Side Quests - List of Standard Quests - Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Guide - IGN (2024)

There are many sidequests to complete in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and this section in the IGN's wiki will go over all optional quests you can do as you carry on with your journey. Quests in the game are split up between Standard Quests and Hero's Quests. Standard Quests are typical sidequests that you can do by talking to NPCs, while Hero's Quests unlock new heroes.

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  • Side Quests - Standard Quests
    • Chapter 1
    • Chapter 2
    • Chapter 3
    • Chapter 4
    • Chapter 5
    • Chapter 6
    • Chapter 7
    • Post-Game

Standard Quests can be accepted by talking to NPCs or gathering info in colonies. These NPCs will have blue emblems on them that will differentiate themselves from other normal NPCs. Usually, you'll find these NPCs in Colonies, and completing these Quests will build up your affinity in the colony. Standard Quests can be found on the overworld as Blue Exclamation Points. Following the Blue Exclamation Points will guide you through the quest.

All quests can be found on the Quest option in the main menu. Selecting a Standard Quest will have the Blue Exclamation Points show up on the map. Completing many Standard Quests will not offer you rewards, but are worth doing to raise your affinity within colonies.

Standard Quests in Chapter 1

You start the game in the Aetia Region, and you trek your way to the Colony 9 settlement.

Recommended LevelQuest NameHow to accept QuestObjectiveReward
Lv. 3Preparing for BattleTalk to Roald at Colony 9 Assembly SquareGet Chewy Radish x3, Clusterelle x3, & Rich Fish Meat x2Light Wak Guard x1
Lv. 4Supplies in the WindTalk to Pollux as soon as you hit the Yzana PlainsRetrieve the supplies requisitioned by Pollux from the salvage corps.Rainbow Gloves x1, Attack Stone x1, Gemstones
Lv. 5Farewell MelodyTalk to Lenny in the middle of Yzana Plains, near the riverLenny's friends were killed by monsters while on a mission. Head to Sonata Saddleback to see them off.N/A
Lv. 5Friendly SupportTalk to Laurea south of Colony 9, outside the entrance to the Alfeto Valley Mouth, and near some mechas.The team that was to rendezvous with Laurea has gone missing in action. To find them, head for Shark's Jaws Cape.N/A

Standard Quests in Chapter 2

You've now fugitives and are hiding away from your old allies. Your quest is to head to the large sword south.

Recommended LevelQuest NameHow to accept QuestObjectiveReward
Lv. 10The Hillside HulkYou automatically get assigned this standard quest when you enter Millick Meadows. This Standard Quest is mandatory.The Party finds a decrepit Ferronis on their travels. Search it to see if it contains any useful resources.N/A (Learn how to use Ferronis)
Lv. 55Nopon RegisterTalk to Shillshill at the Hillside Ferronis Hulk after completing "The Hillside Hulk".Shillshill has asked you to confirm names and bring back stones from Nopon belonging to each caravan, You can take your time with this one.

Note: This quest will take you throughout your playthrough. You will discover new caverns in future chapters.

Nopon Coin (Silver) x7
Lv. 13Collapsed TraderponAs soon as you enter Menno Arch, talk to Panepane.The party finds a collapsed Nopon Merchant in Eagus Wilderness. Help rehydrate the poor thing. (This is a fetch quest, you need to find specific items to bring back Panepane)Nopon Coin (Silver) x3
Lv. 12Riku and MananaYou automatically get assigned this Standard Quest when you enter Lake Rezzento in Fornis Region,Now that you've set up camp at the oasis for the night, help Manana make a scrumptious meal.N/A (Learn how to Cook, Craft Gems, and use Chain Attacks)

Standard Quests in Chapter 3

Chapter 3 is when the game really opens up to you. There will be a lot more Standard Quests for you to accept, and there will be more for you to explore. You will start out in Colony 4, and it is in this Chapter you learn about Hero Quests. Question Marks will also start appearing all over your map; heading to these question marks will lead you to new quests.

Recommended LevelQuest NameHow to accept QuestObjectiveReward
Lv. 15Helping OutThis Quest is automatic when you enter Colony 4.Colony 4 is revealed to be suffering from a shortage of medical supplies, but Taion seems to have a solution in mind.N/A (Learn how to Gather Info and Discuss at Rests Spots.)
Lv. 17Melody of MourningEavesdrop at Colony 4 and Gather Info. When enough information is gathered, Discuss it at a Rest Stop.Hearing about some husks left abandoned by Singbreeze Funnel, the Party set out to try and see them off.N/A
Lv. 27Lean Times in Colony 9Only available after completing Where the Heart Is Hero Quest. Gather "Colony 9 Shortage" info at Colony 9. After gathering enough info, Discuss it at a Rest Stop.Colony 9 faces a supply shortage. Find reusable things on the old battlefields to send back to Camilla. Note: You need to have Zeon in your party.N/A
Lv. 25An Off-Seer's AnguishOnly available after completing Where the Heart Is Hero Quest. Gather "Colony 9 Shortage" info at Colony 9. After gathering enough info, Discuss it at a Rest Stop.Colony 9's new off-seer appears to be struggling with some problems. Try asking the people that know him what's troubling him.N/A
Lv. 55Teach's TeachersOnly available after completing Going Beyond Power Hero Quest. With Teach at your party, Discuss something with him at a Rest Stop.Teach has requested that the party teach the Newbies. Turn them into fine, worthy soldiers.

Note: This is a long-term quest. The first few teaching sessions will be available to you right away, but you won't be able to completely finish this quest until several chapters later. Keep coming back to Colony 4 ever so often to get updated on new teachings.

Lv. 27Live Combat TrainingInteract with the bulletin board at Colony Gamma. It's part of the Teach's Teachers Standard Quest.Foots's squad, who excel in combat, asked for Eunie and Sena's Guidance. Teach them what they need to know.N/A
Lv. 28Theoretical KnowledgeInteract with the bulletin board at Colony Gamma. It's part of the Teach's Teachers Standard Quest.Taion enlists Noah as an assistant for the lecture he's delivering to Zakir's squad. Don't let the newbies show you up, and show them they can trust you.N/A
Lv. 28Forgotten SuppliesGather info anywhere in Colony 9 and Discuss it at a Rest Stop. Available after completing The Kind Right Hand Hero Quest.Noah recalls a container that got blown off-course before it could be recovered. With Colony 9 short on supplies, now is a good time to go look for it.

Note: Once you reach the supplies, you are given the choice to either "Discuss the Matter" or "Hand it over". Selecting "Discuss the Matter" will lead to a fight, but will raise your affinity chart links.

Light Memory x1
Lv. 18Charity and HypocrisyGather info anywhere in Fornis Region and Discuss it at a Rest Stop.Colony 4 is under threat from a large monster force. The party decide to help them, while maintaining wary of meddling in their affairs *too* much...N/A
Lv. 26Big Friendly FriendOnly available after completing The Kind Right Hand Hero Quest. Gather Info at Colony 30 and Discuss it at a Rest Stop.Valdi has been leading all his commander-type work to his lieutenant, Yuzet... See if there is a better way to arrange all this.

Note: You need Valdi in your party. You can continue giving supplies to Repapa after completing the quest.

Lv. 24Wish Upon a CloverOnly available after completing The Kind Right Hand Hero Quest. Gather Info at Colony 30 and Discuss it at a Rest Stop.Ven, a Colony 30 Mechanic, seems to be collecting Fortune Clovers. Try finding out where best to harvest them.N/A
Lv. 21Serene MelodyOnly available after completing The Kind Right Hand Hero Quest. Gather Info at Colony 30 and Discuss it at a Rest Stop. You may have to finish several Standard Quests before you can Gather Info.Stories arise of a Colony 30 Nopon aspiring to become an off-seer. Go meet him and find out his motivation.Nopon Coin (Silver) x4
Lv. 19Dorin and BambamOnly available after completing The Kind Right Hand Hero Quest. Gather Info at Colony 4 and Discuss it at a Rest Stop.A certain Nopon from maintenance and development has gone missing. Ask M&D chief Dinzel to see if he knows the errant Nopon's whereabouts.N/A
Lv. 23The Missing SquadOnly available after completing The Kind Right Hand Hero Quest. Gather Info at Colony 30 and Discuss it at a Rest Stop. You may have to finish several Standard Quests before you can Gather Info.A Colony 30 squad sent into Dannagh Desert hasn't returned, and communications are down. Go there, and check on their well-beingIron Headband x1
Lv. 23Exhausted SuppliesOnly available after completing The Kind Right Hand Hero Quest. Gather Info at Colony 4 and Discuss it at a Rest Stop.The procurement division is being flooded by supply requests from every department. Help them out.Wind Bracelet x1
Lv.29Tactical EradicationOnly available after completing The Kind Right Hand Hero Quest. Gather Info at Colony 4 and Discuss it at a Rest Stop.Maxie, whom the party saved previously, asks them to eliminate a certain three boss monsters. Ask his subordinates for more details.

Note: This mission is split up into three more Standard Missions after talking to Yorde, Fla'ran, and Jeremy.

Stone Belt x1
Lv. 29Yorde's RequestPart of Tactical Eradication.Follow Maxie's instructions, and ask Yorde for information on one of the monsters threatening the colony.N/A
Lv. 29Fla'ran's RequestPart of Tactical Eradication.Follow Maxie's instructions, and ask Fla'ran for information on one of the monsters threatening the colony.N/A
Lv. 29Jeremy's RequestPart of Tactical Eradication.Follow Maxie's instructions, and ask Jeremy for information on one of the monsters threatening the colony.N/A
Lv. 25The Thrill of the HuntFind the cave in Raptor Perch in the Dannagh Desert. Traverse your way through the Milio Trick Caverns and you will end up in Sage's Domicile. Talk to Burrburr.Past the strange cave filled with mechanical contraptions, the party finds a bizarre Nopon named Burrburr. See what has got her so excitable.Nopon Coin (Silver) x4
Lv. 22The Tableland HulkFind the Tableland Ferronis Hulk at Rutez Barr, which is located west of Rael-Bel Tableland.The Ferronis Hulk was rebooted so that it's up and running again. You can now use the newly-arrived Nopon Caravan's Rest Spot.N/A (Gain a functioning Ferronis in Rael-Bel Tableland
Lv. 35The Desert HulkFind the Desert Ferronis Hulk at Dannagh Desert. Located east of the Desert.Clear out the Monsters lurking around the decrepit FerronisN/A (Gain a functioning Ferronis in Dannagh Desert)

Standard Quests in Chapter 4

Return to colonies that you've already visited and Gather Info again. New Quests will be available, and completing more Quests will unlock new ones.

Recommended LevelQuest NameHow to accept QuestObjectiveReward
Lv. 25Fear of the UnknownHead to Seilas Terrace Camp. Must have completed the Dorin and Bambam Standard Quest.An odd noise reverberating in the area is spooking Bambam and Dorin. Go find the source of it to put their minds at rest.Nopon Coin (Silver) x4
Lv. 30A Lesson in Off-SeeingInteract with the bulletin board at Colony Gamma. It's part of the Teach's Teachers Standard Quest. First available at the start of Chapter 4.Schoon from Zakir's squad asked for Noah to teach her. As her senior in off-seeing, show her how its done.Devotional Necklace x1
Lv. 33A Difficult TransitionOnly available if you completed the Where the Heart Is Hero Quest. Return to Colony 9 and Gather Info. Then Discuss it at a Rest Stop.Fox might be raiding nearby colonies to solve the food shortage. Gather intel, and then stop himBronze Gauntlet x1
Lv. 30Shared SecretOnly available if you completed the Where the Heart Is Hero Quest. Return to Colony 9 and Gather Info. Then Discuss it at a Rest Stop.Lenny and Eastman appear to have fallen out about something. Go and ask Lenny what happened.Gold Necklace x1
Lv. 26Harvest DayAfter completing the Her Reasons Hero Quest, there will be a question mark in Colony Iota. Head to the question marker to gain the quest.In Colony Iota, Soldiers who have contributed greatly are rewarded on Harvest Day, but one of them seems to be missing. Go find the soldier in question.Vibrant Armring x1
Lv. 41Enemies and AlliesAfter completing the Her Reasons Hero Quest, Gather Info in Colony Iota. When you Gathered enough information, discuss it at a Rest Stop.Go to Colony Iota's Storehouse it seems that Alexandria wants to open up about the colony affairs in the hope of gaining the party's trust.Colony Iota Goods x15
Lv. 40Finite TimeAfter completing the Her Reasons Hero Quest, there will be a Supply Drop not far from Colony Iota. It should be on top of cliffs in Dies Arch. Head to the Supply Drop to gain the quest.Taion decides to help procure some supplies to confirm the accuracy of Colony Iota's intel, though is decidedly unimpressed by Fili's attitude.N/A
Lv. 27Lambda's ProblemAt the start of Chapter 4, Gather Info at Colony Lambda and Discuss the info at a Rest Stop.Colony Lambda's Ferronis is out of commission, which inconveniently puts its canteen out of use too. Suggest a plan to the head of manufacturing.Golden Anklets x1
Lv. 29The Lost Off-SeerAt the start of Chapter 4, Gather Info at Colony Lambda and Discuss the info at a Rest Stop.Lambda's off-seer seemed to have gone to the Fornis region through the tunnels, but no search party has been sent out. In light of this, go look for him instead.N/A
Lv. 44The Ouroboros ExperimentAfter completing the Her Reasons Hero Quest and the Enemies and Allies Standard Quest, Gather Info at the Colony Iota. You need to unlock the Ouroboros Research topic to discuss at a Rest Stop. Once you discuss it, head over to the Question Mark location at the Colony Iota's North Gate.Falling into Salazar's trap, the party is left in Dannagh Desert. Meet her, and get your supply distribution authorization back,N/A
Lv. 35A More Balanced RecipeOnly available after completing Fear of the Unknown Standard Quest. A question mark icon should appear on the Old Way Camp in the Old Cliffside Way.Dorin is angry at Bambam for giving him Glare Aubergine, which he can't stand. Show him that it can be a part of a delicious meal.Nopon Coin (Silver) x5
Lv. 31RestartGather Info in Colony Lambda after a certain point in Chapter 4. Discuss it at a Rest Stop.Colony Lambda's Auto-Levs still can't be restarted. Talk to the head of engineering to find out why.Nopon Coin (Silver) x1
Lv. 42Securing SuppliesAfter completing the Restart Standard Quest, there will be a question mark nearby.The Supplies prepared for the battle with Colony 5 are at the Urayan Trail. Help with their recover.N/A
Lv. 30The Cascade HulkFind the Cascade Hulk at the upper levels of the Great Cotte Falls area.Clear out the monsters lurking around the decrepit Ferronis.N/A (Gain a functioning Ferronis in Great Cotte Falls)
Lv. 41Tau-Tirkin AllianceAfter completing the Natural Selection Hero Quest, Gather Info in Colony Tau. When you Gathered enough information, discuss it at a Rest Stop.Colony Tau gives the Tirkins provisions every year to bolster their alliance. Ask Rowland for more details. Note: You need to have Junper in your party.N/A
Lv.37The HunterAfter completing the Natural Selection Hero Quest, Gather Info in Colony Tau. When you Gathered enough information, discuss it at a Rest Stop.Raine went out hunting despite his injuries, and has now been found. Ask Geum for more details.
Note: You need to have Juniper in your party.
Lv. 34The HarvestAfter completing the Natural Selection Hero Quest, Gather Info in Colony Tau. When you Gathered enough information, discuss it at a Rest Stop.Now self-sufficient, the time has come for Colony Tau to harvest its crops. The only issue is that they are short of manpower. Go offer them your help.
Note: You need to have Juniper in your party.
Silver Feather x1
Lv. 33Off-Seeing CustomsAfter completing the Natural Selection Hero Quest, Gather Info in Colony Tau. When you Gathered enough information, discuss it at a Rest Stop.Colony Tau has its own peculiar customs. However, since the last major battle, many of their comrades' husks still lie where they fell...
Note: You need to have Juniper in your party.
Sapphire x1
Lv. 32Imminent IllusionThis Standard Quest is automatically received as you play through the main quest. You will hit the cutscene when you've reached Maktha Wildwood.The Mysterious Levnis has disappeared, returning whence it came. But what is the significance of its arrival in the first place...
Note: First part of the Mysterious Raiders questline. Need to complete this Questline to unlock the Inhumanity Hero Quest.
Lv. 33Stolen ProvisionsThis Standard Quest is automatically received as you play through the main quest. You will hit the cutscene when you've reached the High Maktha Wildwood.While they slept, the party's stored provisions were stolen by Tirkins. Search the nearby area for ways to replenish the supplies.N/A
Lv. 50The Wildwood LifeTrek your way through the Maktha Wildwood Lower Levels until you reach Gingin's Treehouse. You will have to walk past enemies higher than level 70.Deep in Maktha Wildwood, the party encounter a mysterious Nopon. Acompany her.Nopon Coin (Silver) x7
Lv. 36Severed ConnectionAfter reuniting with Bolearis in Maktha Wildwood, head back to Colony 4. There should be a question mark outside the colony.A squad secretly dispatched to other colonies was attacked by parties unknown and wiped out. Search the site of the attack to find out who did it.
Note: Part of the Mysterious Raiders questline. Need to complete this Questline to unlock the Inhumanity Hero Quest.
Lv. 30Missing PartsThis quest is only available if you completed the Big Friendly Friend Standard Quest. Fill out Repapa's second item request list in Colony 30.The parts for Mechafriend have gone missing during the maintenance. Ask around to see if anyone knows where they are.Nopon Coin (Silver) x5
Lv. 48Clifftop HulkFind the Clifftop Hulk at the Urayan Trail area near the end of the Pentelas Region.Clear out the monsters lurking around the decrepit Ferronis.N/A (Gain a functioning Ferronis in the Urayan Trail)
Lv. 53Three Ravens at WarAs soon as you complete The Wrath of Ashera Hero Quest, you get info called Colony 11's Future that you can discuss at a Rest Stop.Ashera entrusts Colony 11 to the party. For starters, meet each of the "Three Ravens," her squad leaders, and get them on-side.
Note: You need Ashera in your party to accept the Quest, but you don't need her in the party to complete the Quest.
Lv. 38A Warriors' PridePart of the Three Ravens at War Standard Quest. Once you activate the Three Ravens at War in the Quest menu, Gather Info in Colony 11 and discuss it at a Rest Stop.Make contact with Zoren's squad.Solid Socks x1
Lv. 49IndomitablePart of the Three Ravens at War Standard Quest. Once you activate the Three Ravens at War in the Quest menu, Gather Info in Colony 11 and discuss it at a Rest Stop.Make contact with Clad's squad.N/A
Lv. 44Rules of the HuntPart of the Three Ravens at War Standard Quest. Once you activate the Three Ravens at War in the Quest menu, Gather Info in Colony 11 and discuss it at a Rest Stop.Make contact with Easel's squad.N/A
Lv. 55Merciless PursuitComplete the Three Ravens of War Standard Quest and then go to the Question Mark in Colony 11.Some soldiers have deserted from Colony 11. Hurry to Maktha Wildwood where they escaped to.Bronze Choker x1

Standard Quests in Chapter 5

You are deep in the story now. You will learn about Hero Ascensions and Character Side Stories in this chapter.

Recommended LevelQuest NameHow to accept QuestObjectiveReward
Lv. 42For Colony 9Gather Info at Colony 9 and discuss it at a Rest Stop. You must have completed the previous Colony 9 Standard Quests and For Colony 9 is only available at the start of Chapter 5.Dissenting against Zeon's leadership, Kite and his friends leave Colony 9. Ask Fox for details, and then bring them back.
Note: You need Zeon in your party.
Jade Support x1
Lv. 49Reason to EvolveThis is Zeon's Ascension Quest. Once you've completed the For Colony 9 Standard Quest, a Question Mark will appear above Kite in Colony 9. You need Zeon in your party to access this Quest. Noah must also reach a rank of 10 as a Guardian Commander.Due to the crop field issues and the emetaters, Zeon has found himself in a bind. Help him and Colony 9 weather the storm.N/A (Zeon Ascends)
Lv. 39Research ProceduresA Question Mark Icon will appear over Namuki in Colony Gamma. Talk to her to gain a piece of Info. You can discuss that Info at a Rest Stop.Lanz finally got a request to teach a lesson! Show Namuki what a good, dependable teacher he is!N/A
Lv. 44Lost FriendGather Info at Colony Tau and Discuss It at a Rest Stop at the start of Chapter 5.Worryingly, contact has been lost with Imogen, who was headed to Colony 4. Go see if she is all right.
Note: You must have Juniper in your party.
Lv. 46Cultural ExchangeGather Info at Colony Tau and Discuss It at a Rest Stop at the start of Chapter 5Honorine arrived at Colony Tau along with some Nopon, which are a right sight there. Go check up on them. Note: You must have Juniper in your party.Nopon Coin (Silver) x6
Lv. 40Rousing BolearisAfter seeing Ethel at the end of Chapter 4, a Question Mark icon will appear near the council room in Colony 4 at the start of Chapter 5. Head inside the council room and you'll be treated with a cutscene.Losing Ethel has caused Bolearis to sink into a deep funk. Go see how he's getting on.N/A
Lv. 43A Burning CuriosityAfter completing the Rousing Bolearis Standard Quest, a Question Mark should appear in the Colony 4 hanger.How do Agnian Levnises float? Work with Ymeer from the maintenance and development team to find out the answer to this curious question.
Note: You need to farm the necessary supplies by defeating Bushwacker Farrit, a named monster located in the Urayan Trail.
Lv. 58The Battlescar HulkFind the Ferronis Hulk northwest of Everblight Plain in the Aetia Region.Clear out the monsters lurking around the decrepit Ferronis.N/A (Gain a functioning Ferronis in Everblight Plain)
Lv. 49Scant SuppliesReturn to Colony Iota during Chapter 5, and Gather Info around the colony. Then Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Due to sending other colonies lots of supplies, Colony Iota itself is running short. See if you can help them out with that. Note: You need Alexandria in your party.Colony Iota Goods x15
Lv. 46BugsReturn to Colony Iota during Chapter 5, and Gather Info around the colony. Then Discuss It at a Rest Stop.It seems the Collectopaedia is experiencing issues, with duplicate and unreadable posts. Find someone with specialist knowledge and ask them about it.Lazure Headband x1
Lv. 57Inescapable PastThis is Alexandria's Ascension Quest. Once you've completed enough Standard Quests for Colony Iota and Colony 30, a Question Mark should appear within Colony Iota. Taion must also reach a rank of 10 as an Incursor, and you must have Alexandria in your Party in order for the Question Mark to appear.A Colony Iota holds a tech summit with Colony 30, the previous loss lingers in Alexandria's mind. Some mediation between the colonies is required.Colony Iota Goods x15 (Alexandria's Ascension)
Lv. 32The True CulpritAfter arriving in The City for the first time, head back to Colony 30 and Gather Info. Discuss the information at a Rest Stop.Pulipuli raises concerns when he comes up in conversation with Widgewidge. Find him hiding in maintenance to discuss Machafriend.Nopon Coin (Silver) x5
Lv. 42Castle AccessThis Standard Quest is mandatory to finish the main storyline. You automatically get assigned this Quest after watching the Cutscene in the War Room in The City.Ghondor, currently in Agnian Custody, knows the location of the true Queens. The first step in the prison rescue is talking to Samon in engineering.N/A
Lv. 44The Castle BeckonsAfter completing the Castle Access Standard Quest, continue playing through the main storyline and this quest will be automatically assigned to you. This quest is also mandatory for the story.Before beginning the prison rescue operation, you'll first need to talk to Kisame in Vinisog Holm. Board the Boundary and set out to the Erythia Sea.N/A
Lv. 43CounterpointGo to a Question Mark in the City Map and pick up a Music Sheet. Discuss the sheet of music at a Rest Stop.In attempting to play the score she picked up in the City, Mio discovers that it's unfinished. Ask around in the City to find out who wrote it.N/A
Lv. 44The Scavenger ForceWhen you first arrived in The City and are able to walk around, Gather Info from the locals. Then Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Curious about the Lost Numbers' scavenger force, the party decides to find them in the N'ohm Wetlands and get to know them better.N/A
Lv. 48Writer's BlockAround the time you accept the Castle Beckons Standard Quest, head back to the City and Gather Info. You should overhear a conversation about a novel. Discuss it at a Rest Stop.Something called "novels" seems to be very popular in the City. Go to Wellwell's store to see if you can buy one.
Note: Part of the Mysterious Raiders questline. Need to complete this Questline to unlock the Inhumanity Hero Quest.
Scout's Kneeguard x1
Lv. 42Unsolved RiddleTake the Northwest ladder in the City. Follow along the west-side wall until you drop down an area with a Nopon and some kids with a Question Mark hovering above them.The party is invited by some City kids to help solve a riddle. Search for what is "at foot of 15 light".Sturdy Anklets x1
Lv. 45Romero and JouliettaTake the Northwest ladder in the City. Keep climbing north until you've reached the northmost part of The City's Map. You'll spot a Question Mark.Left to his own devices, Romero is likely to get himself killed. Bring back a Jeweled Pebble for the sake of his romantic relationship.N/A
Lv. 45Side Story: EunieThis is the first Side Story you can unlock in the game. Gather Info around The City, specifically overhear a conversation about Fortune Clovers. Discuss it at a Rest Stop and a cutscene will play.It appears Colony 5, now at Gold rank, can't be contacted. Meet up with Bolearis and investigate.N/A (Eunie's Ascension)
Lv. 46Side Story: LanzAfter completing Eunie's Side Story, head to the base of the Great Sword in the Cadensia Region. Head into the base where you first entered to get into The City and Gather Info when you hit the harbor. You'll eventually overhear information about a special kind of training. Discuss it at a Rest Stop.Lanz seems interested in what the Lost Numbers' training sessions are like. Go to the City's training ground.N/A (Lanz's Ascension)
Lv. 47LovebirdsYou will see Gray wander the streets of The City, provided you've completed his Hero Quest. However, he will refuse to talk to you. After accepting the Castle Beckons Standard Quest, wander the City's streets until you overhear a conversation about Gray. Go to a Rest Stop and discuss it.It turns out Gray is a member of the Lost Numbers. Go meet his partner who is in the City, waiting for him.
Note: You need to do this quest to gain access to Gray's Ascension Quest.
Lv. 50Payback for TreasonThis is Gray's Ascension Quest. You must first complete the Lovebirds Standard Quest in The City. Once you've completed Lovebirds, a Question Mark will appear on The City's Map. Have Gray in your party and head to the Question Mark. Eunie must be at a rank 10 as a Full Metal Jaguar.Some Lost Number hardliners are up to something. Work with Rozana to stop their scheme.
Note: You need Gray in your party.
N/A (Gray's Ascension)
Lv. 56Unspeakable BeingThere's a Question Mark on top of a cliff on the east side of the Erythia Sea. You'll need to climb up on the side of a large cliff to reach the top with the Question Mark.The party find a curious monument somewhere in the Erythia Sea. Your Nopon companions are leery of making an offering to it... But why?Sonic Sensor x1
Lv. 46The Atoll HulkFind the Ferronis Hulk southwest of the Erythia Sea. It's on a small island surrounded by cliffs.Clear out the monster lurking around the decrepit Ferronis.N/A (Gain a functioning Ferronis in the Erythia Sea)
Lv. 46UneaseComplete the Transparent Dreams Hero Quest. Gather Info around Colony Mu and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.An unease is spreading through Colony Mu. Fiona wants to see if she can do something to reassure everyone. Note: You need Fiona in your party.N/A
Lv. 48To Face ForwardAfter completing the Unease Standard Quest, Gather Info around Colony Mu and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Tallow's rep has worsened. To resolve the discord in Mu, you lend an ear to everyone again.
Note: You need Fiona in your party.
Warped Crystal x1
Lv. 48Distress SignalAfter completing the To Face Forward Standard Quest, talk to Lotus in Colony Mu. Search on the beach up North to discover some Information that you can take to Discuss at a Rest Stop.Go to "the two trees" as understood from the wood pieces that washed up in Colony Mu, and save whoever sent the message.Nopon Coin (Silver) x6
Lv. 62The Sandbar HulkFind the Sandbar Hulk on the largest Sandbar Island.Clear out the monster lurking around the decrepit Ferronis.N/A (Gain a functioning Ferronis in the Sandbar Islands)
Lv. 44Surplus SupplyAround the time you've gained access to the Erythia Sea, head back to Colony Lambda. Gather Info and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.All the ether Colony Lambda has been mining has created a surplus. Talk with Koji about how best to use the extra resources.Fire Bangle x1
Lv. 49Korresia Finds Her CallingAfter completing the Transparent Dreams Hero Quest, head back to Colony Tau. Gather Info and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Korresia has returned from Colony Gamma, and is now a specialist in making accessories. Go see how she is doing.
Note: You need Juniper in your party. The easiest way to complete this Quest is to go to the Accessory Store in Colony Gamma and buy 10 Vibrant Armrings.
Iron Sash x1
Lv. 45Missing LuggageThere's a Question Mark on your map east of the Thurbin Harbor in Erythia Sea. The Question Mark is on top of Anu Shoals Camp, where you find your good friends Dorin and Bambam. You must have completed the A More Balanced Recipe Standard Quest for this Question Mark to appear.Dorin and Bambam are arguing over who lost the luggage. Find the luggage, then help them make up.Nopon Coin (Silver) x6
Lv. 46The Mysterious White FogAfter completing the Castle Beckons Standard Quest, head towards the Question Mark in the fog East of the Erythia Sea. You'll get a new piece of information to discuss at a Rest Stop, but you need one more piece of info to accept the Quest. The second piece of info can be found in the Northeast part of The City.The white fog that troubled Noah and co, has been implicated in a string of disappearances around the Erythia Sea. Get to the bottom of the matter.Heavy Foot Protector x1
Lv. 48Young Noble's RequestYou must have completed the Doing It My Way Hero Quest and have Triton in your party. A new Question Mark should appear in The City.Young Shiner of House Ortiz has sent the party a rescue request. Go look for Playne's squad at Cape Arcaphor in the Erythia Sea.
Note: You need Triton in your party.
Gold Gear Choker x1
Lv. 47Lost StonesYou can only accept this Quest when you've entered the prison in the main story. Talk to Ruggyscruggy in the Prison Camp.Ruggyscruggy lost all three of his stones while busy with prison labor. Look for them in Li Garte Prison Camp's Perimeter Woodland.Nopon Coin (Silver) x7
Lv. 47First Day of PrisonThis Standard Quest is mandatory to finish the main storyline. You automatically get assigned towards the end of Chapter 5.The first day of incarceration sees the party assigned to gathering food. Follow the warden's orders, and keep your heads down.N/A
Lv. 47Second Day of PrisonThis Standard Quest is mandatory to finish the main storyline. You automatically get assigned after completing the First Day of Prison Standard Quest.Today, the party is sent to subjugate an enraged Feris. Whoever succeeds will be excused from other tasks, so get subjugating!N/A
Lv. 48Third Day of PrisonThis Standard Quest is mandatory to finish the main storyline. You automatically get assigned after completing the Second Day of Prison Standard Quest.The guard has taken a shine to the party, and shows it by giving them yet more work to do. Hang tight till Ghondor gives the cue.N/A

Standard Quests in Chapter 6

This is the last major stretch of the story. After going through the prison, you can finally access Agnus Castle. You will need re-find The City again at the start of the Chapter 6. Completing the Going Home Standard Quest will unlock The City for you again.

Recommended LevelQuest NameHow to accept QuestObjectiveReward
Lv. 54Side Story: TaionAfter you clean up the Agnus Castle at the start of Chapter 6, one of the first pieces of information you'll overhear is about "The Sea." Discuss the info at a Rest Stop. You need Riku and Manana in your party.Taion receives a call from Isurd. Give Command a visit next time you drop by Colony Lambda.N/A (Taion's Ascension)
Lv. 51New DevelopmentAfter returning to Colony Lambda, Gather Info by overhearing some conversations. Then discuss it at a Rest StopVaren is developing something to strengthen Lambda's defenses. Go see how he's getting on.Star Necklace x1
Lv. 53DutyThis quest is only available if you completed The Lost Off-Seer Standard Quest. Gather info at Colony Lambda and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Lambda's off-seer appears to have met his end... Go and see how Moraine is coping with it.N/A
Lv. 59Effervescent HeartThis is Isurd's Hero Ascension Quest. You must have completed the Duty and New Development Standard Quests in Colony Lambda. A Question Mark will appear in Colony Lambda. You need Isurd in your party for the question mark to appear. Taion must be at a rank 10 as a Strategos.Looking to refresh himself, Isurd sets out in search of something called a "spa". Go to the City to find out more.
Note: You need Isurd in your party.
N/A (Isurd's Ascension)
Lv. 52Alexandria's BirthdayYou must have completed the Inescapable Past Hero Quest first. Gather info at Colony Iota and Discuss it at a Rest Stop. Alexandria needs to be in your party for you to Discuss It.Nobody can seem to reach Chickadee. Inquire around Colony Iota for more information.
Note: You need Alexandria in your party.
Lv. 52Culinary RepertoireThis is Riku's and Manana's Hero Ascension Quest. A Question Mark will appear at Inlet Camp in Erythia Sea. It's the same location where you first go before heading towards the prison at the end of Chapter 5. The Question Mark will only appear if you have Riku and Manana in your party. Shena must be at a rank 10 as a Yumsmith.After hearing a Nopon speak of the legendary Tempapa's cuisine, Manana decides to try and become his disciple.
Note: Riku and Manana need to be in your party.
N/A (Riku and Manana's Ascensions)
Lv. 50Going HomeAfter deciding if Mio should have long or short hair, a Question Mark should appear over the NPC Seeker in Agnus Castle. Talk to him to accept the quest.The formerly-imprisoned Lost Numbers are now able to go home to the City. The Castle even kindly offers to lend a boat.
Note: You must complete this quest to rediscover the location of The City.
N/A (Rediscover the location of The City)
Lv. 55The Three FiendsAfter Completing the Going Home Standard Quest, Gather Info at Castle Agnus and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Despite the Castle's liberation, there are still some people left locked up in its prison. Inquire into the reasons with internal security.Champion Ring x1
Lv. 55The Three Fiends: TohmaPart of The Three Fiends Standard Quest.It is said Tohma was locked up for the crime of mass murder. Why did he do it?N/A
Lv. 55The Three Fiends: XeraPart of The Three Fiends Standard Quest.It is said Xera was locked up for the crime of blowing up containers. Why did she commit the crime?N/A
Lv. 55The Three Fiends: JhodorPart of The Three Fiends Standard Quest.It is said Jhodor was locked up for the crime of wiping certain intel. Why did he commit the crime?N/A
Lv. 52Seeker's True IntentAfter Completing the Going Home Standard Quest, Gather Info at Castle Agnus and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Unaware that Seeker is only trying to be kind, the City folk find his behavior suspicious. Find out why Seeker is acting like he is.Gleaming Medal x1
Lv. 53Shock to the SystemAfter Completing the Going Home Standard Quest and returning to The City, there will be a Question Mark a the Remembrance Stones.Upon finding a poorly-looking old woman in the City, the party decide to hurry to the Medical Facility.Platinum Anklets x1
Lv. 50Life in the CityAfter Completing the Going Home Standard Quest and returning to The City, Gather Info at The City and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Walk around the City, and see how the Colony 15 soldiers are adapting to their new environment.Strung Jade x1
Lv. 51Joulietta and RomeroYou must have completed Romero and Joulietta Standard Quest. After Completing the Going Home Standard Quest and returning to The City, Gather Info at The City and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Go see Romero and Joulietta to find out if their marriage talks have progressed any further.Silver Braided Belt x1
Lv. 54ChoicesAfter Completing the Going Home Standard Quest and returning to The City, Gather Info at The City and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.The City folk are worried that Moebius know where the City is. Ask Monica and Travis for more details.Flood Socks x1
Lv. 48Extracurricular LessonPart of the Teach's Teachers Standard Quest. Return to Colony Gamma at the start of Chapter 6 and accept the quest at the noticeboard. You may have to complete the other Quests that are part of Teach's Teachers for this one to appear.Thanks to a rigorously impartial lottery, Mio will be teaching Kyrie, although what she is actually hoping to learn about is a cause for concern and intrigue...N/A
Lv. 54Shadow of EnmityThis is Teach's Hero Ascension Quest. You must have completed the Extracurricular Lesson Standard Quests. A Question Mark will appear in Colony Gamma. You need Teach in your party for the Question Mark to appear. Mio must be at a rank 10 as a Thaumaturge.The newbies' training will end with large-scale maneuvers on Everblight Plain. Head there.
Note: Completing this Quest also finishes the Teach's Teachers Standard Quest.
N/A (Teach's Ascension)
Lv. 48Beyond Mercy and RevengeReturn to Colony 4 and Gather Info. Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Go Visit Laszlo who is in the Colony 4 Canteen.Tactical Gloves x1
Lv. 51A Burning Curiosity, Part 2You must have completed the Beyond Mercy and Revenge and A Burning Curiosity Standard Quests first. Head to a Question Mark in Colony 4.Ymeer is frustrated that his research has reached a dead end. Acquire parts from the "Mechapod Carthegia" to help get his research up and running again.Platinum Brooch x1
Lv. 50Side Story: MioThe Hero Quest is required to complete the main story. You automatically unlock this quest when you first enter the upper part of the Aetia Region in the first half of Chapter 6.Before heading to the Cloudkeep, the party decides to first investigate Colony Omega.N/A (Mio's Ascension)
Lv. 42I'm a MechanicThis is Valdi's Hero Ascension Quest. You must have completed The True Culprit Standard Quest and have filled out Repapa's "Phase 4" and "Phase 5" item collection requests. A Question Mark will appear over Yuzet in Colony 30. You need Valdi in your party for the Question Mark to appear. Lanz must be at a rank 10 as a War Medic.Lieutenant Yuzet has collapsed from overwork. To fulfill his duty as his commander, Valdi decides to head to Colony Lambda.
Note: Valdi needs to be in your party.
N/A (Valdi's Ascension)
Lv. 40There's No Ether!!!You must have completed the I'm a Mechanic Hero's Quest and have filled out Repapa's "Phase 6" item collection requests. Gather info around Colony 30 and Discuss It at a Rest Stop. Need Valdi in your party.Colony 30 has run out of ether cylinders. You'll need to procure over 2,000 of them to restart Dorrick's construction.
Note: Valdi needs to be in your party.
Lv. 52Dorrick is OnlineYou must have completed the There's No Ether Standard Quest and filled out Repapa's "Phase 7" and "Phase 8" item collection requests. This quest is automatically received when you fill out Phase 8.Dorrick project's phase nine is a live combat test. Go to the Terra Wastelands to see Dorrick in action.
Note: Valdi needs to be in your party.
Charm Bangle x1
Lv. 54Learning from LambdaReturn to Colony Tau with Juniper in your party and a Question Mark should be there.Selin has borrowed an ether-detecting probe from Colony Lambda. Go help him out.
Note: Juniper needs to be in your party.
Lv. 48SurvivorsThis is Juniper's Hero Ascension Quest. You must have completed the Learning from Lambda Standard Quest. Return to Colony Tau with Juniper in your party and a cutscene should play. Noah must be at rank 10 as a Stalker.Upon returning to Colony Tau, the party find the Consul, who defeated the monsters, waiting for them... Hear her out for now.N/A (Juniper's Ascension)
Lv. 52Water of RhonnarYou must have completed the Learning from Lambda Standard Quest first. Talk to Carson in Colony Tau and Discuss the information he gives you at a Rest Stop. You need Juniper in your party.It is said in Colony Tau that the Spring of Rhonnar's water makes you stronger. Lanz and Sena want to see if it's true. Go investigate the rumor.
Note: You need Juniper in your party.
Lv. 58The Hunt of PlentyYou must have completed the Water of Rhonnar Standard Quest first. Gather Info at Colony Tau and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.New ninth-termers of Colony Tau traditionally head alone to the lower levels to take part in the "Hunt of Plenty". Ask Raine about it.
Note: You need Juniper in your party.
Lv. 56A Farewell RestThis is Fiona's Hero Ascension Quest. Return to Colony Mu with Fiona in your party and there should be a Question Mark at the Colony. You must have completed several Standard Quest relating to Colony Mu for the Question Mark to appear. Lanz must be at rank 10 as a Signifer.Distrust is growing in Colony Mu towards Fiona, who feels unable to tell them the truth about Irma. Help her regain the colony's trust.
Note: You need Fiona in your party.
N/A (Fiona's Ascension)
Lv. 57The Future I want to SpinYou must have completed A Farewell Reset Hero Quest first. Gather Info around Colony Mu and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.You've received a call for help from Tussore at the newly-independent Colony Mu. Go see if she's safe.Cured Armu Sirloin x 2, Fresh Armu Milk x2, Full-Bodied Ardun Meat x2
Lv. 59Colony Mu's ResolveYou must have completed The Future I want to Spin Standard Quest first. Gather Info around Colony Mu and Discuss It at a Rest Stop. You need Fiona in your party.Ayase has a favor to ask of Fiona and the party. Head to the much livelier Colony Mu.
Note: You need Fiona in your party.
Metallic Kneeguard x1
Lv. 60My MemoriesThis is Triton's Hero Ascension Quest. Cook Manana's Battle Soup at any campsite, and you will gain a new piece of info called "Manana's Cooking" that you can Discuss at a Rest Stop. You need Triton in your party for you to receive the "Manana's Cooking" info. Lanz must be at a rank 10 as a Soulhacker.Triton recalls how someone handed something to him about 100 years ago. Go and look for it if you like.
Note: You need Triton in your party.
Miso x10 (Triton's Ascension)
Lv. 60A Chance EncounterYou must have completed Cammuravi's Hero Quest, A Twist of Fate, at Colony Omega. Gather Info at Colony 9 and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Ellis hasn't returned to Colony 9. She might have gone somewhere in the area of Li Garte Prison Camp. Find her and bring her back safe.Expanding Memory x1
Lv. 56The Illusion ReturnsYou must have completed Side Story: Mio, Severed Connection, and Writer's Block Quests. Head to the Question Mark south of Colony Omega.Relying on coordinated team attacks, the party managed to fend off the Levnis squad. But...
Note: Part of the Mysterious Raiders questline. Need to complete this Questline to unlock the Inhumanity Hero Quest.
Lv. 54In Search of a HomeAfter completing Segiri's Hero Quest, you will gain a piece of info labeled "Colony 0's Future." Discuss the info at a Rest Stop.The party suggest that the baseless Colony 0 move into Li Garte Prison Camp. Negotiate the proposal with Ghondor first.
Note: You need Segiri in your party.
Jet Pauldrons x1
Lv. 55Prison RefurbishmentYou must complete the In Search of a Home Standard Quest first. Gather Info around the Li Garte Prison after bringing everyone from Colony 0 over.To make the former prison camp more livable, first speak with No. 6, who manages the colony's supplies, about how to go about the interior refurbishment.
Note: You need Segiri in your party.
Lv. 56Prison Spring CleanYou must complete the Prison Refurbishment Standard Quest first and reach Refurbishment Level 1 in Li Garte Prison. Gather Info around the Li Garte Prison after bringing everyone from Colony 0 over.The amount of monsters in the vicinity of the former prison camp has increased. Work with Colony 0 to clear them out.
Note: You need Segiri in your party.
Leather Wraps x1
Lv. 57Shut-InYou must complete the Prison Spring Clean Standard Quest. Interact with the Magnifying Glass Icon on the Ferron located in the Central Cell of Li Garte Prison. You will receive two pieces of Infomation labeled "Mystery Ferron." Discuss the info at a Rest Stop with Segiri in your party.No. 15 has shut himself in a Ferron unit. Worried for his wellbeing, the party try to coax him out.
Note: You need Segiri in your party.
Lv. 53The Big Unseen MonsterYou must have completed the Missing Luggage Standard Quest first. There will be Question Mark near Ladras Camp at Captocorn Peak.Dorin is making fun of Bambam, who is sure he saw a big monster. Work together with them to uncover the truth.Nopon Coin (Silver) x7
Lv. 56So Much More to SeeYou gain this Quest immediately after completing The Big Unseen Monster Standard Quest.Bambam is out cold! Dorin is desperately hurrying him over to Oleshandra back at Colon 4...Nopon Coin (Silver) x8

Standard Quests in Chapter 7

This is it, the last chapter. If you haven't done the Going Home Standard Quest, a ship will bring back to The City at the start of this chapter.

Return to every colony and Gather Info before you head out to the final mission. There should be some Quests in every Colony that you can do before heading out to the final boss against Moebius.

Recommended LevelQuest NameHow to accept QuestObjectiveReward
Lv. 57Colony 15 Soldiers MissingYou must have completed the Doing It My Way Hero Quest first. Return to The City and Gather Info. Discuss it at a Rest Stop.The Colony 15 soldiers seem to have gone missing from the City. Stop by Michiba Canteen to find out more.
Note: You need Triton in your party.
Ceramic Underguard x1
Lv. 62The Kids' AspirationReturn to The City and Gather Info labeled "City Children." Discuss the Info at a Rest Stop, and after the conversation, a Question Markers will appear on The City Map.The City children appear to be planning something in Ribelly Square. Go and see what's up.N/A
Lv. 52Crusader for SpudsYou must have completed the Reasons to Evolve Hero Quest first. Return to Colony 9 with Zeon in your party and Gather Info. Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Raising Spongy Spuds has put an end to Colony 9's food shortages. Now go and spread the good word to the other colonies.N/A
Lv. 53Side Story: SenaGather Info labeled "Ghondor's Grumbling" around The City. Have Ghondor in your party and then Discuss "Ghondor's Grumpling" at a Rest Stop.You received a monster culling request from Monica to secure the Material Storage Warehouse at the Great Sword.
Note: You need Ghondor in your party.
N/A (Sena's Ascension)
Lv. 61Knowing Your FamilyThis is Ghondor's Hero Ascension Quest. Return to Agnus Castle with Ghondor in your party and there should be a Question Mark at the Ascension Grounds. Sena must be at rank 10 as a Martial Artist.Some Lost Numbers were attacked by a giant monster in the Fornis region. Go with Ghondor to investigate.
Note: You need Ghondor in your party.
N/A (Ghondor's Ascension)
Lv. 59Promise to the FutureThis is Monica's Hero Ascension Quest. Return to The City with Monica in your party and there should be a Question Mark outside the Memorial Hall. Eunie must be at rank 10 as a Lost Vanguard.Go to Michiba Canteen to hear out Monica, who doesn't see eye to eye with Garett or the Ouroboros candidates.
Note: You need Monica in your party.
N/A (Monica's Ascension)
Lv. 68The Key to a New HomeYou need to complete the Promise to the Future Hero Quest. Return to The City and Gather Info. After gathering enough information, Discuss It at a Rest Stop.The City's Homecoming has been called off this year. Ask the members of the Six Houses and this year's Homecoming why.Cyrus Leg Frame x1
Lv. 61Special InstructorsReturn to Colony Gamma and head to the Question Mark to receive a piece of info called "Ysorra's Request." Discuss the info at a Rest Stop with Teach in your party.Ysorra secretly wishes to become a medical practitioner. Invite Colony 4's doctor, Oleshandra, to support her in her studies.
Note: You need Teach in your party.
Lv. 66Bearing FruitYou must have completed the Inescapable Past Hero Quest first. Return to Colony Iota, and Gather Info about the colony. Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Collectopaedia Cards are being used in unexpected ways among the liberated colonies. Help solve some lingering issues with the system.
Note: You need Alexandria in your party.
Hero Pauldrons x1
Lv. 60Past and PresentYou must have completed the Duty Standard Quest and the Effervescent Heart Hero Quest. Return to Colony Lambda and Gather Info. Discuss It at a Rest StopLambda is reeling in shock from the Koji case. Go with Isurd to discuss it with the captains.Metal Foot Protector x1
Lv. 63Treasured MemoryReturn to Colony Mu and Gather info about the colony. Discuss the info you discovered at a Rest Stop.Mu's gates have been improved. Go inspect them to see if anything else can be done to help prevent invasion.
Note: You need Fiona in your party.
Glistening Medal x1
Lv. 67Future TrajectoryAfter completing the Treasured Memory Standard Quest, Gather Info about Colony Mu. Discuss It at Rest Stop with Fiona in your party.With Mu united and helping each other out, Fiona is uneasy about how much less she has to do. Ask Tallow if there's anything she can help out with.
Note: You need Fiona in your party.
Vigorous Anklets x1
Lv. 60Why So Busy?Return to Castle Agnus and Gather Info. Discuss the info at a Rest Stop.Both the Lost Numbers and Agnian soldiers in the Castle seem very busy. Find out why from Seeker.Survivor Kneeguard x1
Lv. 61Missing in ActionAutomatically gained after completing the Why So Busy Standard Quest.Contact was lost with Dana and the others before they could make it to Farview Cape. Go look for them in the Erythia Sea.Titanium Support x1
Lv. 58The Ultimate VesselThis Standard Quest is mandatory to finish the main storyline. You automatically get assigned this Quest after returning to The City and talking to Samon at the Docks.Find Origin metal from across Aionios to finish the Ultimate vessel, and conquer the Great Sea's vortex.N/A
Lv. 60Side Story: NoahPart of The Ultimate Vessel Standard Quest that is required to complete the main storyline.In search of the last Origin metal, the party head to Gardin Defense Base, which is east of Keves Castle.Origin Metal x1 (Noah's Ascension)
Lv. 62The New InspectorAfter completing Side Story: Noah, head to Question Mark at Keves Castle.Inspector Ulrich wants to check in on the colonies that the party liberated. Guide him through the liberated colonies.N/A
Lv. 60An ArtistAfter completing Side Story: Noah, Gather Info at Keves Castles and then Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Apparently, there is an artist at Fort O'Virbus. Go meet him.N/A
Lv. 61Leaders in TrainingAfter completing Side Story: Noah, Gather Info at Keves Castles and then Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Many of Fort O'Virbus's leaders-in-training underestimate you. Show them beyond any doubt that experience trumps simple knowledge.Strung Lapis Lazuli x1
Lv. 64The Castle GuardYou must have completed the Leaders in Training Standard Quest first. Gather Info at Keves Castle and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.The Captain of the Guard is looking for the party. Go and see what she needs.Cosmos Anklets x1
Lv. 63A Dark CloudYou must have completed The Castle Guard Standard Quest first. Gather Info at Keves Castle and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.According to guards Heath and Wynonna, dissidents in the Castle are plotting something. Go to the ether mine to investigate.N/A
Lv. 70The True InspectorYou must have completed The New Inspector, A Dark Cloud, and Missing in Action Standard Quests first. After finishing A Dark Cloud, you will receive a piece of info labeled "Rumblings at the Fort." You need to gain the second piece of info by gathering info at Keves Castle at noon. Once you have both pieces of information about "Rumblings at the Fort," Discuss It at a Rest Stop.The inspector was allegedly seen in the basem*nt storehouse at night. Go to the storehouse, and uncover the truth.Jewel Beetle Gauntlet x1
Lv. 68The Final CogYou must have completed Side Story: Noah and the Dorrick is Online Standard Quest first. Return to Colony 30 and Gather Info. Discuss the info gathered at a Rest Stop.Dorrick is finally complete. Go to the Terra Wastelands to take part in the grand unveiling.
Note: You need Valdi in your party.
Lv. 64HappinessThis is Miyabi's Hero Ascension Quest. Return to tHE City with Miyabi in your party and there should be a Question Mark at the Canteen. Mio must be at rank 10 as a Troubadour.Miyabi and Manana decide to take part in the City's customary cook-off. Can they go all the way and win?!N/A (Miyabi's Ascension)
Lv. 58Contrary EmotionsYou must have completed Side Story: Noah first. Return to the Li Garte Prison Camp and head to a Question Mark. You will receive a piece of information labeled "Sena and No. 9." Discuss the info at a Rest Stop.Having somehow created tension between herself and No. 9, Sena ruminates over how they can reconcile their differences...Smithy Glovers x1
Lv. 62Acknowledging FeelingsYou must have completed the Contrary Emotions Standard Quest first. Gather Info at the Li Garte Prison Camp and Discuss It at a Rest Stop.Segiri tells the party some info about old world relics they collected earlier. No. 8 seems to know more.N/A
Lv. 68Invisible BondThis is Segiri's Ascension Quest. You must have completed Acknowledging Feelings first. Return to the Li Garte Prison Camp with Segiri in your party to witness a cutscene at a Question Mark. Sena must be at rank 10 as a Machine Assassin.At Segiri's request, Sena and the party head to Colony Lambda to get ingredients to make onigiri for the people of Colony 0.
Note: You need Segiri in your party.
N/A (Segiri's Ascension)
Lv. 68New NamesYou must have completed the Invisible Bond Hero Quest first. Head to the Question Mark at the Li Garte Prison Camp to receive a piece of info labeled "The Name Segiri." Discuss that info at a Rest Stop.Sena is asked to give new names to the citizens of Colony 0. She decides to think back on past events for inspiration.
Note: You need Segiri in your party.
Lv. 63A Deep-Seated ScarThis is Ashera's Ascension Quest. You must have completed Side Story: Noah first. Head to the Question Mark at Old Kana Battlefied in the south of Fornis Region with Ashera in your party. Eunie must be at rank 10 as a Lone Exile.Consul R has declared war on Colony 11. Ashera has been awaiting this with rabid anticipation, and now...the games can finally begin.N/A (Ashera's Ascension)
Lv. 65Festival of WarYou must have completed A Deep-Seated Scar Hero Quest first. Head to the Question Mark in Colony 11.Ashera invites the party to a mock battle, but she won't be taking part. Instead, she decides to coerce someone else to join the party's side this time.
Note: You need Teach in your party.
Sunlight Choker x1
Lv. 68FateYou must have completed the Festival of War and The Castle Guard Standard Quests first. Head to the Question Mark at Colony 11's East Gate.Sigrun requests that the party escort Zoren back to the fort. Just what is the relationship between those two...?N/A
Lv. 64Uniting the Seven NoponYou must have completed The Ultimate Vessel Standard Quest first. Head to the Question Mark at the Sentridge Harbor.Bring together all seven of the Nopon who wield Ultimate Hammers, and they will fuse Origin shards together for you, and upgrade the party's Blades.Nopon Coin (Silver) x8

Post-Game Standard Quests

Once you've finished the main story, you can return to the Colonies and complete any quest you've skipped. There are a few new Standard and Hero Quests that only become available when you finish the story.

Post-Game QuestHow to accept Quest
The Path I ForgeReturn to The City and Gather Information concerning "Tension in the City." Discuss it at a Rest Stop.
Note: You need Ghondor in your party.
FriendshipHead to the Question Mark in The City. You need Triton in your party for the mark to appear.
From Atop Her ThroneThis is Melia's Hero Ascension Quest. Return to the first floor of Keves Castle to recruit Queen Melia. Noah needs to be at a rank 10 with the Royal Summoner Class to unlock Melia's Hero Ascension Quest. Travel to the Keves Castle Throne Room and three subquests will become available - Colony 9's Backup, Friction With Agnus, and The City Pep Talk.
Note: You need Melia in your party.
Colony 9's BackupPart of the From Atop Her Throne Hero Quest.
Friction With AgnusPart of the From Atop Her Throne Hero Quest.
The City Pep TalkPart of the From Atop Her Throne Hero Quest.
Grasping My FutureThis is Nia's Hero Ascension Quest. Return to the Cloudkeep to recruit Nia to your group. Once you've recruited Nia, four Question Marks will show up around the world. Each mark is a Nia Event; going to each mark will play a scene with Nia involved. The four marks are located at Agnus Castle, the Saffronia Tree south of the Fornis Region, the Tower Camp west of the Pentelas Region, and the Memorial Hall in The City. After witnessing the four Nia Events, Discuss them at a Rest Stop. Mio must be at a rank 10 with the Lifesage class.
Note: You need Nia in your Party.

Also, check out other Wiki Guides for Xenoblade Chronicles 3:

  • Walkthrough
  • Beginner's Tips and Tricks
  • Characters
Side Quests - List of Standard Quests - Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Guide - IGN (2024)
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Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.