Guide - Ultimate berserker class guide (2024)

Heyyyy, welcome to the ultimate berserker guide Guide - Ultimate berserker class guide (1)
This one is made by @unhonestly and me! If u notice some parts of this guide is from his or even from mine is cuz I thought I'd be a bit hard to look through like 4 different guides lol. So I made this which puts them all together and kind of summarised it at the end. I also linked both of our guides at the end. @unhonestly did a really good job so go say thanks to him, he deserves it Guide - Ultimate berserker class guide (2)

So, im going to explain which sword needed for the people starting, mid-dungeon players, and late to endgame dungeon players. Let's begin.


Beginner Dungeon Berserkers:
For these groups of people, they re just starting and right now seeing that dungeon gear is way better than regular gear inside dungeons. These are the people who do probably a lot of Entrance, Floor 1, and Floor

Also, if you are Cata 0, youre better off using regular swords since stars aren’t scaled at lvl 0.

Adaptive Blade:
This sword, personally, carried me all the way to F3 and F4. This sword has nice base stats, and depending on your dungeoneering level, will increase in damage and strength over time. At 5 Stars, and at base stat 170, it has 255 damage and 35 strength. As you continue leveling up dungeon wise, this sword will also increase. Also, it gives more bonus depending on the class you are. In this case, it will add 35 strength and 5 speed. And if you add Fabled on it, it already outclasses AOTD in dungeons. The thing that makes this sword good is that the left click ability is your class ability, which is throwing axe. And this can be really helpful when you are trying to escape a difficult place or a group of mobs. So, this sword really is good if you are currently beginning dungeons.

Zombie Knight Sword:
This sword also very good if you are just beginning dungeons. It gets good stats when starting and has slightly less base damage and strength than an adaptive blade. However, it still lacks some damage and strength. Good thing is its that it uses undead essence, which is the easiest essence to grind and get.

Zombie Soldier Cutlass:
Main thing that makes this sword nice is that it gives 100 attack speed. And when you are doing those mini-bosses in Floor 1, you are really going to like using this sword. Has ok Base Damage and nice Strength. And similar to Zombie Knight Sword, you only need undead essence to star your sword. This sword also heals 10hp per hit!

Mid-Game Dungeon Berserkers:
For you guys, you already know the basics for floors. You know how they operate, you already own good dungeon armor, and already doing Floor 3s and F4s. In this case, adaptive blade gets outclassed by two other weapons which I'm going to explain now.

Spirit Sword:
This sword, before F5 came out, was the best berserker sword in the game. Obtained from chests after fighting Thorn, this sword had nice base stats and very good in-dungeons stats when 5 starred. Its bonus effect, deals +2% more damage to Undead mosters for every 1% of your HP missing. This effect is really good as if every single mob in dungeon is basically undead. And, if you are very low on health, you will basically be dealing lots of damage. This sword really is good and recommend it for you midgame players

Hyper Cleaver:
This sword had a very nice purpose when F4 came out. Since all the mobs around you were always hitting you, this sword allowed you to hit the mobs around you and gain hp. And since cleave enchant is disabled, this was a really good sword. However, it requires gold essence to level up, which is kind of hard to grind if you don’t grind f5. But for the small price off 80.k I believe, it is a very decent sword for mid-game berserkers.


For these group of people, they have successfully mastered F1-F6. They already know what to do, the metas, and which armor they want. At this point, depending on their cata lvl, not everyone will be using the same sword. Although the majority will be using the similar sword, doesn’t mean everyone Will be running the same setup.

Livid Dagger:
When this sword came out, it was broken. Broken in the sense that it was out damaging a Gilded Midas. And for its cost of only 5mil in chest at the time, it was extremely OP. However, after the nerf, it still one of the best dungeon swords for berserkers. It’s 100 attack speed makes it amazing to solo mini bosses, bosses, and even singular mobs. And with the attack speed, many people don’t need to make attack speed builds, making them optimize their talismans to get the maximum damage. It’s base stats and CD are also very good. And a surprising fact, it’s Gear Score at 5 Star is better than a recomb, Livid Fragged Shadow Fury.

Shadow Fury:
This sword, has better base stats than an AOTD. And when Fabled, has better stats than a non Gilded Midas. This is my personal favorite sword, and for those who favor more raw damage. it’s ability is really good if you are in touch situations or trying to clear a room faster with a group of mobs. And it’s teleport also works with Shadow Assasins armor abilities. Good thing about this sword is that you can apply livid fragments to optimize its damage, strength, and speed. And that increases it’s damage due to the damage multiplier of the stars inside dungeons.

Flower of Truth:
This sword, in my opinion, has to be one of the funnest thing a berserker can own. It’s the closest thing on having a spirit scepter. This sword not only deals good damage, but it’s ability is also very nice in clearing lots of mobs in a single room. And although it takes away 10% of total mana, it’s still a very useful ability. One of the things many people favor is it’s enormous base strength. At Cata 25, I get 1.3k strength inside dungeons. And paired with baby yeti, it’s basically free defense. This sword is very good but will recommend not using this as main sword. It is a good main sword, but I’d rather use Livid or Shadow Fury and pair it with this bad boy. And when I do that, it basically makes an overpowered combo.

5 Star Aspect of the Dragons
Now this is mostly for people who reached high cata lvls (catacombs 30+). This sword has a nice base damage and strength, and paired with Legendary Enderdragon pet makes it really nice. But, this sword I mostly recommen for those beamserkers as they can use the ability and transfer to beam any time they want. But this sword is really good for those berserkers who just like AOTD for sentimental reasons. But, in my opinion, I rather use livid or fury. And this sword does more damage than a Gilded Midas(according to ToxicEbower)

5 Star Fabled/Gilded Midas:
This sword has similar stats of the Shadow Fury. When fabled, it does Almost the same damage as of a AOTD will have with E-Drag. But at Gilded, it does more damage and has better stats that a Fury. It does lots of damage to mobs but to be honest, it’s not a very good sword. Other swords outclass it, and due to its cata lvl requirement (catacombs 32), it really isn’t worth. But if you have a gilded Midas in your backpack and want to use, then why not.
Heard that this sword doesn’t work and is glitched

Giant‘s Sword:
This sword gives me mixed feelings of its overall worth, but it’s damage is good outside and inside dungeons. It’s outside stats are 500 base damage, equivalent to as a 500mil emerald blade(not sure about this one so don’t hurt me). And inside of dungeons, has a lot of raw base damage when 5 starred. However, it is lacking strength. And if you are a baby yeti user, you will not receive the ideal strength. But, if you do put Fabled, you do get the decent strength. It’s ability is also pretty nice and fun, as you summon a SWORD the size of King Kong dealing damage based on crit/strength And also on intell Cap. This sword is really good and decent for price. But make sure to pair with either a FOT or a livid to optimize your damage.


5 Star Reaper Falchion
Leaping Sword/Silk Edge
Dreadlord Sword
Spirit Scepter

Early game: adaptive blade, zk sword, zs cutlass
Midgame: hyper cleaver, spirit sword
Late/endgame: livid dagger, shadow fury, FOT, giant sword, 5 star AOTD, Midas

Since many people didn't go in-depth which pet is good for berserker, I'm going to explain the best overall pets for berserker in dungeons.

Number 1: Epic Baby Yeti
This pet is amazing and the most recommended pet for berserker. Its second perk, Ice Shields, gives a percentage of your strength as defense. Now, you're probably wondering why this pet is good. That is because, inside dungeons, berserkers get a lot of strength, averaging to 1.5k-3k strength. And depending on the level of your baby yeti, that strength becomes your defense, basically making you unkillable. And, it gives a slight strength bonus too, so this pet is the most recommended. Put either a Dwarf Turtle Helmet or Antiques Remedies to further make this pet better. Dwarf to be immune to kb and get extra hits to certain mobs and Antique to get more strength which is more damage and defense.

Price: 64mil


Legendary Ender-Dragon Pet
This pet itself is the best pet in the game outside of dungeons. Giving people the ability to deal more damage to end mobs, buffing the AOTD, and finally giving you a 10 percent stat boost at LVL 100. This pet is a good pet for berserkers as it increases its damage by an average percentage. However, there are some cons to this pet. Similar to Baby Yeti, you only really depend on one perk, which is the Superior perk. Epic is not recommended as the other perks don't really affect you inside of dungeons(unless they add end mobs in bosses). And for the price you're paying for, it really isn't worth paying for the final boost. But, if you have the money, go ahead. A good pet item to have is Antique Remedies, as it increases the strength from 50 to 90.

Price: 278mil(tier boosted)-500mil(non tier boosted)

Legendary Wither Skeleton Pet
This pet is a very pet for people who can't afford either the baby yeti or the legendary ender dragon pet. This pet gives a slight boost to your health, defense, CD, CC, and strength. The first perk, Stronger Bones, reduces damage from skeletons by certain percentage. And in dungeons, there are a lot of them. So, this pet really is useful against Skeleton Masters and others. (It doesn't work that good with Skeleton Masters as they do % damage). The second perk, Wither Blood, isn't useful right now, as it only affects withermancers atm. However, when the wither floors come out, it will be a very good damage pet, as you will be able to deal more damage to wither mobs, so its a very good pet to have. And finally, the final perk, Deaths touch. With this perk, you can inflict the wither effect to an enemy dealing up to 200% of the damage that you did making it very good.. Very useful when fighting mini-bosses and bosses. This pet is a very good alternative and for the cheap price, it has, its a very recommended pet for people who already getting used to playing dungeons.

Price: 2.9mil

Epic/Legendary Tiger Pet
This pet is also a very good alternative to the big main pets mentioned before. This pet just increases your singular damage and DPS for a decent amount. The first perk, Merciless Swipe, makes you be able to attack mobs twice, three times, and even up to four times. This is very good when trying to fight mobs that pushed you back, like Lost Adventures using their Ability. The second perk, Hemorrhage, is really helpful when fighting mini-bosses, especially Angry Archeologist, as they usually heal after they reach a certain amount of health. The final perk can be a little useless as that you will usually always be around mobs. But in mini-boss rooms, this perk really comes in handy, as it increases your damage to up to 20%.

Price: 1.7mil(Epic)-13.4mil(Legendary)

Epic/Legendary Megalodon Pet
This new pet is a unique pet that is surprisingly a really good pet for this class. This pet gives nice magic find and strength boost. The first perk, Blood Scent, is an amazing perk that is really good. It deals up to 25 percent damage based on the enemy health at LVL 100. And that is mostly good for mini-bosses and bosses, as you exponentially continue dealing more damage to the mini. The second perk really isn't helpful as you aren't going to go in dungeons with shark scale armor. But the final perk is amazing as well. The Feeding Frenzy perk allows you to get strength and speed on kill. And since you basically killing mobs in dungeons, you will basically have that final perk almost on. The downfall to this pet IMO is that its a fishing pet so harder to level up but overall this pet is kind of nasty against mobs.

Price: 890k(Epic)-6.3mil(Legendary)

Legendary Blue Whale Pet
This pet is not mainly a berserker pet. But its a pet for people who lack survivability, especially in F5 and F6. The first perk isn't as useful unless they add a healer item that splashes heal pots. The second perk, Bulk, lets you get defense for every 20 health you have. So, this is very good for people who have adaptive armor or shadow assassin armor, as both these sets give a lot of health. And more health means more defense. The final perk, Archimedes, increases your maximum health by a certain percentage. And this perk is good as it does increase your defense ad your strength, and together, increasing your EHP. But again, this pet isn't really a berserker pet but mostly a tank pet. But if you are lacking survivability and can't afford baby yeti, this pet is a really good alternative.

Price: 17.7mil

Griffin Pet
This pet was released during the Community Center 0.9 update and its a very good pet overall. Gives very nice stat boosts and has nine perks that may help you a lot in dungeons, if you have trouble staying alive and regenerating on time. The second perk, Legendary Constitution, really helps a lot if you have dupe berserkers(which I don't recommend), since your bloodlust is reduced to regular. The extra strength and regeneration is really useful and can help you solo many things you never thought u would solo. Perpetual Empathy really is an alright perk if you want to be a mage berserker, but not really helpful if you're just running berserker. But the legendary griffin perk, King of Kings, is really good. And since your regeneration always keeps u above 85%health, you will be basically dealing extra damage every single time. This pet is really nice if you can't afford the others and recommend it for people just starting dungeons.

Price: 25k-100m(varies depending on the rarity you want).

Legendary Blaze Pet
This pet is a very good alternative if you can't afford baby yeti. It has more survivability than Blue Whale, but slightly more expensive. For the last perk, Fusion-Style Potato, it gives double effects of hot potato books. So if you have a full hot potato booked chestplate, you will be receiving an additional 40 health and 20 defense, making your additional bonus +80 health and +40 defense. And also, it adds it to the sword as well. If your sword has the max hot potato book, it will add an additional 20 strength and 20 damage, making the bonus +40 strength and +40 Base Damage. This is really good as you don't only increase your EHP, but also the damage of your sword. Also, hot potato books are scaled by catacombs lvl! Making the boost more and more effective! The other perks also become very useful if you are running dungeons with 5 Star Frozen Blaze, as this is the best armor for berserker. But, since many people haven't reached the requirements, many will just use Blaze Pet for the final perk.


As a Berserker Main, I 100% percent recommend Baby Yeti. This pet just is amazing and super useful as you get a decent amount of damage and get a lot of defense. The legendary Ender-dragon pet is also a good pet but Baby Yeti outclasses it IMO. If you have enough money for both, get both. But if you had to choose, chose Baby Yeti, and use the rest of your cash to buy other useful items. But, if you cant afford any of those pets, I recommend any of the other pets mentioned below. All have their own style to play and depends on what type of berserker you want to be. And keep in mind that price and the perks it gives is really useful when picking a very good berserker pet, as it doesn't only affect you but the team you play with.

Pets: epic yeti (EHP), leg drag (DMG), leg megalodon (DMG), griffin (DMG and EHP), leg blaze (EHP), leg whale (EHP), leg wither (DMG), tiger (DMG)

I will be assuming that you are at least catacombs 9, if not just grind F1 in 3/4 strong bonzo mask till you are there.

As a berserker, you need to be able to do enough DPS, and stay alive to be able to do damage. So you should not merely prioritize damage and ignore EHP.

Under catacombs 14:
If you are under catacombs 14, you are probably finding an armour set that is tanky enough to survive f2 and maybe f3 to grind catacombs exp.

Helmet: Bonzo Mask
For people trying to get into the berserker class, this helmet is the best for you. It does not have any catacombs requirements, just f1 completion. (which you should have)
This helmet gives really good EHP, and its ability basically gives a second life!

Chestplate, leggings, boots: Epic Zombie Soldier
This armour is extremely cheap and gives really good EHP! It only requires catacombs 9! This is also an epic armour piece. So this gives decent reforge stats. This armour set should be good enough to keep alive in f2 and maybe f3!

Under catacombs 14, f4 completed:
Helmet: Bonzo mask

For people trying to get into the berserker class, this helmet is the best for you. It does not have any catacombs requirements, just f1 completion. (which you should have)
This helmet gives really good EHP, and its ability basically gives a second life!

Chestplate and leggings: Epic zombie soldier
This armour is extremely cheap and gives really good EHP! It only requires catacombs 9! This is also an epic armour piece. So this gives decent reforge stats. This armour set should be good enough to keep alive in f2 and maybe f3!

Boots: Spirit Boots
These pair of boots are the best for berserkers if you have f4 but not f5 completed
These give good str, EHP and let's you fly! For f4 thorn fight, the ability makes shooting thorn much easier

Catacombs 14, f4 completed:
Helmet: Legendary Skeleton Master helmet
This helmet gives insanely good crit damage
For the other 3 armour pieces, you will be getting a lot of strength so this helmet will slightly balance out your strength and crit damage.
Chestplate and leggings: Legendary Zombie Knight
This armour gives an insane amount of strength, a F4 legendary zombie knight chestplate already beats Frozen Blaze chestplate in terms of strength outside of dungeons! Not only does this armour gice insane strength, it also gives a bunch of defence which will allow you to stay alive better.
Boots: Spirit boots
As mentioned earlier, these boots give good health, defence and strength. Allowing you do deal more damage and stay alive better. Also these boots let you fly through the trap room, which is much faster than doing it normally.

F5 complete but does not have too much money to spend

Helmet, leggings and boots: Shadow Assassin
This armour set is the new best armour for berserker
They give insane strength, crit damage and EHP!

Chestplate: Legendary Zombie Knight
If you cannot afford a Shadow Assassin Chestplate, or don't want to spend 30mil,(prices as of when I'm writing this) the Legendary Zombie Knight Chestplate is the best for berserkers. If you want to know why, I explained earlier, just scroll up.

F5 completed and isn't too poor:
Armour: Full Shadow Assassin armour
This armour is by far the best armour set for berserkers and is by no means cheap.
The 3 pieces excluding the chestplate are relatively cheap but the chestplate right now are quite expensive
This armour gives more EHP and Damage compared to any armour mentioned above!
With Livid Fragments, this set can be upgraded to legendary rarity and get better base stats! Making it even better and if you recombobulate it, it becomes mythic which means better reforge stats!

Armour: fierce or spiked
If you are using the livid dagger, you will not need attack speed or crit chance, so your armour should be on fierce, which gives the most damage

Spiked gives good all-round stats and attack speed! This should be used if you choose not to use the livid dagger.

Sword: fabled (or spicy if on a budget)

For talismans, I am not 100% sure what is the best
I have 3 options for you:
1. Use a talisman optimizer bot
2. Reforges set to pure damage
3. Reforges set to attack speed

Option 2:
Should only be used if using livid dagger
Leg: Strong/forceful
Epic: Strong/forceful
Rare: Forceful/Shaded
Uncommon: Forceful/Shaded
Common: Silky/Shaded

Option 3:
Should only be used if not using livid dagger
Leg: Strong/forceful
Epic: Strange
Rare: Forceful/shaded
Uncommon: Strange
Common: Bloody

voodoo doll
provides some extra DPS
really good to use against minibosses

free healing, good against minibosses

ornate zomb sword
in case you are low and need to quickly heal up

aspect of the end
can get you out of tight situations

ranged weapons (bonzo, FScythe, bonemerang)
in case there's a big group and you are low

Machine gun bow
left click it for free DPS

best for f4 boss fight against bats


Guide - Best Berserker Sword Guide

In my other thread, I talked in-depth about which pets you need if you want to be a good berserker. And depending on your playstyle, it can vary a lot. But, I would now like to make an in-depth guide on the best swords in dungeons for berserker. Again, thanks to @27ths cause going to explain...

Guide - Ultimate berserker class guide (3)

By me and @unhonestly


Guide - Berserker: Best Overall Pets for Berserkers in Dungeons

Before I start, in this thread I'm only going to explain the best berserker pet in dungeons. If you want an in more depth response to whats a good setup for berserker, make sure to check @27ths guide which I'm going to link at the end of the guide. Since many people didn't go in-depth which pet...

Guide - Ultimate berserker class guide (4)

By @unhonestly

Overall guide (armour):

Guide - Berserker class guide

Hi this is a guide for Berserker class in dungeons I will list down armour, pets, weapons, reforges and other stuff with different requirements and price ranges. I will be assuming that you are at least catacombs 9, if not just grind F1 in 3/4 strong bonzo mask till you are there. As a...

Guide - Ultimate berserker class guide (5)

By me!

Once again thank you to @unhonestly for helping with the making of this guide Guide - Ultimate berserker class guide (6)

If I missed out anything or made any mistakes please lmk! I want to make this guide useful for all berserkers Guide - Ultimate berserker class guide (7)

If u have any questions, feel free to ask I'll try to answer Guide - Ultimate berserker class guide (8) (@unhonestly can help too lol)

Guide - Ultimate berserker class guide (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.