Deathroot Locations and Rewards - Elden Ring Guide - IGN (2025)


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Deathroot is a Key Item and a type of collectible in Elden Ring that can be traded in for special rewards. This page includes the locations of Deathroot, as well as the rewards you will obtain from giving them to the bestial priest clergyman Gurranq in the Bestial Sanctum.

Deathroot is a special commodity that is often found in places of decay, or carried by fearsome undead world bosses. By finding and collecting them, you can assist in the fight against Those Who Live in Death, and will be rewarded for tracking down those who carry Deathroot with unique rewards, favoring bestial incantations and weaponry.


How To Find The Bestial Sanctum in Greyoll’s Dragonbarrow

Starting at the Third Church of Marika (where you can find the Flask of Wondrous Physick), head north to the shallow pond.

On the eastern side, you’ll find a teleporter hidden in the brush. Activate it to be transported to Caelid.

You’ll arrive in Greyoll’s Dragonbarrow, facing a large door. Open it and activate the Bestial Sanctum’s Site of Grace.

Give your Deathroot to the bestial priest inside to gain an item that will help you find more Deathroot, and an Incantation catalyst that allows you to cast while scaling Incantations with Strength.

1st Deathroot2nd Deathroot3rd Deathroot4th Deathroot5th Deathroot6th Deathroot7th Deathroot8th DeathrootFinal Deathroot
Clawmark Seal, Beast EyeBestial SlingBestial VitalityAsh of War - Beast's RoarBeast ClawStone of GurranqBeastclaw GreathammerGurranq's Beast ClawAncient Dragon Smithing Stone

Use the following guide below to keep track of all Deathroot you have collected and the rewards you can get.


Deathroot 1 - Deathtouched Catacombs

Deathroot 1 - Deathtouched Catacombs

  • Location: Deathtouched Catacombs - Northern Limgrave
  • Reward: Beast Eye, Clawmark Seal

Located on the edge of West and East Limgrave near the Sanctuary Bridge, defeat the boss of the Deathtouched Catacombs to obtain a Deathroot. Take it to the bestial priest to obtain the Beast Eye and Clawmark Seal. The Beast Eye will notify you when you are close to a boss or inside a dungeon that as more Deathroot.

Deathroot 2 - East Limgrave Tibia Mariner

  • Location: Summonwater Village - East Limgrave
  • Reward: Bestial Sling Incantation

Defeat the Tibia Mariner boss in the Summonwater Village ruins of the northeastern edge of East Limgrave to obtain a Deathroot and the Skeletal Militiaman Ashes. Take it to the bestial priest to obtain the Bestial Sling Incantation.


Deathroot 3 - East Liurnia Tibia Mariner

Deathroot 3 - East Liurnia Tibia Mariner

  • Location: South of the Artists Shack - East Liurnia
  • Reward: Bestial Vitality Incantation

Defeat the Tibia Mariner boss in the ruins of the eastern edge of Liurnia of the Lakes to obtain a Deathroot and the Skeletal Bandit Ashes. Take it to the beastial priest to obtain the Bestial Vitality Incantation.

Deathroot 4 - Black Knife Catacombs - East Liurnia

Deathroot 4 - Black Knife Catacombs - East Liurnia

  • Location: Black Knife Catacombs - East Liurnia
  • Reward: Ash of War - Beast's Roar

Defeat the boss of the Black Knife Catacombs ruins of the northern region of Liurnia to obtain a Deathroot. Take it to the beastial priest to obtain the Ash of War - Beast's Roar.


Proceeding After Turning In Four Deathroot

At this point, the next time you return to the Bestial Sanctum, the priest will attack you. He deals lots of damage, attacks in wide, sweeping motions, and is very fast. Deal around 20% damage to him and he’ll stop, regaining his senses.

Deathroot 5 - Altus Plateau Tibia Mariner

Deathroot 5 - Altus Plateau Tibia Mariner

  • Location: Wyndham Ruins - Altus Plateau
  • Reward: Bestial Claw Incantation

Defeat the Tibia Mariner boss in the ruins of the Altus Plateau to obtain a Deathroot. Take it to the bestial priest to obtain the Beast Claw Incantation.

Deathroot 6 - Gelmir Hero’s Grave Boss - Mt. Gelmir

Deathroot 6 - Gelmir Hero’s Grave Boss - Mt. Gelmir

  • Location: Gelmir Hero's Grave - Mt. Gelmir
  • Reward: Stone of Gurranq Incantation

Complete the Gelmir Hero’s Grave minidungeon boss in Mt. Gelmir to obtain a Deathroot and bring it back to Gurranq to get the Stone of Gurranq Incantation.


Deathroot 7 - Giants’ Mountaintop Catacombs Boss - Mountaintops of the Giants

Deathroot 7 - Giants’ Mountaintop Catacombs Boss - Mountaintops of the Giants

  • Location: Giant's Mountaintop Catacombs, West Mountaintops of the Giants
  • Reward: Beastclaw Greathammer

Complete the Giants’ Mountaintop Catacombs in the Mountaintops of the Giants, and beat the boss to obtain a Deathroot. Bring it to Gurranq to obtain the Beastclaw Greathammer.

Deathroot 8 - Stargazer’s Ruins Tibia Mariner

Deathroot 8 - Stargazer’s Ruins Tibia Mariner

  • Location: Stargazer's Ruin, East Mountaintops of the Giants
  • Reward: Gurranq's Beast Claw Incantation

Head north of Stargazer’s Ruins to find the Tibia Mariner on the Mountaintops of the Giants. Return the Deathroot to Gurranq to obtain the Gurranw's Beast Claw Incantation.

Deathroot 9 - Hidden Path to the Haligtree Boss - Forbidden Lands

Deathroot 9 - Hidden Path to the Haligtree Boss - Forbidden Lands


  • Location: Hidden Path to the Haligtree
  • Reward: Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

In the Forbidden Lands, complete the Hidden Path to the Haligtree dungeon and beat the final boss, an Ulcerated Tree Spirit, to obtain the last Deathroot. Bring it to the bestial priest to obtain your last reward: an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

Up Next: Sealed Tower Solutions - How to Unlock Magic Doors

PreviousTeleporters and Traps LocationsNextSealed Tower Solutions - How to Unlock Magic Doors

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Deathroot Locations and Rewards - Elden Ring Guide - IGN (1)

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Deathroot Locations and Rewards - Elden Ring Guide - IGN (2025)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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