Offender Mail | NC DAC (2025)

NCDAC has reached an agreement with TextBehind to continue screening and processing the nonlegal mail sent to offenders in North Carolina.

Scanned mail is now being delivered electronically to inmate tablets for most offenders, no longer printed and hand-delivered. TextBehind also offers anapp for people who are comfortable submitting letters by smartphone or computer and uploading photos to send.

All offender mail should be addressed to TextBehind’s facility in Maryland in this manner:

Name and Opus NumberName of Prison (do not abbreviate)P.O. Box 247Phoenix, MD 21131
John Doe #1234567Scotland Correctional InstitutionP.O. Box 247Phoenix, MD 21131
Jane Doe #7654321N.C. Correctional Institution for WomenP.O. Box 247Phoenix, MD 21131

Mail notaddressed this way will be returned to the sender. (IMPORTANT: The return address must include the full first name and full last name of the sender. Do not use initials. TextBehind will return mail that does not meet this standard.)

Prison facilities and addresses

Materials for religious correspondence courses, including sacred texts, cannot be sent through TextBehind. If the course and materials have been pre-approved (for details, see FAQ below), then ship themto the offender directly to the prison, not through TextBehind.

Here’s how the mail process works:

  1. All offender mail (paper and electronic) is addressed and delivered to TextBehind.
  2. If it was sent via the company’s app, TextBehind can process it within one business day.
  3. For mail sentviathe U.S. Postal Service. TextBehind will use a scanner to make digital files of the contents of the mailing— including cards, photos or artwork.
  4. All digital files are then forwarded to the offender’s assigned prison, and the offender receives the mail on an electronic tablet.

Keeping suspect mail out of prison, yet still providing the contents, helps reduce the contraband smuggled into prisons. The result is a safer and more secure prison environment, reducing drug use and risk of overdose.

The scanned mail process prevents drugs from entering the prisons through mail in the form of paper coated in fentanyl, K2, Suboxone or other dangerous drugs. These are hazardous to breathe or even to touch.

In the first year using TextBehind in North Carolina’sfour women’s prison facilities, infractions for drug use and possession dropped by 50 percent.

For more information about TextBehind, including a short video, go to The website has instructions for downloading the company’s app and setting up a payment account.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Tab/Accordion Items

Address envelopes this way, or they will be returned:

Offender Name and Offender OPUS Number
Name of Prison (do not abbreviate)
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131


John Doe #1234567Scotland Correctional InstitutionP.O. Box 247Phoenix, MD 21131
Jane Doe #7654321N.C. Correctional Institution for WomenP.O. Box 247Phoenix, MD 21131

  • TextBehind will scan the contents — letters, greeting cards, photos, artwork, etc. — with an electronic scanner.
  • The company will forward the scanned images to the prison.
  • The mail content will be delivered to the offender via an electronic tablet.
  • For a fuller explanation, go to the TextBehind website, which features a brief video.

  • When you download the app from the TextBehind website, you can use your computer or smartphone to write to an offender.
  • You can write a letter, select a greeting card or upload your own photos and artwork.
  • Like paper mail, app contents will be forwarded by TextBehind to the prison for printing and delivery.
  • The app is free to download, but there are fees to send content.

TextBehind is safer, faster and cheaper.

  • DACwants its prisons to be as safe and secure as possible for staff and offenders.
    • One way drugs and other contraband enter prisons is through the mail.
    • Scanning and printing mail reduces the amount of drugs entering prisons.
    • It reduces the risk of accidental contact with dangerous substances.
  • Mail reaches offenders sooner.
    • TextBehind forwards mail sent by app within one business day of receiving it.
    • Mail sent by the app is not subject to postal delivery delays.
    • For paper mail, scanning and delivering the contents electronically reduces inspection delays.
  • Fees to send mail by the app are less than a stamp.
    • Other than postage, there are no fees to send paper mail.

  • Offenders will receive mailed contents electronically— including cards, photos and artwork.
  • Safety is the main reason. Prison drug smugglers often coat paper with liquid forms of fentanyl, Suboxone, K2, LSD and other deadly drugs.
  • Mailroom staff can accidentally be exposed to the drugs by touching the paper or breathing the fumes.

  • Within 30 days, the sender can request return of the original letter and contents by contacting TextBehind customer support:
  • A service fee of $2.50 per letter will cover the costs of return mailing.
  • After 30 days, the originals will be shredded.
  • Caution: Do not send originals of important papers, documents or photos that cannot be replaced.

TextBehind will return all packages to the sender. For information on sending packages to offenders, contact the offender's individual prison facility.

Do not include the following items in a letter, or the letter will be returned to sender:

  • Materials andtexts for religious correspondence courses
    • For more information, see separate FAQ below.
  • Books, magazines and newspapers
    • See information above on sending packages.
  • Money orders, cash, payment checks or IRS checks
    • For information on sending money electronically visit our webpage on sending funds to offenders.
  • Passports, Social Security cards and original birth certificates
    • Only copies of these items will be acceptable.
  • Postage stamps, stationery, blank envelopes and pre-stamped envelopes
    • Offenders may purchase stamps and mailing items through the prison canteen.
  • Credit/debit cards or prepaid cards
  • Oversized envelopes (they are not scannable)
  • Any pieces of fabric
  • Banners or posters
  • Hardware of any type or other metallic items
  • Musical cards, electronic devices or components
  • Pop-up greeting cards that are not scannable into an image using a standard process
  • Prescription or non-prescription drugs.

No. If you are an attorney or employee of a law firm and must send legal mail to an offender, contact the prison for instructions.

For consistency purposes and due to implemented offender mail procedures with TextBehind, the following procedures should be followed for offender requests to participate in a religious correspondence course, sacred text or Bible study.

1. The religious correspondence course, sacred text or Bible study must be PRE-APPROVED. The religious correspondence course, sacred text or Bible study must be accessible for review on the vendor, school or religious organization’s website.

2. The offender submits a facility Request for Assistance Form requesting the religious correspondence course, sacred text or Bible study to the facility chaplain, religious coordinator or designated staff.

3. The request must include the official study or correspondence course title and the name of the vendor, school or religious organization offering the study or correspondence course.

4. The facility chaplain, religious coordinator or designated staff will review the request and the official study or correspondence course from the vendor, school or religious organization, then will approve or deny the request.

5. The offender is informed of course approval/denial in writing within two weeks.

6. Approved requests will be internally processed by the chaplain, religious coordinator or designated staff within two weeks of receipt. The approved request with supporting documentation will be sent to the Mail Room approving the study or religious correspondence course, and information logged into OPUS under I51013 - SACRED TEXT STUDY (PT).

7. The offender is responsible for mailing their application, documents and completed study or course material to the vendor, school or religious institution at their own expense.

8. All approved religious correspondence course, sacred text and Bible study material must be sent to the offender at the correctional facility (not through TextBehind), directly from the vendor, school or religious institution.

For a list of facilities and physical addresses, click here.

9. Upon receipt of the offender’s approved study or correspondence course, the mailroom will search and inspect, then give the item(s) to the facility chaplain, religious coordinator or designated staff for prompt and personal distribution to the offender.

10. The point of contact for this information is Chaplaincy Services within the Division of Prisons.

Due to security concerns, we do not allow an individual to send publications directly to an offender. You must order the publication from the publisher or from an online retailer and have it shipped to the offender. Please DO NOT ship through TextBehind. They will return the package to the sender. Instead, use the prison's street address as a shipping address, for example:

John Doe #1234567
Central Prison
1300 Western Blvd.
Raleigh, NC 27606

For a list of prisons and their street addresses, click here.

Offender Mail | NC DAC (2025)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.