

            do it.

            free me.

            • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (3)1
            • what classes do you play besides warrior?

              in Warrior

              Posted January 24, 2023

              On 1/23/2023 at 12:06 PM, eXruina.4956 said:

              fellow warrior mains, what classes do you play on the side? and why?

              rytlock obviously played rev since HoT came out. 🤔

              I am a thief secondary. I play everything, but thief is the only class I know about as well as warrior.

              In order of "things I know" for the other classes it goes:






              *Engineer (because I want to use bomb kit)


              • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (4)2
              • Can we stop the cc spamming? (warriors)

                in Player vs. Player

                Posted January 24, 2023· Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261

                37 minutes ago, timetopat.7921 said:

                I dont claim to know the entirety of warrior, but i do claim to know what looks and feels OP and basic.

                Irrelevant. Don't argue on aesthetics.

                It doesn't matter if something looks and feels OP/Basic to get hit by, if the way to avoid it is the most basic evasion mechanic in the game or a stunbreak, and you are afforded ample opportunity to use either.

                The only thing that matters is if it is objectively overpowered/cannot be reasonably prepared for and responded to, not how badly it hurts someone's feelings after they squandered any opportunity to escape.

                If it ends up getting nerfed, it will be because as skilled as people claim to be, they have fundamental hangups with dodging and managing stunbreaks and decided warrior should not capitalize on that.

                Again, if you have a better idea for what should happen to you when a warrior hits you with earthshaker, please explain.

                • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (5)4
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                • Can we stop the cc spamming? (warriors)

                  in Player vs. Player

                  Posted January 24, 2023

                  On 1/22/2023 at 7:04 PM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:


                  CC is CmC's reward to the faithful. A boon bestowed to ensure the f*ckless DuoQs and balance enthusiasts that ruined this game are delivered unto judgement, and they shall forget what it means to touch their keyboards.

                  Use it and abuse it. There is no respite. There is no forgiveness. There is only CC.🙏

                  EDIT: Your confused reactions only make me stronger. I was going to stunlock you out of playing the game to begin with, now I am only affirmed in my belief at your playground antics.𝕽𝖊𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖙!

                  I can't believe Multicolorhipster turned the 'praise cmc' meme into canon

                  2023 is wild

                  • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (7)1
                  • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (8)1
                  • Can we stop the cc spamming? (warriors)

                    in Player vs. Player

                    Posted January 24, 2023· Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261

                    12 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

                    War CC can be chained, it being on low CD on several skills....the word "predictable" should be used when CC is on a 30s+ ..not on a 12s CD on average on 3-4 skills . I am not even here to ask for nerfs or buffs....I just despise the victimhood of the warrior community.

                    You're still experiencing the 'victimhood of the warrior community' because the class has been in a state of neglect for years while having to deal with people blowing it up from across the map, and from the moment it got rewarded for closing that gap there has been no shortage of people crawling onto the forums with the sole intent of getting this new obstacle to what was originally an ez clap removed.

                    Be annoyed by it all you want but it's for good reason. The warriors should be allowed to play the game too. If you ever feel there's a better/less annoying/more effective way to get that done, I'm all ears.

                    • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (9)1
                    • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (10)6
                    • Can we stop the cc spamming? (warriors)

                      in Player vs. Player

                      Posted January 24, 2023· Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261

                      Please note that literally nobody here with a grievance about the CC is offering any solution that:

                      • A.) alleviates the frustration of getting repeatedly stunlocked by a hammer warrior
                      • B.) also makes warrior interactions with their class fair and rewarding for the warrior landing any skill.

                      If I am wrong, please correct me by offering a solution as to what you would like warrior to do instead, that makes it worth playing warrior. It sounds like people are just specifically mad about getting stunlocked, without any consideration given to how they managed to get there, how the warrior managed toputthem there, and what combat route if any, they'd like the warrior to take that would result in fairly winning the engagement if played well.

                      If you all just want warrior to lose to you, say it, or propose something else.

                      • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (11)3
                      • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (12)2
                      • Can we stop the cc spamming? (warriors)

                        in Player vs. Player

                        Posted January 24, 2023

                        21 minutes ago, timetopat.7921 said:

                        So real talk. I played shout sworn and it was a super broken baby build before it got nerfed a little. I got in the top 250 because it was so broken and easy. Guys its ok to admit its a broken and dumb and you are having fun with it. Lets not act like everyone became good out of nowhere with the massive buffs.

                        You playing a super broken baby build to top 250 doesn't mean you understand the entirety of warrior.

                        The same warriors that are here making fun of people being upset that theyre getting crit for 7 damage after running out of stunbreaks were here making fun of people pressing every shout button they could to keep their HP at 100% when Bladesworn first dropped into the game.

                        Getting bonked by CC, not being able to respond to either the CC before or after it hits you, then getting punished by taking damage is not in the same category as what carried you to top 250.

                        • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (13)3
                        • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (14)2
                        • Can we stop the cc spamming? (warriors)

                          in Player vs. Player

                          Posted January 23, 2023· Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261

                          If you don't want to be in the ground the whole time because you:

                          1.) failed to dodge the obvious windup from a class that needs to be near you to do anything

                          2.) Didn't have a button to correct your mistake

                          Then the obvious windup should just hit you for half your health.

                          Pick one. Either you get punished for not dodging and allowing a warrior to get in melee range of you by losing HP very fast, or you get punished for not dodging -and- not managing your stunbreaks by not being allowed to play the game. I prefer the latter personally, because it prevents people for making weasely claims that "X hits too hard" "y hits too hard" until they've essentially padded warrior interactions into uselessness, and instead focuses any of their complaints on their inability to dodge.

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                          • The match that ended my whole career

                            in Player vs. Player

                            Posted January 19, 2023· Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261

                            On 1/18/2023 at 3:27 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

                            Thats why alot of people have stepped back and are spending their 30 minutes a day in the FFA-



                            I am playing alot of Smashbros online aswell in "elite smash" thats also relative to p3-legendary in gw2.... on my best charackter, there is still a whooping 750k people that have higher ratings than me, altho i am in the top 10% of players.... 750k people..... 10%...... let that sink in.....

                            Fight me~


                            And I realize this means somebody on the other team haspurchasedthis match. A switch goes off in my head and I just close the game. Take the deserter hit and save my teammates from losing rank.

                            The people with this mentality are being punished for attempting to enjoy the game the way it was meant to be played, and that is several kinds of travesty.

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                            • Holo overheat PvP 33k from long stealth in 1/4 of a sec ^^ interactive!! conclusion buff weak cata!

                              in Player vs. Player

                              Posted January 18, 2023

                              6 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:


                              Kittening glorious

                              • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (20)1
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                              • Friendly reminder that Reaper shroud 5 should instant finish if the person it hits is downstate.

                                in Necromancer

                                Posted January 17, 2023

                                1 target, giant windup? It needs something else.

                                Don't let your dreams be dreams. Send him to the shadow realm.

                                • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (22)3
                                • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (23)4
                                • Meta is at one of its most unfun point

                                  in Player vs. Player

                                  Posted January 17, 2023


                                  • in Player vs. Player

                                    Posted January 17, 2023

                                    15 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

                                    I love the elementalist and played it when it was near rock bottom. It's one of the very few classes I truly enjoy playing. Preface aside, it would be utterly hypocritical and disingenuous if I defended the current state of Cata. Burst glass playstyle should not have easy access to damage mitigation when it already has cc blindness, stuns, effortless aoe, high mobility.

                                    Im afraid to ask for a nerf because of the possibility of anet destroying the entire class. However, I think it is fair to request for buffing classes that can hard counter this Cata iteration.

                                    This is a whole mood and I understand entirely.

                                    • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (24)1
                                    • Meta is at one of its most unfun point

                                      in Player vs. Player

                                      Posted January 17, 2023

                                      1 minute ago, Kuma.1503 said:

                                      Take care mate!

                                      I don't blame you if you didn't bother to read the wall of text, but I understand where you're coming from. When it comes to opinionated topics like what's fun and what isn't people are always going to disagree.

                                      If there's any solace, this games balance is like throwing darts at a dartboard, so we might end up getting another Feb2020 2 electric boogaloo. Then we'll be the one complaining how this game sucks, and you can come in and tell us how we're wrong.

                                      Until then, have fun doing... whatever it is you do.

                                      6/10 not antagonistic enough

                                      • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (25)1
                                      • Meta is at one of its most unfun point

                                        in Player vs. Player

                                        Posted January 17, 2023· Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261

                                        13 minutes ago, mariugo.4856 said:

                                        Azure even answered to a message where i proposed to either change or remove hammer sb from the meta with "So your solution is to just remove spellbreaker from the meta entirely?"

                                        How should they do this?


                                        change or remove hammer sb from the meta



                                        I'm not here to belittle or mock you any more than you do to me. I'm trying to get you to consider what changes the devs should make, because removing entire classes from viability is a non-starter and if you aren't getting slowed down with CC, you are either never dying or dying so fast you will probably also not like that.

                                        I'm not just going to agree with you. "I don't like it, change it by doing something" isn't enough. Prove there's a better way to do it.

                                        • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (26)1
                                        • Meta is at one of its most unfun point

                                          in Player vs. Player

                                          Posted January 17, 2023

                                          Just now, mariugo.4856 said:

                                          aight guys, i'm outta it, it seems you guys enjoy this meta, my point is simple, i think having a billion of stun and invulnerability is kitten and require little skill to exploit them, you guys seem to enjoy it, have fun.

                                          I think however that you guys never even made above let's say gold 3 since no sane person would enjoy playing against 5 non trash players that do exploit in a decent way their class mechanics (e.g. invulnerabilities and stunlock combos)

                                          peace out

                                          Annnd scene.

                                          Love to talk to you again sometime but you have to answer -one- question, alright?

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                                          • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (28)1
                                          • Meta is at one of its most unfun point

                                            in Player vs. Player

                                            Posted January 17, 2023· Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261

                                            29 minutes ago, mariugo.4856 said:

                                            I want a hybrid meta, where there are stuns, but not every clas has them, pre EoD meta was a perfect example, there were some meta classes with stuns, but none had an average stunlock time of 6 seconds.

                                            For the classes that have stuns, how much damage should they do?

                                            For the classes that don't have stuns, how much damage should they do?

                                            If a class doesn't stunlock you for 6 seconds, would you rather take damage during that time instead?

                                            16 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

                                            Neither of these scenarios are desirable. So to the OP... I'd suggest putting down the monkey paw and REALLY re- evaluating what you're asking for.

                                            No, no, let him cook.

                                            Eventually he'll get tired of directly attacking me for not parroting him and will realize that 6 seconds stunned, but standing is annoying, but going directly to downstate (or having additional chances to press buttons and prolong the fight, such that nobody sentient will down) are the alternatives.

                                            Or he won't. both are fine.

                                            • Meta is at one of its most unfun point

                                              in Player vs. Player

                                              Posted January 17, 2023· Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261

                                              15 minutes ago, mariugo.4856 said:

                                              Your question about the spellbreaker is fundamentally wrong, specs solely focused on stunlocking you to death simply shouldn't exist, they are not skilled nor fun to play against, you either split their skill from pvp/pve or just nerf them so they are not played

                                              So your solution is to just remove cc classes, in this case spellbreaker, from the meta entirely? No rework proposition that would make the class more fun to play, or play against? You have a fundamental hangup with the way the class functions?


                                              No i am not looking at it backwards, if you don't dodge to avoid their regular damage you will die without even being stunned, that's because they are BURSTING CLASSES with STUNLOCK COMBOS on low cd.

                                              So yet again i will reiterate it, and if you focus on the uppercase letters you may grasp the point, the problem with this meta is that there are a lot of BURSTING CLASSES wich also possess STUNLOCK COMBOS therefore making it a meta with a lot of STUNLOCK COMBOS, wich are genrally UNFUN

                                              Do you want just direct bursting then?

                                              If you fight one of these classes, would you rather take all the damage up front instead of getting windows to react via 7 damage cc? I'd love to just hit you for 15k on eviscerate like the before times instead of doing this whole song and dance where I have to respect your entire utility bar.

                                              Here's another question. What class right now is an example of what you want?

                                              • in Player vs. Player

                                                Posted January 17, 2023· Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261

                                                On 1/9/2023 at 9:33 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

                                                The main problem is that anet destroyed eles hardcounters.

                                                Specter for example would evaporate ele.... d/p daredevil....

                                                Those are all gone because people where crying for nerfs.

                                                @TrollingDemigod.3041👀🍿 *Coughs suggestively*

                                                • removed

                                                  in Player vs. Player

                                                  Posted January 17, 2023· Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261

                                                  15 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

                                                  This class should get nerfed heavily and/or removed from the game completely. It's laughable how op catalyst is right now.

                                                  removed? no.

                                                  Perhaps new auras overwrite the last one used, some defensive shaves, and some skill fixing to improve visibility and prevent so much visual stacking that you can't tell what the catalyst is doing? sure.

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                                                  • Meta is at one of its most unfun point

                                                    in Player vs. Player

                                                    Posted January 17, 2023· Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261

                                                    42 minutes ago, mariugo.4856 said:

                                                    A stunlock combo takes very little skill, it's a static combo that does not takes in account many factors besides stunbreak; you can learn the combo in no more than 20 minutes.

                                                    You're looking at it backwards though.

                                                    A stunlock combo is a kill confirm. The skill isn't in the execution of the combo, the skill is in putting you in a position that removes your ability to avoid or mitigate the stunlock combo (counting dodges, counting cds, baiting dodges or counting channel uptime, etc). Once you're in a position where you cannot avoid the stunlock combo, the interaction is already over, and you living depends on your opponent whiffing something critical (like dropping a combo if your opponent doesn't have a combo cancel). Being upset at the simplicity of the cc chain as the indicator of how much skill it demands is like looking at a book summary and writing a report on it. All the context is being ignored.


                                                    Having a lot of classes that force you to stunbreak makes for many chances of finding enemies without stunbreaks avaiable.

                                                    Okay? If you don't have stunbreaks available, play defensively/actively evade the moves that would initiate the stunlock combo.


                                                    Being killed by unskilled means is not fun.

                                                    What alternative would be fun for you and still fair? Give me a use case. What would you like Spellbreaker/Holo/Cata to do instead of what they do now? If a hammer spb hits you with backbreaker, what reward should they get?

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                                                    • Meta is at one of its most unfun point

                                                      in Player vs. Player

                                                      Posted January 17, 2023· Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261

                                                      14 minutes ago, mariugo.4856 said:

                                                      Now, you have to realize that when 4, or even only 3 people in the enemy team can cc you for longer than 5 seconds you will have an hard time to manage your defensive resources, i do not "panic stunbreak" i simply use stunbreak to avoid getting cc to death by almost any of the spec that are played atm, also you cannot ignore the outnumbered factor entirely since gw2 is based a lot on teamfight, so being focused by more than 1 person is very common, having every single one of those who can focus you being able to stun for ages is a bad design since it takes very little skill to spam the list of the stun i wrote before every time untill you happen to find someone without stunbreak off cd

                                                      ... Why are you putting yourself in a position where 3/4 people can cc you without you getting aggro peel from literally anyone else on your team? You're right, I don't understand the point you're trying to make. It comes off as you getting focused in teamfights when there are ways to mitigate that focus that don't require reworking several classes.


                                                      also you cannot ignore the outnumbered factor entirely since gw2 is based a lot on teamfight,

                                                      No, you can't ignore it, but you also can't balance classes based on "If four of these target the same person theyll have a bad time".


                                                      being focused by more than 1 person is very common, having every single one of those who can focus you being able to stun for ages is a bad design since it takes very little skill to spam the list of the stun

                                                      Getting focused by more than one person and locked down can be skillful. If someone called target on you because they saw you burn your defensives, the team turning their attention to you instead of anyone else helping you is a skillful play.

                                                      Instead of thinking CC should be reworked because getting hit by a bunch of it removes your ability to play the game, it would be easier for you and for the balancing direction if you looked for indicators that certain skills have been used and positioned yourself in such a way that four people cannot drop on you without you having an answer to them, don't you think?

                                                      If the CC incoming is hard to see or something that is another problem entirely.

                                                      • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (34)1
                                                      • Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (35)1
                                                      • What do you want for the next E-Spec?

                                                        in Warrior

                                                        Posted January 17, 2023

                                                        I'm fine with melee/ranged condi or power dps.

                                                        I don't really care about support, not my cup of tea.

                                                        Focus but I would like main/and offhand foci. Staff is the obvious choice but a curveball would be ok if they are creative. Projectile spam with fist based attacks might be interesting.

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                                                      Azure The Heartless.3261's Content - Page 94 (2024)
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                                                      Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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                                                      Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.