Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (2024)

The best Sorcerer Bard multiclass build - Lorecerer for Baldur's Gate 3. It merges Lore Bard for its control capabilities and unique actions with Sorcerer. The latter provides a swath of spell options and unique metamagic mechanics. Combined these create the ultimate control caster with 100% success chance.


  • Sorcerer Bard Multicass - Lorecerer
    • Progression Disclaimer
  • Leveling Overview
  • Starting the Game - Level 1
    • Races
    • Class
    • Cantrips
    • Spells
    • Starting Instrument
    • Background
    • Abilities
    • Skills and Expertise
  • Leveling Progression - Levels 2-12
  • Maximizing Ability Scores
  • Potions, Elixirs and Consumables
  • Illithid Powers
  • Equipment Recommendations
    • Act 1
    • Act 2 - mid-game
    • Act 3 - Final Build setup
  • Build Mechanics
    • Important Mechanics and Combos
    • Early Game Combat
    • Late Game Combat
  • Build Variations
  • Conclusion
  • References

Sorcerer Bard Multicass - Lorecerer

This build is an interesting setup of two classes that use the same spellcasting ability. This is the class setup that we take:

  • 6 Lore Bard
  • 6 Sorcerer (subclass based on your preference)

First, we take Bard who has access to a lot of skill proficiencies and control spells. For Subclass the build uses Lore Bard for its Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (1)Cutting Words​ effect and access to Magical Secrets at level 6.

The Sorcerer covers another aspect it improves casting capabilities by unlocking access to Metamagic. Moreover, you will get some good spells for stacking Arcane Acuity with Hat of Fire Acuity. That's not all Sorcerer will give some good offensive and defensive spells to further empower Lorecerer build.

The build allows for so many combinations with spells you will likely respec multiple times to try out what is possible. And let me tell you there is a lot to do. You can Command whole groups of enemies to follow you while Spirit Guardians shred them to pieces. Or use Hunger of Hadar to make everyone stuck in total darkness.

Progression Disclaimer

The way I suggest the leveling progression may be difficult for some people due to low survivability of Bard early in the game. However, if you follow the guide there should be no problems.

I will continue the guide with - 6 Levels of Bard -> respec 1 Sorcerer/6 Bard -> 6 Sorcerer. Of course, I will leave some other options below for others interested.

First, you do not have Mage Armor, so you require someone else to cast it - a Wizard or Sorcerer in the group. Second, the Bard class does not gain shield proficiency, so they have to get it from race or stay without it.

Of course, Bard will come with some control options allowing group members to exploit and not put themselves in a risky position. For a safe leveling option, I would recommend:

1 Sorcerer -> 6 Bard -> 6 SorcererThis requires no respec, it's just that you delay level 3 spells by one level
6 Sorcerer -> respec 1 Sorcerer/6 Bard -> 6 SorcererAs you can see there are multiple options for how to approach the build

Leveling Overview

Here is a concise table with all the main picks during your leveling progression. For more detailed reasoning, I go further in the article. Also, do not forget to check the recommended gear as it is crucial.

Sorcerer Bard Leveling Overview Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (3)

1BardSTR - 8, DEX - 16, CON - 14, INT - 8, WIS - 10, CHA - 17
Skills: Sleight of Hand, Persuasion, Deception, Performance
Cantrips: Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (4)Vicious Mockery, Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (5)Friends
Spells: Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (6)Healing Word, Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (7)Dissonant Whispers, Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (8)Faerie Fire, Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (9)Sleep.
2BardSpells: Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (10)Longstrider​ or Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (11)Tasha's Hideous Laughter
3BardSubclass: College of Lore
Spells:Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (12)Enhance Ability
4BardCantrips:Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (13)Minor Illusion
Spells:Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (14)Cloud of Daggers
Replace Spell:Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (15)Sleep​ -> Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (16)Hold Person
Feat: Ability Improvement +2 Charisma
5BardSpells: Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (17)Glyph of Warding
6BardSpells: Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (18)Fear
Replace Spell: Faerie Fire -> Hypnotic Pattern or Blindness
Magical Secrets: Command, Spirit Guardians, or Hunger of Hadar
7SorcererCantrips: Light, Shocking Grasp, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand
Spells: Shield, Witch Bolt
Subclass: Draconic Bloodline
Draconic Ancestry: Fire
8SorcererSpells: Magic Missile
Class Passives: Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (19)Metamagic: Twinned Spell​, Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (20)Metamagic: Extended Spell
9SorcererSpells: Scorching Ray
Class Passives: Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (21)Metamagic: Quickened Spell
10SorcererCantrips: Ray of Frost
Spells: Mirror Image
Feat: Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (22)Dual Wielder​ or Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (23)Alert
11SorcererSpells: Counterspell
Replace Spell: Magic Missiles -> Fireball
12SorcererSpells: Sleet Storm

Starting the Game - Level 1

This section covers the creation screen and what would go into the best Races, Abilities, and Skills for Sorcerer Bard Multiclass build. Some of these choices are impactful as you cannot respec them.


Picking a race provides various benefits - abilities, dialogue options, looks, etc. Also, keep in mind whether your picked race has Shield proficiency as this can improve survivability or give benefits for offensive.

If you are having difficulties making a choice, pick whatever you prefer in terms of looks or roleplay. "The perfect race pick" is important if you are into extreme min-maxing.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (24)Wood Half-ElfThey will allow wearing a shield and come with longer moving distance. Although it may not be important as you are a caster, later if you will use Spirit Guardians, this can be a very powerful boost.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (28)Human
  • Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (29)Civil Militia
  • Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (30)Human Versatility
This is one of the rare cases where I recommend this race. It complements well Bard's class with more Skill proficiencies and gets Shield Proficiency. It is a big survivability boost in the early game.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (31)Githyanki
  • Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (32)Martial Prodigy
You can wear medium armor and get some good actions very useful for the main character to improve ability check rolls.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (33)Halfling
  • Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (34)Halfling Luck
  • Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (35)Brave
Any subrace will work. What matters is the Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (36)Halfling Luck​ that will improve role-playing aspects with high roll success chances. Moreover, these will also work well later, if you will plan on using some attack roll spells.


As I suggested first we go with the Bard. It's not the optimal choice, but multiple skill proficiencies will help from the first steps. Moreover, with correct spell picks you will empower your allies and disable enemies

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (37)Bard
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (38)Bardic InspirationIconic bard feature, that can improve damage, dialogue dice rolls, and saving throws.


Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (39)Vicious MockeryAlthough the damage is roll, it has its purpose. The cantrip can be used to impose a disadvantage on enemy attacks, in case you see that you have to use a ranged attack, and will not kill the foe. However, the cantrip loses purpose in later levels.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (40)FriendsIf you are the main character and do most of the dialogues, this is mandatory as it gives an advantage during rolls.


Good spell picks will mean life and death, so let's go through them:

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (41)Healing WordOnly take this one if you do not have a Paladin or Cleric which can heal. Otherwise, skip it and look at the spells below.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (42)Dissonant WhispersThe only truly offensive level-1 spell. It can also frighten enemies making them unable to move. Use this to deal ranged damage.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (43)Faerie FireEarly game, this spell is wondrous as it makes it easy to get an Advantage on attack rolls. Once the spell is cast your party members or you can exploit this.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (44)SleepVery powerful spell against level 1-2 enemies, as it succeeds without any resistance checks.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (45)Tasha's Hideous LaughterEarly on this spell could be a lifesaver, moreover, it could be effective against low Wisdom enemies, so check their stats. Thanks to it you can disable an enemy and even hit it at the same time with a chance for Saving Throw.

Starting Instrument

This is a matter of personal taste, so pick your preferred one. Moreover, as you play the game some unique instruments will be unlocked that you can wear.


Backgrounds are mostly for role-playing and you can pick whatever you prefer. If you want to optimize, then it would be good to pick backgrounds that are based on your ability points of Charisma.

Moreover, due to high Dexterity, it is also a good choice to pick Sleight of Hand-related options. These will allow you to become the main lockpicker, pickpocketer, or trap disarmer.

Guild ArtisanInsight
Gives persuasion proficiency, for better dialogue checks.
Improves Acrobatics skills and gives bonuses to Performance for some dialogue checks.
Sleight of Hand
A truly great option especially as you can be the one that unlocks and disarms most of the traps with Sleight of Hand proficiency.
Although you will have low intelligence the Persuasion check improvement is good. But it's an inferior option to Guild Artisan in my opinion.


Now let's take a look at the abilities of the Lorecerer build. Correct allocation will allow us to maximize the early gameplay and get good modifier bonuses.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (46)Strength8This build does not need strength.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (47)Dexterity16 (15+1)This plays an important role in improving armor class and increasing initiative. I think Bard must go first due to low survivability and get some control spells activated.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (48)Constitution14Enough Constitution for better survivability.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (49)Intelligence8Do not need this ability.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (50)Wisdom10Additional Wisdom to avoid any negative modifiers as many spells target this ability.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (51)Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (52)Charisma17 (15+2)The most important stat for the caster build. It will improve dialogue roll checks, but most importantly improves spell success chance. If you plan on getting Auntie Ethel's Hair for +1 Charisma leave it at 17, otherwise set 16 and use two points for Wisdom.

Skills and Expertise

Overall, the skills should be impacted by your roleplaying and background decisions. However, you would still want those that will give you the best benefits. My recommendations are to pick those at which you have a high ability modifier and these are Dexterity-related.

  • Sleight of Hand

For Charisma related:

  • Deception
  • Intimidation
  • Performance
  • Persuasion

Leveling Progression - Levels 2-12

Here is the detailed progression for the Bard Sorcerer build to get you started. You can use it as a guideline because early games can be daunting and overwhelming. Later on, once you get the feel for the class you can start picking your options

The idea is to go to level 6 with full Bard and get access to the Magical Secrets feature. After that you will do a respec, to obtain Constitution Saving Throw proficiency to allow you to concentrate on spells better.

The biggest downside is that Bard can be risky in early game, so be sure to follow the recommended steps.

Level 2

This is where you will have left the tutorial area, and will start exploring the world. From the get-go, Bard gets some useful bonuses.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (53)Jack of All TradesA truly useful passive throughout the whole game to increase your chances of ability roll success.

That is not all, there is another surprise waiting:

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (54)Song of RestThis is a very important action, and with it, you can freely use Short Rests to heal or restore class-specific resources. So do not save those, and use them to your heart's content. Moreover, classes like Warlock, Fighter, and others benefit greatly from instant restoration of their spell slots or special resources.

Spells and Replace Spell

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (55)LongstriderIn case no one else in the group has it, take it. You can cast it without spell slot cost and it benefits everyone, especially melee combatants.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (56)Tasha's Hideous LaughterCan be used to immobilize enemies with low Wisdom. However, later in the game, there will be better options.

For spell replacement, I don't think there is anything that would be useful.

Level 3

The Bard gets to choose its subclass. Moreover, level 2 spells are unlocked, giving some better offensive and control options.


Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (57)College of Lore
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (58)Cutting WordsThis is a very powerful feature, you can use Bardic Inspiration to debilitate enemies and decrease their attack rolls or Saving Throws. It is one of the pillars of Lorecerer build that will guarantee a 100% spell success chance.


By picking Lore Bard you get to pick three additional skills in which you gain proficiency. Again I would recommend picking anything that is Charisma related (if not yet picked). After that you can take - Perception, Sleight of Hand, or anything else.

Spells and Replace Spell

Now some good spells are unlocked that will improve your options.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (59)Enhance AbilityI would say this is mandatory on Honour Mode, and optional on lower difficulties. The spell can be a lifesaver as it will give a huge chance of success in case you need a roll advantage.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (60)Cloud of DaggersThe biggest damage spell at level 2. it damages two times - first when you cast, second after it is the enemy's turn. You could also use this as a replacement for any spells you do not use.

Level 4

Now, you get some other great choice picks - the first feat is unlocked.


Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (61)Minor IllusionMy recommended pick, as you can use this to move enemies together. Once you reach the next level you can follow up with Glyph of Warding for a huge area of effect spell combo.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (62)LightThis will become useful later in the game once you reach Act 2. Moreover, it can be used to improve the damage of some items. Of course, you can delay it to later levels and get it from the Sorcerer multiclass.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (63)

Spells and Replace Spell

It is also a good time to replace Sleep, in case you are still using it.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (64)Cloud of DaggersIf you did not take it, now is a good chance. It will get an alternative at the next level, but nothing will replace level 2 spell slots yet.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (65)Hold PersonA decent control spell, that you can use to Hold an enemy. be sure to follow up with someone from melee range for guaranteed critical hits.

I recommend removing Sleep if you still have it, as it serves no purpose

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (66)BlindnessA blind enemy cannot use ranged attacks and get a disadvantage on attacks. Moreover, those who attack the affected on get an advantage.


Ability ImprovementFor the first feat, my recommendation is +2 Charisma, to improve spell success chance and better ability rolls.

Level 5

Boom! The Bard is level 5 and this means the build can finally use some awesome level 3 spells.

Spells and Replace Spell

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (67)Glyph of WardingThe only spell that you need, for now... It can cause damage using most elements, so if the enemy is wet, just use the Lightning/Cold element. However, the most important aspect is that it can put multiple targets to sleep. This can easily invalidate many fights.

For replacement, I would recommend removing Faerie Fire and picking what you want to try.

Level 6

This is the last level of Bard, before moving to Sorcerer.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (68)CountercharmYou and any allies within 9m have an advantage on Saving Throws against being Charmed or Frightened. Did not use much during the playthrough.

Spells and Replace Spell

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (69)FearThis can be a deadly spell as enemies will drop their weapons and just flee. More or less this can guarantee a win if you can affect the majority of foes.

I would also recommend replacing Cloud of Daggers. This is the last level where you can remove it, and you will have sufficient level 3 spell slots to cast Glyph of Warding for damage. Here are a few options I recommend:

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (70)BlindnessGreat way to disable ranged enemies and gain an advantage when attacking them. Moreover, higher-level spell casts will target more foes.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (71)Hypnotic PatternA great control spell. However, it has a big downside in that it can also target your allies.

Magical Secrets

This is the main reason to take Lore Bard. It can now access many of the spells from other caster classes, allowing it to create a few interesting synergies. First, let's go through one mandatory spell

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (72)CommandThis is a very powerful spell that controls the enemy for 1 turn. With Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (73)Metamagic: Extended Spell​ from sorcerer you can extend it to two turns, without concentration slot cost. You can make enemies drop their weapons, move to you, stand still, or flee. There are many possibilities. Higher level spell casting will make it target more enemies.

Okay, now there is a second slot to fill. For this reason, I will recommend a few options, as they will synergize well with what Bard Sorcerer Build is trying to achieve - total control.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (74)Spirit GuardiansFirst choice, which is somewhat risky, but will be extremely powerful once you get to Sorcerer level 3 for Scorching Ray and can buff up Spell Save DC for 100%. Follow up with Command and make enemies come to you for some Radiant damage and stacks of Reverbation.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (75)Hunger of HadarSlow down enemies, make them blind and they also incure damage every turn while staying in the fog. This spell can trivialize most of the encounters. Follow up with Command, to make enemies stay in the cloud and slowly kill themselves.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (76)CounterspellOnly pick this if you do not have another caster who can use this. It is not as flashy compared to other choices, but it can save your life by disabling a deadly enemy spell like Dominate or Hold.

Level 7 - Sorcerer Lv 1

Now, let's speed things up, by introducing Sorcerer Multiclasses.


Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (77)Sorcerer
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (78)Spell SlotsThese can be used to cast spells and are restored each long rest.


Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (79)Fire BoltUse this cantrip to deal moderate damage or light up barrels with oil. Perfect if you want to save spell slots. Note: Take this Fire Bolt even if you have the one from Elf or half-elf. The other scales with Intelligence and the build needs Charisma
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (80)LightA very handy cantrip, especially in Act 2.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (81)Mage HandCan be used in some puzzles and shoving enemies. However, I did not use it much personally.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (82)Shocking GraspThe cantrip is useful when you are fighting wet or lightning-vulnerable enemies. Use this for double damage.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (83)Ray of FrostAnother cantrip that can be used from long range to deal double damage against wet enemies.


Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (84)ShieldThis is a mandatory spell for the Bard Sorcerer build. It gives a good survivability chance by increasing armor class. This costs reaction to use, so don't waste them for opportunity attacks.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (85)Mage ArmorTake this only if you did not pick the Draconic Bloodline subclass or don't have anyone else to cast it. Otherwise, the spell will not be useful for the setup.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (86)Witch BoltThis is an interesting choice, especially in the late game as you can easily apply sleep via Glyph of Warding or paralysis from Hold Person to guarantee a critical hit. The spell has good damage rolls and with an increased spell level you could do some crazy number - 10d12, 8d12, etc. damage.


This is a big topic in the context of Lore Bard Sorcerer build. I recommend going with Draconic Bloodline. Storm Sorcery is good, but I don't think it will be fully utilized as you have good uses for bonus action already and the concentration slot is packed.

There is one case where you might consider it - if you do not have anyone else applying the Wet status. Then again, it could be done by a companion throwing a Water bottle.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (87)Draconic Bloodline
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (88)Draconic ResilienceAn excellent passive for early game which saves you Mage Armor spell every long rest. Later on, as spell slots become readily available it loses its significance.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (89)Draconic Resilience: Hit PointsGain bonus maximum HP for each Sorcerer level.

The main attractiveness is that Draconic Bloodline gets Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (90)Elemental Affinity: Damage​ at level 6, boosting damage based on the Dragon Ancestor you pick, so let's jump to that

Dragon Ancestor

You can choose here from a few options and it depends on what elemental damage you plan on using. You can either go Fire or Lightning. However, I would just go with Fire, as you will be using Scorching Ray a lot. Moreover, Lightning will do a ton of damage already if enemies are wet. So pick one of these:

  • Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (91)Draconic Ancestry: Red (Fire)
  • Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (92)Draconic Ancestry: Gold (Fire)
  • Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (93)Draconic Ancestry: Brass (Fire)

Draconic Bloodline

Here just pick anything you prefer in terms of looks.

Level 8 - Sorcerer Lv 2

The second level gives more spells and unlocks metamagic.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (94)Create Sorcery PointsSpend Spell Slots to gain Sorcery Points. Once you get some more metamagic options, you could sacrifice spell slots, to cast two spells in one turn or increase your range
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (95)Create Spell SlotSpend Sorcery Points to unlock a Spell Slot. You could create a higher tier spell slot, to increase the damage over what you can at the current level

Utilize Sorcery Points

This is a unique consumable resource for Sorcerers. These can be used for multiple use cases, that improve what the spellcaster can do:

  • Use those points to activate Metamagic like - Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (96)Metamagic: Quickened Spell​ or Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (97)Metamagic: Extended Spell​ to improve spell effects or cast with bonus action.
  • Create spell slots, in case an emergency arises from the available pool of Sorcery Points.
  • Create Sorcery points from spell slots to fuel your use of metamagic, for the most important spells. In the late game, you can easily sacrifice level 2 spell slots, as you will not be using them much.

Spells and Replace Spell

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (98)Magic MissileNot that powerful of a spell, but could be useful where you want to land a kill or one or few enemies as they have a 100% chance to hit.

Class Passives

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (99)Metamagic: Twinned SpellSpells that only target 1 creature can target an additional creature. This is an awesome option if you want to use something like Command to disable two enemies.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (100)Metamagic: Extended SpellThis choice is solely used for Command or other short-duration spells. It extends them, making their effect last two turns instead of one.

Utilize Metamagic

This is another powerful tool in Sorcerer's arsenal. It needs Sorcery points to work and consumes them for unique effects:

  • Use Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (101)Metamagic: Twinned Spell​ to target or release two spells that have single targets. This works well with Command, Fireball, Chain Lightning, etc.
  • Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (102)Metamagic: Quickened Spell​ allows casting with a bonus action, allowing you to cast two times without needing Haste. This is perfect for setting up combos or removing foes with two strong spells.

There are more types of metamagic, so be sure to explore them for the best combos.

Level 9 - Sorcerer Lv 3

This is the level where I would say the Lorecerer - Bard Sorcerer build is fully finished. The main point is to obtain Scorching Ray, and Hat of Fire Acuity to stack Spell Save DC using Arcane Acuity.

Spells and Replace Spell

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (104)Scorching RayEven if you do not plan on going with Fire Draconic Ancestry, this spell gives the easiest option of stacking Arcane Acuity while wearing Hat of Fire Acuity. I recommend casting it with Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (106)Metamagic: Quickened Spell​ to boost Spell Save DC and have a 100% spell success chance afterward.

For spell replacement, I don't think it is needed, but if you find that you did not use Witch Bolt, you could switch it up.

Class Passives

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (107)Metamagic: Quickened SpellThe best choice by far. It will allow casting with Bonus Action, and double the amount of spells you can use per turn (without Haste spell)

Level 10 - Sorcerer Lv 4

A second feat is unlocked together with an additional spell.


Here feel free to pick anything. Here are the ones that I would recommend already having if you did not pick them up before:

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (108)FriendsIf you are the main character and do most of the dialogues, this is mandatory as it gives an advantage during rolls.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (109)Shocking GraspThe cantrip is useful when you are fighting wet or lightning-vulnerable enemies. Use this for double damage.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (110)Minor IllusionMy recommended pick, as you can use this to move enemies together. Once you reach the next level you can follow up with Glyph of Warding for a huge area of effect spell combo.


There are a few spells that I think you should have before moving on if you did not take them:

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (111)Hold PersonAlready covered this one, but it allows you to guarantee critical hits from melee range. This is an amazing setup for group martials or yourself if you get in melee range
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (112)Mirror ImageA good survivability boost for 10 turns. It gives 9 Armor Class in total that chips away after each hit. I would recommend precasting it before the upcoming fight.


I see a few main choices based on your setup.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (113)Dual WielderI would say this is the best choice. It allows wearing to weapons, that in the late game can be Markoheshkir and Staff of Spell Power for double Arcane Battery and improve Spell Save DC.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (116)AlertThis is the perfect option if you have another caster in the group, who will be a contender for weapons. I would only pick this in case you will be wearing a shield. Otherwise going with Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (117)Dual Wielder​ and taking Act 2 or Act 3 early weapons is better.

Level 11 - Sorcerer Lv 5

Now, this is a major step for the build as you will unlock level 3 spells. These will give both offensive and defensive picks.

Spells and Replace Spell

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (118)CounterspellI would say this is a mandatory spell. It can be a lifesaver in many encounters. I would only skip it if other casters have but still, I think it's too important to leave.

For spell replacement, I would suggest checking if you do not use anything. For example, I did not use Magic Missiles much, so decided to drop it for:

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (119)FireballAs a Fire Draconic Ancestry, this spell will benefit from Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (120)Elemental Affinity: Damage​ in the next level, and I love using this spell just to blast multiple targets.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (121)Lightning BoltAnother option is if you picked the Lightning element Draconic Ancestry or just want to increase the variation of your spells. This also works well in Act 3 where some strong enemies will be weak to Lightning.

Level 12 - Sorcerer Lv 6

And the final level of Lorecerer has been reached. The last few optimizations will be made and the build will be a powerhouse.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (122)Elemental Affinity: DamageWhen you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry, you add your Charisma Modifier to the damage.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (123)Elemental Affinity: ResistanceWhen you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry, you can spend 1 Sorcery point to gain Resistance to that damage type.

Spells and Replace Spell

Okay let me make a list of spells that are worth having and you can pick them or get them from the Replace Spell option.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (124)Lightning BoltAnother option is if you picked the Lightning element Draconic Ancestry or just want to increase the variation of your spells. This also works well in Act 3 where some strong enemies will be weak to Lightning.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (125)Sleet StormAlthough it costs concentration you can cast it, and cancel it with another spell. The most important aspect is the huge area that will be covered with Ice. Follow up with Hunger of Hadar for full control.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (126)HasteAmazing spell that gives additional action to use in combat. With Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (127)Metamagic: Twinned Spell​ it can target two party members. However, evaluate the availability of your Concentration spell.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (128)Hypnotic PatternHas a big radius and can make many of the fights trivial. However, it can also affect allies so be aware of that.

With this the build progression is finished so let's move to other sections of the build.

Maximizing Ability Scores

Now, as the build progression is covered there are a few aspects and important decisions you will have to make throughout the game. These will decide your final score for abilities.

  1. Act 1 - Auntie Ethel Hair - you will want to get +1 Charisma if you pick this choice.
  2. Act 3 - Mirror of Loss - pick +2 Charisma.

This will allow you to reach 22 natural Charisma, and result in a +6 ability modifier on your spells and rolls.

Potions, Elixirs and Consumables

Let's take a look at what consumables we can use to further empower the build.


These are general consumables, and most of them are activated for a few turns. Potions are separate from Elixirs and can be active together.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (129)Potion of SpeedIn case you or your other casters have a Concentration spell slot taken and cannot cast Haste, use this potion. It acts similarly, but the effect is just for 3 turns.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (130)Potion of Animal SpeakingAlthough not something powerful, it is worth stocking up and saving a spell slot.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (131)Potion of InvisibilityCan be used to get a perfect position before the encounter starts.


Unfortunately, only one Elixir can be active at a time. However, the good thing is that they last until a long rest, making them very useful and economical.

Be sure to activate them before combat as otherwise, you will need to use Bonus Action.

Remember to activate one elixir after each Long Rest. These are found plentiful throughout the game, so don't save them too much.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (132)Elixir of BloodlustYou gain additional action by killing an enemy. This is one of the best options that you can use especially if you plan on striking a single target using Scorching Ray.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (133)Elixir of VigilanceFor some encounters, you will want to go first. This elixir will ensure that it overcomes even surprise mechanics.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (134)Elixir of Peerless FocusAnother good choice, particularly once you start using Spirit Guardians and control spells.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (135)Elixir of Battlemage's PowerGain 3 stacks of Arcane Acuity. With this elixir, you could even skip Hat of Fire Acuity and use some other options.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (137)Superior Elixir of Arcane CultivationGrant's a single level 3 spell slot. Could be useful in case you are preparing for a longer encounter. However, its main use is to Sorcery Points.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (138)Supreme Elixir of Arcane CultivationGrant's a single level 4 spell slot. Could be useful in case you are preparing for a longer encounter. However, its main use is to Sorcery Points.

Illithid Powers

This is a special mechanic in Baldur's Gate 3, that allows you to consume tadpoles and unlock special Illithid Powers. These range from somewhat useful, to extremely deadly. I would like to leave a few recommendations:

Base Illithid Powers

OrderIllithid PowerDescription
1Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (139)Favourable BeginningsVery useful power to take as it does not have any costs, and provides only benefits on the first hits.
2Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (140)Luck of the Far RealmsGuarantees a critical hit, a very powerful action to have, and works with Scorching Ray or Witch Bolt.
3Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (141)Concentrated BlastTaking only for progression, to unlock the next power.
4Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (142)Cull the WeakPassive feature that does not cost anything and automatically deals bonus psychic damage around the target, once it is close to death.
5Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (143)Transfuse HealthTaking it for progression
6Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (144)Shield of ThrallsTaking for progression, to unlock the next power, but it also provides a good bonus as temporary health, that can be cast before combat.
7Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (145)Force TunnelMainly taking for progression
8Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (146)DisplaceMainly taking for progression

Elite Illithid Powers

These become unlocked later in the game as you progress. They are extremely powerful additions to the build.

OrderIllithid PowerDescription
1Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (147)FreecastRemoves any cost of spell slots or consumable resources
2Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (148)Black HoleAmazing power, that pulls enemies together and slows them. After that, you can follow up with Fireball, Fear, etc.
3Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (149)Psionic DominanceYou can use this similarly to Counterspell, and disable enemy spell.
4Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (150)Illithid ExpertiseExpertise in bonus skills from this power is not mandatory as Bard already covers most of these.
6Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (151)Mind SanctuaryExtremely valuable power that can also help other casters to use up their Bonus action effectively.

Equipment Recommendations

Now I would like to go through some gear recommendations to maximize the Lore Bard Sorcerer Build. Items are especially important as they take the build to the next level thanks to their unique effects.

Act 1

This part of the game can be tough for Bard. If you are Githyanki, be sure to get Medium Armour, as it is the best option before you can get one of those mentioned in the list.

Another caveat is that only Humans and Half-Elves can wear shields. These are a great Armour Class boosts early in the game.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (152)Melee (One - Handed)Melf's First StaffThis is the best item that you can use in Act 1. It improves your spell success chance.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (154)RangedBow of AwarenessGives bonus initiative, allowing one to go earlier in combat
Hand Crossbow +1Equip two of these so that you can attack with your bonus action.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (157)ShieldAdamantine ShieldIt provides a substantial defensive boost by reducing critical hit damage.
Safeguard ShieldGives a bonus to saving throws, easily accessible early in the game.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (160)HeadThe Shadespell CircletThe best headwear in Act 1. Just be sure to be obscured if you can.
Cap of CuringThe restored health is a good bonus when you use up Bardic Inspiration.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (163)CloakThe Deathstalker MantleThe only option in Act 1 that is okay, is by providing once-per-turn invisibility. Only available to Dark Urge origin.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (165)ArmorThe Protecty SparkswallBest clothing for caster in Act 1.
Blazer of BenevolenceBard item, that gives bonus HP after Bardic Inspiration use.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (168)GlovesGloves of Belligerent SkiesJust make sure to get these gloves. For now, you do not have many options for dealing Thunder, Lightning, or Radiant Damage. However, if you get Spirit Guardians and can cast two spells with Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (170)Metamagic: Quickened Spell​ you will see some interesting combos. Moreover, these gloves are extremely useful if you decide to go with Lightning Bolt.
Wondrous GlovesGloves specific for Bard, allowing to gain one more Bardic Inspiration charge.
Bracers of DefenceDefensive gloves that can improve Armour Class especially if you don't have Shield Proficiency.
Gloves of Cinder and SizzleThese gloves are an interesting choice. Once you get Hat of Fire Acuity. They allow casting Scorching Ray once per Longe Rest, this allows you to access the Arcane Acuity stack before Sorcerer Level 3.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (175)BootsBoots of Stormy ClamourThese will be the boots you use throughout the game.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (177)AmuletAmulet of BrandingUntil you get metamagic from sorcerer, this amulet is perfect for setting up bonus damage for martial classes in the party.
Pearl of Power AmuletRestore up to level 3 spell slot. Can be unequipped after use.
Amulet of Misty StepGives mobility improvement thanks to the Misty Step spell.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (181)RingsRing of ProtectionThe best option for Act 1. The bonus Armour Class is a great boost for survivability.
The SparkswallA great ring that gives resistance to lightning damage.
Crusher's RingImproves movement speed, but most likely this will be used by your melee party members.

Act 2 - mid-game

Act 2 changes the landscape and there will be a lot of dark areas. Moreover, it will provide some amazing items for you to find, that will improve the build damage.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (185)Melee (One-handed)Melf's First StaffThe staff is still the best contender for Act 2.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (187)RangedDarkfire ShortbowAmazing bow that allows to precast Haste before combat. This may not seem big as you can use Potion of Speed, but sometimes its short duration is not enough.
Hellfire Hand CrossbowThis crossbow can cast Scorching Ray each Short Rest. So you can try using it with Hat of Fire Acuity to stack Spell Save DC before obtaining a level 3 Sorcerer.
Bow of AwarenessStill a solid choice, especially if you only need initiative.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (192)ShieldKetheric's ShieldThe best shield there is for a caster.
Adamantine ShieldIt provides a substantial defensive boost by reducing critical hit damage.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (195)HeadHat of Fire AcuityThis is the best helmet for most of the game. It will allow you to stack Spell Save DC with each successful hit from Scorching Ray.
Fistbreaker HelmIf for some reason you are not able to get Fistbreaker Helm this is an alternative.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (199)CloakThunderskin CloakAs you will be constantly applying Reverbation, this cloak is amazing and allows Dazing enemies who dare to attack you.
Cloak of ProtectionImproves survivability and Saving Throw success.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (202)ArmorMoon Devotion RobeCombos with Gloves of Belligerent Skies for Reverbation stacks. It also has Constitution saving throw proficiency ensuring that your spells stay active even if hit.
The Protecty SparkswallStill the best option even in Act 2. This requires Lightning Charges, to unlock full potential.
Robe of Exquisite FocusAnother robe that gives +1 Spell Save DC.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (207)GlovesGloves of Belligerent SkiesThese gloves will be perfect to use in Act 2 as you start to stack up various spells. Only use these if utilizing Lightning Bolt or Spirit Guardians.
Luminous GlovesAnother alternative if using Spirit Guardians setup to apply Radiating Orbs for Attack roll debuffs.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (210)BootsBoots of Stormy ClamourThe boots are the best option due to the Reverbation stacking.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (212)AmuletSpineshudder AmuletOnce you start using Scorching Ray the amulet will allow easy stacking Reverbation on a single target.
Amulet of the HarpersAllows casting Shield spell, can be a lifesaver if attacked heavily for one turn.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (215)RingsCallous Glow RingThe best ring that improves damage and works well with Scorching Ray and Spirit Guardians.
Ring of Mental InhibitionUsing Spirit Guardians and other control spells will apply Mental Fatigue
Ring of TwilightAn easy way to get bonus Armour Class in Act 2.

Act 3 - Final Build setup

This is the last act of the game, where you will get access to the most powerful items. To get them as early as possible you will need some planning, but overall, it should not be a problem.

There are two main setups that I see, that I would like to cover with weapons:

Now, for the other equipment:

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (219)Melee (One - Handed)Markoheshkir
The best staff in the game. You can use it to activate Bolts of Doom for Lightning Charge stacking, Chain Lightning, or Lightning Bolt. Or you could take Bone-shaking Thunder for even more Reverbation stacking. Moreover, you get Arcane Battery for free spell cast up to level 6.
Staff of Spell PowerUse this one in an off-hand. It has an Arcane Battery, allowing you to cast a spell for free. Moreover, it improves spell attack rolls.
Staff of the EmperorGives bonus Spell Save DC and spell attack rolls. Moreover, its unique effect allows you to Stun enemies if you succeed in a Saving Throw against their effects.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (223)RangedHellrider Longbow
Gives a big boost to the initiative, guaranteeing that you can go first. However, you will need to get Longbow proficiency from race.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (225)HeadHat of Fire Acuity
The best headwear until the late game. Use Scorching Ray while wearing it, to stack Spell Save DC.
Hood of the WeaveIf for some reason you were not able to obtain Hat of Fire Acuity this is a good alternative that gives a good stat boost for spellcasters.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (229)CloakCloak of The WeaveImprove Spell Save DC by one, the best option for a direct increase in build effectiveness.
Cloak of Displacement
Improves the chances of attacks missing the wearer until getting hit for that turn.
Thunderskin CloakAs you will be constantly applying Reverbation, this cloak is amazing and allows Dazing enemies who dare to attack you.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (233)ArmorRobe of the Weave
The best clothing for caster. Not only improves spellcasting but also provides +2 Armour Class.
Moon Devotion RobeThis armor can combo well with Gloves of Belligerent Skies to apply reverbation. It also has Constitution saving throw proficiency ensuring that your spells stay active even if hit.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (237)GlovesGloves of Belligerent SkiesThe best gloves if using the Spirit Guardians option. If not, check the options below
Helldusk GlovesThese give improved spell attack rolls and Spell Save DC.
Gauntlet of the TyrantAnother option in Act 3, that also gives a level 3 Command spell each Long Rest, synergizing well with Bard Sorcerer Build.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (241)BootsBoots of Stormy Clamour
The best boots to use with the build
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (243)AmuletAmulet of The Devout
The Best amulet for this build. However, if you have a cleric, I would say it is better used on it.
Spellcrux AmuletRestores up to level 6 spell slots. After using it, you can unequip it for another amulet.
Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (246)RingsCallous Glow Ring
The best ring for bonus damage and reverbation stacking.
Ring of Mental Inhibition
Provides an easy way to apply Mental Fatigue with spells.

Build Mechanics

In this section, I would like to dive deep into how to play the Sorcerer Bard Build. This will help you utilize it to the fullest and correctly use various actions and spells throughout the game.

Important Mechanics and Combos

This build is a treasure trove of various combos. You can mix various spells from Sorcerer and Bard spell lists. Bard Sorcerer can then fully control the battlefield and follow up with damage spells.

Arcane Acuity - Scorching Ray + Hat of Fire Acuity

This will be the bread and butter of the build. You will use Scorching Ray to build up Arcane Acuity stacks for higher Spell Save DC. After that many of your spells, like Command, Fireball, and Hold Person, will have a 100% success chance.

I recommend using this to open up in combat.

Spirit Guardians + Command

This is a very powerful setup, which I recommend doing once you feel comfortable with the build and can ensure a very high Spell Save DC.

As you can see, by activating Spirit Guardians all enemies around you get Radiant damage. This damage then applies Reverbation from Gloves of Belligerent Skies. However, this is not all. Spirit Guardians also apply a condition, meaning that two more stacks are added from Boots of Stormy Clamour.

This is a very powerful setup that relies on you being able to cast Command: Approach with 100% success. This way you need to move less around saving your movement speed. This can also be done in one turn:

Paralysis effects (Hold Person, Sleep, etc.) + Spell with Attack Rolls

This is a very powerful single-target combo. You need to paralyze an enemy so that you would have a guaranteed critical hit. This can be done using Hold Person, Glyph of Warding (Sleep), etc.

After that, you have a few choices:

  • Witch Bolt - use levels 5-6 against sleeping target, to deal very high single-target damage. I would also recommend making the enemy wet as this will double the damage further. Sadly, the spell has a wide damage range of 24-240+ so this can create huge deviations. Another option...
  • Scorching Ray - if you have fire Draconic Ancestry, and activate Hold Person, each ray will deal a guaranteed critical hit, stacking up damage very high.

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (252)

Hunger of Hadar

My favourite spell which works extremely well the moment you can get it at level 6. What it does, is create an environment that causes all targets to become Blindeed. They also take damage at the start and the end of their turns.

The good thing is that your group can attack from the outside giving an advantage against all of the foes inside.

You can also mix this with Command: Hold, to make enemies stay inside or Sleet Storm, to make them fall on ice and take damage.

Early Game Combat

Because the build starts as Bard, and later College of Lore, you do not have many offensive options. Here is what I would do throughout the fight:

  • Very early in the game, I would use Faerie Fire, to set up Advantage for martials. This way they can guarantee a hit and most likely a kill as enemies have very low HP.
  • Dissonant Whispers does not have attack rolls so it will always deal at least half damage. I would also use it on melee enemies as the Frighten effect does not allow them to move.
  • Cloud of Daggers - is a great option if there are at least two enemies close by. This way you can hit them for 2 attacks (one at the start of the turn, a second once they start it)
  • I would use Bonus Action for healing or attacking with Hand Crossbow +1.
  • Hold Person is another wondrous spell. If you have a high chance of 80%+, use it. Your martials can then easily finish off the target. Just use it on the enemy with a decent amount of HP.
  • Level 5, you can start using Glyph of Warding to put multiple enemies to sleep. After that follow up with party members to take them out one by one. Glyph o Warding can also be selected with different elements. So if the enemy is Wet you can use lightning or Cold elements.
  • Once you get Command, you can upcast it to target multiple enemies.

Late Game Combat

Okay, this can become a bit hectic, but here are the main ideas.

Now if you picked Spirit Guardians:

  1. If you can have someone precast Haste (or use Potion of Speed) before combat.
  2. Always start the combat with Scorching Ray to build up Spell Save DC. Of course,
  3. Cast Spirit Guardians, and follow up with Command: Approach (use Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (254)Metamagic: Extended Spell​ to increase the duration by 1 turn). Then you can move to the nearest enemies to start damaging them and applying reverbation.
  4. On enemies turn they will start moving towards you, and get damaged again.
  5. Once your turn starts, you have a few options - cast Command on more enemies, reapply it or use something like Fireball, or Scorching Ray to deal tons of damage to grouped foes.

If you picked Hunger of Hadar:

  1. You can start with casting Hunger of Hadar, this will make enemies Blind.
  2. Now based on spell success chance like Command: Hold, you can either use it or Scorching Ray to build up Spell Save DC.
  3. Use damaging spells like Fireball, Lightning Bolt, and Scorching Ray to further thin out enemy groups.
  4. You can also go into the mist yourself, and have enemies follow you with Command: Approach.

Build Variations

There are a few variations that the build could be changed about. I think it is more for advanced players who are likely doing some deeper optimizations.

  • Bard Lv 7
  • Sorcerer Lv 5
This is also a "decent" setup. One thing that I find attractive is that Bard gets level 4 spells - particularly Confusion. This spell is amazing in disabling enemy groups and even starting to attack each other. Sadly, you lose level 6 Sorcerer features.


Thank you for reading the Bard Sorcerer build for Baldur's Gate 3. This was an interesting build to try and find ways to make it work. The build heavily relies on some items, but once you have them, every combat encounter becomes a breeze.



BG3 Discord - Curar and Ember for challenging and suggesting the ideas of build implementation and item usage

Sorcerer Bard Multiclass Build - Lorecerer (2024)
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