Obligations of sponsor and recognised sponsor (2024)

You must retain information on the foreign national in your records. You must retain this information until 5 years after you are no longer the foreign national’s (recognised) sponsor. If the IND asks for this information, you must be able to show this information.

Change of administrative address

Will your company’s administrative address change? Then you must notify the IND within 2 weeks. Make use of the online form for reporting changes concerning a recognised sponsor in the Business Portal.

You can also use this written form:

  • Reporting form for changes concerning a recognised sponsor 7588(PDF,248.51 KB)

Read regulations (in Dutch only) about the obligation to keep and retain records in articles 4.27 through 4.42 Voorschrift Vreemdelingen (Voorschrift Vreemdelingen).

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  • Obligation to keep and retain records of higher education students

    open minus

    Does the student study at a higher education level? In that case you must include the following information in your records:

    • A copy of the student’s valid passport.
    • The student’s address in the Netherlands.
    • The following appendix completed and signed bythe student:

      Appendix Antecedents Certificate 7601(PDF, 167.28 KB)

    • Documents showing that the student has enough money to live and study in the Netherlands. Read more about the student’s income documents.
    • The following appendix completed and signed by the student:

      Appendix Foreign national's own statement: income within the context of a study 7613(PDF, 136.46 KB)

      Students have to fill in this form for each study year.
    • The provisional and final certificate of registration at your school. You must do this for all years that the student is registered. For exchange students, you must keep a certificate of registration.
    • Documents showing that the student is admissible to the study programme.
    • Information on the student’s study progress.
    • Registration of students who have not obtained enough credits for a valid reason.You must describe the situation, and state that the school has not deregistered the student.
    • Documents showing how you have informed the student about rights and obligations.
  • Obligation to keep and retain records of secondary and vocational education students

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    Does the student study at the level of secondary or vocational education? In that case you must include the following information in your records:

    • A copy of the student’s valid passport.
    • The student’s address in the Netherlands.
    • TheThe following appendix completed and signed bythe student:

      Appendix Antecedents Certificate 7601(PDF, 167.28 KB)

    • A certificate of registration of the student at your school.
    • Information on the student’s study progress.
    • Documents showing that the student has enough money to live and study in the Netherlands. Read more about the student’s income documents.
    • TheThe following appendix completed and signed bythe student:

      Appendix Foreign national's own statement: income within the context of a study 7613(PDF, 136.46 KB)

      Students have to fill in this form for each study year.
    • Documents showing that the Netherlands is the most appropriate country to follow the study programme. This means that the student cannot follow the study programme or a similar study programme in the country of origin or permanent residence.
    • Documents showing that the study programme will enable the student to positively contribute to their country.
    • Documents showing how you have informed the student about rights and obligations.
  • Obligation to keep and retain records of vocational training level 4 students

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    Is the student following a level-4 vocational training programme? In that case you must include the following information in your records:

    • A copy of the student’s valid passport.
    • The student’s address in the Netherlands.
    • Thefollowing appendix completed and signed bythe student:

      Appendix Antecedents Certificate 7601(PDF, 167.28 KB)

    • A certificate of registration of the student at your school.
    • Information on the student’s study progress.
    • Documents proving that the student has enough money to live and study in the Netherlands. Read more about the student´s income.
    • Documents showing how you have informed the student about rights and obligations.
  • Obligation to keep and retain records of International Baccalaureate students

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    Is the student following an International Baccalaureate Diploma programme? In that case you must include the following information in your records:

    • A copy of the student’s valid passport.
    • The student’s address in the Netherlands.
    • The following appendix completed and signed bythe student:

      Appendix Antecedents Certificate 7601 (PDF,167.28 KB)

    • A certificate of registration of the student at your school.
    • Information on the student’s study progress.
    • Documents showing that the student has enough money to live and study in the Netherlands. Read more about the student’s income documents.
    • The followingappendix completed and signed bythe student:

      Appendix Foreign national's own statement: income within the context of a study 7613 (PDF,136.46 KB)

      Students have to fill in this form each year of study.
    • A certificate showing that the student is taking the International Baccalaureate diploma programme.
    • Documents about your position as a recognised sponsor:
      • Proof of accreditation of your school by the International Baccalaureate Organisation.
    • Documents showing how you have informed the student about rights and obligations.
  • Obligation to keep and retain records of au pairs

    open minus

    You must include the following information in your records for au pairs:

    • A copy of the au pair’s valid passport.
    • The following appendix completed and signed bythe au pair:

      Appendix Antecedents Certificate 7601 (PDF,167.28 KB)

    • The following appendix completed and signed by the host:

      Appendix Au Pair Awareness Declaration 7650 (PDF,166.65 KB)

    • The au pair'ssingle status declaration.
    • A self-declaration that the au pair does not have any (foster) children.
    • A copy of the exchange programme that the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) has approved. This is the exchange programme on the basis of which the au pair is residing in the Netherlands.
    • The daily work routine for all 7 weekdays that the host family and the au pair signed and drew up together.
    • Name and address of the main persons of the host family with whom the au pair is staying.
    • The period that the au pair will stay with the host family.
    • The members that form the host family.
    • Documents showing that the host family has enough income. Find out more about the income requirements for the host family.
    • Overviews of dates and actions showing that you have met your obligations as a recognised sponsor.
      • An overview of all reports from the au pair about the host family. This overview must also show what you did with these notifications.
      • An overview of what you have done to ensure that the au pair and the host family keep the agreements on the daily work routine.
      • An overview of what you did when faced with problems, misconduct or abuse, or in case of an emergency.
      • An overview of what you have done to inquire about the welfare and well-being of the au pair.

    You must add evidence to these overviews. For example telephone memos, WhatsApp messages, memos of home visits and emails.

  • Obligation to keep and retain records of young people on exchange

    open minus

    For the young person on exchange you must include the following information in your records:

    • A copy of the valid passport of the young person on exchange.
    • The following appendix completed and signed by the young person on exchange:

      Appendix Antecedents Certificate 7601 (PDF,167.28 KB)

    • A copy of the exchange programme that the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) has approved. This is the exchange programme on the basis of which the young person on exchange is residing in the Netherlands.
    • Overviews of dates and actions showing that you have met your obligations as a recognised sponsor.
      • An overview of all reports from the young person on exchange about the host family. This overview must also show what you did with these notifications.
      • An overview of what you did when faced with problems, misconduct or abuse, or in case of an emergency.
      • An overview of what you have done to inquire about the welfare and well-being of the young person on exchange.

    You must add evidence to these overviews. For example telephone memos, WhatsApp messages, memos of home visits and emails.

    Cultural Exchange Programme

    If the young person on exchange participates in a cultural exchange programme:

    • Name and address of the main persons of the host family with whom the young person on exchange is staying.
    • The period that the young person on exchange will stay with the host family.
    • The members that form the host family.

    Volunteer work that is a component of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC)

    Include these documents if the young person on exchange does volunteer work as part of the ESC.

    • A copy of the contract between you and the young person on exchange. This contract must at least contain this information.
      • A description of the volunteer programme.
      • The duration of the volunteer work.
      • The requirements for placement and monitoring of the volunteer work.
      • The number of hours that the young person has to do volunteer work.
      • Information on the money the young person has to pay for their stay in the Netherlands. And the minimum amount of allowance that the young person receives for the duration of their stay.
      • If applicable: information on the training that the young person gets and that helps the young person to perform the volunteer work.
    • A copy of the exchange programme that the Netherlands Youth Institute (NJI) has approved.
    • Documents about the home of the young person on exchange. For example a lease, registration in the Personal Records Database (in Dutch: BRP) or proof of insurance.
  • Obligation to keep and retain records of researchers

    open minus

    This following information you must include in your records for a researcher:

    • A copy of the researcher’s valid passport.
    • The following appendix completed and signed by the researcher:

      Appendix Antecedents Certificate 7601 (PDF,167.28 KB)

    • The host agreement between you and the researcher.
    • A copy of the higher education degree that enables the researcher to participate in doctoral programmes.
    • The researcher’s own statement showing that the researcher has enough money to live in the Netherlands.
    • Documents showing that the researcher has enough money to live in the Netherlands. These are the documents.
      • A copy of the employment contract and payslips. And a recent employer’s declaration with the date that it was drafted, the employer’s signature and a company stamp.
      • An income statement from an established entrepreneur and an extract from the Chamber of Commerce. If this is required under the Commercial Register Act 2007 (In Dutch: Handelsregisterwet 2007 or Hrw 2007).
      • A sponsor agreement showing the amount of the sponsor funds and the term of the sponsor agreement.
      • A certificate showing the amount and the start and end dates of the grant or stipend.
      • Proof of periodic payments that the researcher receives to pay for their stay in the Netherlands.
      • An employer’s declaration if the employer is established abroad. This declarationmust showthe term of employment and the amount of the researcher’s salary.
    • Proof of registration in the Individual Healthcare Professionals Register (in Dutch: BIG-register). This only applies to an employee in one of the individual healthcare professions.
  • Obligation to keep and retain records of highly skilled migrants and holders of European Blue Cards

    open minus

    This following information must be included in your records for a highly skilled migrant and a holder of a European Blue Card:

    • A copy of the employee’s valid passport.
    • The following appendix completed and signed by the employee:

      Appendix Antecedents Certificate 7601 (PDF,167.28 KB)

    • Payslips or specifications.
    • The employment contract or the appointment decision. The employment contract or appointment decision must at least contain these aspects:
      • the employee’s and your name and place of residence/business;
      • the job or type of work the employee does;
      • the location or locations where the employee works;
      • the employment commencement date;
      • the number of hours that the employee works (per day or per week);
      • the term of the contract if the contract is temporary;
      • the amount of the salary (and allowances, if any) and when it is paid;
      • the length of the trial period and duration of the notice period, if applicable.
    • Documents showing that the salary has been paid to the employee. For example with copies of the business account statements.
    • Proof of registration in the Individual Healthcare Professionals Register (in Dutch: BIG-register). This only applies to an employee in one of the individual healthcare professions.
    • Proof of registration in one of these training registers:
      • Medical Specialists Registration Committee (MSRC);
      • Public Health Physicians Registration Committee (SGRC);
      • General Practitioners and Nursing Home Physicians Registration Committee (HVRC).
      This applies only if the employee is a house officer (in Dutch: arts in opleiding tot specialist or aios).
    • A document showing that the Blue Card holder has completed a higher education study programme. This study programme must have a duration of at least 3 years. The document must be a foreign diploma assessed by Nuffic or a certified copy of a Dutch diploma. The higher education qualification (within the meaning of Article 2(h) of Directive 2009/50/EC) is in line with the profession or sector in which the Blue Card holder works.
    • Has the Blue Card holder demonstrated the higher professional qualifications with sufficient relevant work experience instead of a diploma? Then make sure to include the following information in your records:
      o a personal statement
      o a CV
      o a copy of the vacancy.
      In addition, you may add documents such as references from employers, previous employment contracts or an overview of work permits.
    • If the profession is regulated (within the meaning of Sections 1 and 5 of the Recognition of EC Higher Education Diplomas Act, or Algemene wet erkenning EU-beroepskwalificaties in Dutch), a document showing that the Blue Card holder is suitable for the profession.
    • Documents showing how you have met your duty of care as a recognised sponsor.

    Extra documents for highly skilled workers subject to reduced salary criterion

    Does the reduced salary criterion apply to an employee? Then you must also record the following information in your administration.

    • A copy of the diploma or certificate of the highly skilled worker.
    • A copy of thecredential evaluation from Nuffic of the diploma or certificate of the highly skilled worker. This is not necessary if the highly skilled worker has a qualification listed in the Flanders Higher Education Register: www.highereducation.be.
    • Documents showing that on the date of graduation or doctoral defence, the education institution ranked in the top 200 of at least 2 publishers referred to in article 3.23 of the Aliens Regulations (in Dutch: Voorschrift Vreemdelingen). This is not necessary if it concerns an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree.
    • Documents showing that the highly skilled worker:
      • scored at least 6.0 in the International English Language Testing System; or
      • obtained a similar minimum score in an English language test, such as one included in the Code of Conduct International Student in Dutch Higher Education (in Dutch: Gedragscode internationale student hoger onderwijs); or
      • has a diploma, certificate or document referred to in article 2.3, first sentence, of the Decision on integration (in Dutch: Besluit inburgering); or
      • has obtained their master’s, doctoral or postdoctoral studies in English or Dutch (not required if they have an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree).

    You do not need to record any information in your administration in the following cases.

    • The highly skilled migrant has previously held a residence permit for study, orientation year or research. Then the IND already has these details.
    • The highly skilled migrant does not need to provide information regarding English language skills if they obtained a (post)master’s doctorate in a country where English is the national language. Or they obtained the qualification in English or Dutch.
  • Obligation to keep and retain records of intra corporate transferees (Intra-Corporate Transferees Directive 2014/66/EU)

    open minus

    You must include the following information in your records for intra corporate transferees.

    • The employee’s address in the Netherlands.
    • If you are a recognised sponsor: the following appendix completed and signed by the employee:

      Appendix Antecedents Certificate 7601 (PDF,167.28 KB)

    • The employment contract with the company established outside the EU.
    • Payslips or specifications showing that the terms and conditions of employment, employment relationships or working conditions are at least at the level that is legally required and customary in the business sector.
    • Proof of registration in the Individual Healthcare Professionals Register (in Dutch: BIG-register). This only applies to an employee in one of the individual healthcare professions.
    • The engagement letter from the employer or trainee contract.
    • The letter of engagement must at least specify:
      • the duration of the transfer and the location of the branch in the Netherlands.
      • that the employee is going to work as a manager, specialist or trainee.
      • the salary and terms and conditions of employment during the transfer.
      • that at the end of the transfer, the employee can work in a branch outside the EU.
    • The trainee contract must in any case contain:
      • a description of the trainee programme showing what the residence purpose is. Is this to educate the trainee employee for career development? Or training in company techniques and methods?
      • the duration of the trainee programme.
      • the way in which the trainee employee is supervised during the transfer.
    • Proof of registration in one of these training registers:
      • Medical Specialists Registration Committee (MSRC).
      • Public Health Physicians Registration Committee (SGRC).
      • General Practitioners and Nursing Home Physicians Registration Committee (HVRC).
      This applies only if the employee is a house officer (in Dutch: arts in opleiding tot specialist or aios).
    • Higher education degree certificates (within the meaning of Section 2(h) and Section 5 of the Recognition of EC Higher Education Diplomas, or Algemene wet erkenning EU-beroepskwalificaties in Dutch) that are necessary for the sector in which the employee works.
  • Obligation to keep and retain records of seasonal workers

    open minus

    You must include the following information in your records for a seasonal worker:

    • A copy of the employee’s valid passport.
    • If you are a recognised sponsor: the following appendix completed and signed by the employee:

      Appendix Antecedents Certificate 7601 (PDF,167.28 KB)

    • Payslips or specifications.
    • The employment contract or appointment decision. The employment contract or appointment decision must in any case specify the following:
      • your and the employee’s name and place of business/residence;
      • the job or type of work that the employee does;
      • the location or locations where the employee works;
      • the employment commencement date;
      • the number of hours that the employee works (per day or per week);
      • the term of the contract if the contract is temporary;
      • the amount of the salary (and allowances, if any) and when this is paid;
      • the length of the trial period and duration of the notice period, if applicable.
    • The additional document of the single permit (in Dutch: gecombineerde vergunning verblijf en arbeid or GVVA).
  • Obligation to keep and retain records of trainees or students on work placement

    open minus

    This is the information you must include in your records for a trainee or student on work placement.

    • A copy of the valid passport of the trainee or student on work placement.
    • If you are a recognised sponsor: the following appendix completed and signed by the trainee or student on work placement:

      Appendix Antecedents Certificate 7601 (PDF,167.28 KB)

    • Payslips or specifications.
    • The on-the-job training contract, the curriculum or the trainee programme. This document must show the following:
      • the duration and nature of the job or traineeship;
      • the amount of the expense allowance.
    • The trainee contract. This only applies to a trainee.
    • The original work permit (in Dutch: tewerkstellingsvergunning or TWV) or the additional document of the single permit (in Dutch: gecombineerde vergunning verblijf en arbeid or GVVA).
  • Obligation to keep and retain records of other work in paid employment

    open minus

    This is what you must include in your records for all other employees in paid employment.

    • A copy of the employee’s valid passport.
    • If you are a recognised sponsor: the following appendix completed and signed by the employee:

      Appendix Antecedents Certificate 7601 (PDF,167.28 KB)

    • Salary slips or specifications.
    • The employment contract or appointment decision. The employment contract or appointment decision must in any case specify:
      • your and the employee’s name and place of business/residence;
      • the job or the type of work that the employee does;
      • the location or locations where the employee works;
      • the employment commencement date;
      • the number of hours that the employee works (per day or per week);
      • the term of the contract if the contract is temporary;
      • the amount of the salary (and allowances, if any) and when this is paid;
      • the length of the trial period and duration of the notice period, if applicable.
    • The original work permit (in Dutch: tewerkstellingsvergunning or TWV) or the additional document of the single permit (in Dutch: gecombineerde vergunning verblijf en arbeid or GVVA).
    • Copies of the employee’s diplomas and/or certificates. This applies only if a work permit (TWV) or single permit (GVVA) has not been issued for the employee in the past 5 years.
Obligations of sponsor and recognised sponsor (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.