The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)


JtC. WITHY GROVE STORES. OPERA HOUSE. Evenings at 6 30. Matinee each Saturcay at 2 ASK ELL'S.

Foam. Radiant Baths. Oifptd Rd Turkish, Ard 2452 GAUMONT. TO-DAY frca 12 noon THE D'OYLY CARTE OPERA CO. SAFES.



Psychological Speech Specialist. 46. John Dalton St Mc 2 Tel. BLA. 2494 MONDAY.

NOV. 25 FOR SIS NIGHTS at 6 30. DENNIS BRAIN WIND QUINTET. AlAlinXK ffi j.VlUtLAX at LADIES' Own Material Tailored by experts Coats. Costumes, and Gowns SELA-NBY.

17. Bk Piccadilly. Manchester 1T0.S p.eces bre.ts Jacques Ibert INVALID SPECIALISTS. EXPERT ADVICE GIVEN. 10-20.

THOMAS STREET. MANCHESTER 4 DONALD WOLF IT Wood ASSISTANT to Eng Biers'- Worts Manager requ strict dlscialinar an and In the handling labour- of Factory Acts, planning and product-ou scheme an advantage, and able to assist m.nager as dtrecteu state age experience and salary. nl when at A 583 M.O BURMA Steel Brothers and Co invite applications from Young Men. of good education and sound cotton textile experience and bnokdife ol mercantile practice for post plece-oods section of thir Imports department. Rangoon Write.

sivtn lull part'eu aai in confidence, to Export Manager, Steel Brothers and Co Ltd 24 2fl Lombard Street London. EC 3. wu.ntet in Qu'ntet Quartet (flute, LAST DAT ANNA AND THE KING OF SI AM COMHENCISG TO-MORROW (SCNDAY). A THRILLED-PACKED MASTERPIECE I EDWARD G. ROBINSON.


and full a a-m -h cet 10 30 id re attended by the Lord Major r-' flection 1 wery Rev. GARFIELD Bf Dean. i it this service will be In aid "Mtirlit Fund. wa-n. 11 45 6 m.

tr i-r Rev. Canon GREEK, MA ce for InUnutlcmftl Students Set UcCAUOHEY.MA. Br Council of the Churchej o-lc l( iv usual collection lor the -rdril Fund will be taken and here Till be plates at the at oral in which should be a'd ol the International Denn's Matthe-ars horn, and Rcss nl J. Senall'e Hlndem th bassoon Shakesneare Comnanv Rondo ser oso Othello Gut Artist. FRF.I3ER1CK ATOMTC VALK as Othello," DONAED WOLFIT as J.

J. Shaw, 71rterst- are open to purchase tor Cash Good Quality and Antique FURNITURE. UPHOLSTERY AND CARPETS. Must he in nrst-class condition. Write or 'ph Cen 5431.

alvtag full tmrtlenlara. Tickets cs at Certral L.brary on Bht ot IakO Tues. Volnone tbv Ben Jonson). concert Subscr.ot.ons lor season from the Wed Mat. and Eve The Merchant of Venice.

Thurs. and Hamlet. Sat. Mat As You Hon Secretarr. oo Broad-raj Manchester 2U- 25, 7 35 -NO 11 SUNDAY at 3 10.

5 MARCH OF TIME Like It- JClnc Ta- cn December Jarua-n- 2o. Reduced prices far school children except February 20 and Mrch 6 CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS, LTD. Your carpets and upholstered furniture cleaned and shampooed without removal. Orlclnal pattern and colours restored as new without damage or ahrtnkase to materials. 24 Hours a Dajr.

7 Days a Wee Serrice. Call, write, or 'phone for estimate. Mancheste. Branch 177, PRINCESS ('KARGE-HAND Electrician Required tor maintenance work in North-West chemical factory. Experience of ill tvpes of A motors, switchgear.

and vvlrint, prclenbly with some expenerce of starter aid motor repairs. Address applications statinn age and jaonaay and Saturday Evenings ODEON, Oxford St. Open 11am TUBILEE HALL. DUKINFIELD WINE WISDOM NO 1. SHERRY.


DEAnsrate 5648 tut MPCRTAW (Handel! PALACE THEATRE Eves 6 45 Matinee each Wednesday and Saturday. 2 ANTED Furniture, Carpets, Pottery G. HARDY 7B. DEAJiSOATB. MC 3.

Tel DC.O 2543 DECEMBER 15. 1946 at 2 30 exreritnee, in the urst instance to mi M.incheitr Guardian wanvneomt 1 AKUglCI 2cj7 OLDHAM MUSICAL SOCIETY S. SECOND BIG WEEK. "LONDON TOWN" wltn SID FIELD SID F.ELD To-diT 12 10 2 55. 5 40.

8 25. SJn Open 2-TUES NOV 19. on Stage 7 40 p.m. PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF KAY KENDALL TOM ARNOLD brlnss RALPH READER with nis original GANG SHOW. The Biegest Bricmeit.

and Fastest of all- Servtc. Shows. TO-MORROW. 9 nj -1st, 10 4S a tin T. DAVIEE.





25- One Week above times. Soprano ELENA DANIEL! Cont-l to MARJORIE THOMAS Tenor EDWARD REACH Bass ROBERT EASTON Accompanist FRANK BERRY LHi-M. Professional Orcliestra (Condjctor, ERNEST CRAIG. ARCM1. Tickets- 6-.

4-. and 2-. Booking Flan opens November 28. Electricity Sho.rooms. King St DdU.nne'd.

Asbtrn 1994 PROCEEDS TO LOCAL CHARITIES. Hon Sec Coun Thornton. Clmla, Boyd's als, Hon Treas Coun H. Broftc S'rathdene Kmc Street Di-tlnfle'd SUTCLIFFE CIRCULATING FANS keep the heated air movlflii over entire BERNARD DELFONT production of THE STUDENT PRINCE. Sifmiund Rcmbcrst Famous Musical BRUCE TRENT.

CHERRY LIND. STAINLESS STEEL SINKS Complete Units. Including Well-appointed KITCHEN CABINETS. Delivery ex stock. Call and Inspect.


ii L. -W(JOR, A I RESSHAW. Vicar. -ads "AorsEry Viewa from s-- j29. WmlUdca Road, A fid r-art aiancnesier Continuous D.iilv trom 12 15.



FOR A SPECIAL OFFER OF 3-PINT ELECTRIC KETTLES, AUTOMATIC ELEMENT, VITREOUS ENAMEL FINISH. PRICE 40s. CONTRACTS CONTRACTORS with Scrapers Bulldozers, and Excavators are In i jtHEMIST rTiuv auaunea MeiaLurgiit. lor Sheet Steet Rcillrs. Ann inc.

Presftins and Deep-draWins: chemica. control ol ancillary operations, in-ctui ng ean gas production: competent and Eeen to In ceramics essential good priKpecvs tor suitable. oor.g man etate age. qualincat.ons experience and required. Adiess RhOO Mancheater Gufird an ENGINEER and Des.gner.

thoroughlj experienced dcsign'ns and production of tools for deep draTin pressork: capable of taxing comp ete charge of saia.l modern toolroom productnj press tools lor B'lss presses good prospecta lor nun initiate in old-established firm malcng pressings for holloa ware and neer ni: trades state age. ence. and commencing salar reaJiirfd. App A. Fellows, u.can "Works, Wo.

verb aro on IlNGINELR Designer An A-aLstant Ch'ct Erlneer Des'gner Is required by lrge Ir-dustr al Organisation In the North of island The Cruel Eng'neer Designer, wUb. (in adequate staff, is responsible for the design q'kI development of production mach'ne-y and the preparation ol estimates lor ant and bu Idtnc tttensens. he is not respnrsaU.e for th? installation of new plant and the r-ain-tnance cl existing p'ant, uhlch is carried out a separate department Applications arc in r. tod from engineers with a flair for the mechanical des'gn ol heavy precision machinery vi hj can produce evidence ot ability to VV position to take on Excavation Contracts Not Donald MACDONALD, Ltd. Buiidina Reinforced Concrete TraBord Bar.

Manchester 16 Tel. TRA 276B9 interested in hire 445 HAM Rd Congregational CHURCH GWYM PILBY. iKrujnstra.ton Pla, Light Sjnda-. Schulara. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS.

HOLIDAY IN MEXIC NEST WEEK Here in Person Britain Star-Maker, CARROLL LEVIS. With bis latest B.B recoveries and the Newest Radio Feature, STARS FROM THE SERVICES. Now Bookln lor Emile Littler's Pantcrmlme "CINDERELLA" 26. CANNON STREET. MANCHESTER 4.


1S9S. BLA. 8833. 24. Fountain 234, Rochdale Oldham Manchester RUBBER STAMPS.

JOHNSONS ENGRAVERS (Leeds), 4, MARRIOTTS COURT, SPRING GARDENS, MANCHESTER 2. 'Phone BLAdttnsri 8010 TJIOR Boiler and Economiser JL Scaling and Cleaning send your Inquiries to MANCHESTER REPERTORY THEATRE. ') JU111LEE CELEBRATIONS, anci Tea 1MRLES SPEAKMW, JublJte Concert. o-p'r-stra. Tom Florrnce E-rt'tairicr), the Central Hall -n m-clcer Conductor Warhm DEANSGATE.

LAST DAY. SPECTRE OF THE ROSE COMMENCING SUNDAY AND ALL WEEK. By Popular Dsrond JAMES MARGARET MASON, LOCKWOOD, in "THE WICKED LADY." rue BuiLta. ac economiser scaling MOTORISTS must visit the FRAM Exhibition at Henlys, Peter Street, to see how the amazing Fram Oil and Engine Cleaner keeps pure, clean oil clrcu.atine all the tunc and adds years to the -He of your engine EMOVALS nd STORAGE. First-class Service Moderate Charges.

Ormesheis. AS, Wellington Rrt Stockport. KING'S HALL, BELLE VUE. SUNDAY. 17th NOVEMBER at 3 m.

HALLE ORCHESTRA. Conductor BERNARD HERRMANN. Overture, Rosamurde Schuffert Su.e, tr the K.u Aaron Copland Concerto No 1 for pjsnolorte and Orcnestra Chopin Symphonj No 5 (from the New World Dv orak Soloist: ISO ELINSON. Pianoforte TICKETS from 2s. 6d (1.000 UnrE-serv-rd at Is 6d at Belle VueL from FORSYTH BROS LTD LEWIS'S.

LTD CWS (Travel Dept NIELD H-VRDY, LTD (Stocfcport). BELLE VUE LTD or THE HALLE BOOKING OFFICE. 8. St Peter's Square. Manchester 2 (Hours 11 SO to 6 a Tet CEV 20231 PRESTON STREET HULME 6 30.

TWICE NIGHTLY. 30. COMPANY MANCHESTER). LTD 424. Bury Old Road, Prestwich.

Manchester. Tplerihor-e: PREstw'ch 2036. 6th Year. 6th Year oo ongmai cesign ana aevejrpment wori. FORSYTH BROTHERS.

are now In av to undertake new Tuning Contracts In all districts FORSYTH BROS LTD 1 26. Deansiate. Mc FRANK H. PORTESCUE Presents "THE ROTTER Modern plant and good organisation ensure moderate terms 4ste for detas of nur Annual Service which reduces jtur Clean'nE Costs ana considerably tney snou be hetween 35 and 40 year or ase. have a eood ceneal and Acclaimed The Greatest Film cl tre Year Tbe famous Lancashire Comedy by Mattby university degree or equivalent in mechanical Sunda ot 0.

13. I WeeLdajs at 12 0. 2 0, 4 0 6 5. 8 20 XT' AST CROMPTON CHURCH. increases u.jr nviLitK.

i'u." i ernrien' engineering workshop experience, the 3ox umie, fnone aua. zttna BOOKING NOW (or XMAS PANTOMIMES Ali APPEAL FOR RE SERVICING OP THE REID TAYLOR, Langholm, Scotland, makers ot the world most expensive twist CHEVIOT CLOTHS, nall- SJfjK tl1' loUlJ w1111 th n3Ie REID and TAYLOR No coth It a genuine nroduct fi OL BORNE URBAN DISTRICT H. HEAP II HINDLEY imsyiY rally. taker by Mr. Harter.

Ptjnley Parsons 1 8 4 1 5 Serrlce HA.NNAN, D. Kajy members of the Staff. Dec 23: Dick Whtt'oaton. 2 50, 6 30 8 30 uec. Kec Miainc hoj.

ju, oU ti 6U "VJI COUNCIL SEWERAGE SCHEME THEATRE ROYAL TO-DAY T0-MCRHOW, AND WEEK STRICTLY ADULTS CN1Y BELL8 We, the undersifned. appeal lor Donations towards the Re-servlclnff of East Crompton Bells, the estimated cost belnc ttlthout this hall-mar Supplies can he bad trom wholesale houses only. The above Counc'! INVITE TENDERS from experienced Pub Wcrts Coatractors for the ill.ouo. Blnce tnelr Installation in 1U67 wimniencsr.e remuneration will be of the order of Cl 000 per annum. Address 334 Manchester Guardian ENGRAVERS.

Foreman Hand Engraver, lor metal memoral table te Appllcat'ona inv'ied Irom first-class engravers to nil vacancy caused rillremei.t hand engravers aid machine engravers invited to apply for other vacane'es for regular employment. F. Oshorno and Ltd 117. Gower St London. W.C 1.

carrying out of the necessary ftorte required in L'ESDAY MIDDAY CONCERTS hey hhe called the innanitanu of Crompton the Public Worship of God Thev are Hi- Hf AYOR OF SALFORD FLOOD iTX DISTRESS FUND A GRAND DINNER DANCE (OnaiAsed by Whalen, Esq In aid ol the above Fund) will be he THE MIDLAND HOTEL. AN CHESTF. ne construction or doi jjreai yoroa oi i'J'a diameter scer and 196 lineal yards of 9in d-amtter seaer. tocether with manholes be NO CONCERTS ON NOVEMBER 19 tne only peal In the township. th confidence, therefore, we aDDeal to the eenerositv of all WILLIAM HARTNELL lr APPOINTMENT WITH CRIME and SONG OF OLD WYOMING lllh EDDIE DEAN HALL.


Thee Sixty Yean" o.addenlnj L'sht (Noble). and 26 Tfcie nct concert will be on D-ceubr 3 aonc Warrirjrton Rsad. Glaaehurv Also the past and present Cromptonlans This ts an EXHILARATING NEW MODELS ol perlectly tailored Coats. Costumes, and aeQUin-trimmed Dinner Gowns from our newly arrived Winter collection of post-war non-austerity Fashions -win deght the lash.on-ahle woman or taste who is invited to see the excuslvc 1946-1947 styles now on dlsp ay in our showrooms JOANS ol MANCHESTER. do. Street- opportunity to clie tangible expression of on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28lll. Iy46, 8 tn 2 a ffenerai and particular tnsnkseivlnE lor our merciful deltteriince achieved by the V.ctcrj necessar1- wort in the connection and of various properties In the to nships of CuLcheth Kenyon and Lowtcn vr'thln the abave district wiLh the main ewer, Thes; conrect'ons compriee the laIne of TONY STUART FULL BROADCASTING BAND. Personal appearance of Stace and Rid-o Sta-o. C'inPEL (Oxford Road), Bao 1st, Wlloraham Road. roAXJEND 10 45 and 6 30.

-a cka -lna. yarcs or yin and 4Sn diameter salt eUzed ware pks tocether -with the construction of Manho'es, FOR SUCCESS IN All School Certs. Matncs EXAMS. Prof Prr11m 01 uie Ames ui uouacions seal to inc underslcned will be cralefully acknowledged Thank ou David Williams. East Crompton Vlcaraie, Shaw.

Lanes; Thomas Slddall, 33, Crossley Slreet. Shaw; Herbert Dalton. 66, MUnrow Road. Shaw, Annie Whlttaker, 4, Duke Street. ShaT uress opuonai Tickets cuineas each, obtainable at FORSYTH'S.


Ltd Poland' to Paderearskl, In a CHOPIN RECITAL Prices 76. 6'- 53. 46. 36, 26 Ai: books bin Vue and usual Agenta Baconj jUnreservrd) BSC, Pract'cai Matha Trj? rum. Trap Chambers Inspection Chambers, and other appurtenant work Form ol tender, tocether arlth.

aeneral con Oxford and Market St. TO-DAY, TO-MORROW. ALL WEEK IDA OL1VI NANCY LUP.NO. DE HU1LL.1D, COLEMAN (as the three Brcr.te Siters). and HENP.EID In "DEVOTION" CERTiF.C ATE Sunday 2 55.

5 10. 7 20 Weekdays 1 10 5 40 6 10. 8 25 otnvivt jjay. js.ven-nff. costal.

LOftEBURN COLaLEGE LTD Spring Gardens. Manchester ditions, spcciflcat'on. and bill of quantities may be obtained on payment ol 3 3s (which will JiOP CASH PRICES for MOLlNEUX'S Service and Recondition all makes of Raaio Reeetvins sets. IEWELLERY. SILVER.

SOVFRRlftWR do reiunaea on receipt oi a oona-nae tenaer) from the Enlneers Mefsre Lamai. Inch am. EXCELLENT prospect for Young Man lth knowledge ard experience of textile dyelnr and chemistry, to act as Assistant to Executive tn Cot'on Yarn Dyeaorfcs Address ago, quail flcat Ions, and salary 264 Manchester Guard an FOREMAN Dyer, for estab Textile Printing Firm In Australia- exp. In rayon, wool, and silk exceptional terms ard prospects: reply promptly principal shortly leaving Entiand 554 Manchester Guardian GLASS ard Glazing Putty G. axing Foreman required excellent opportunity offered to risht man.

LEADED Liehts Charge Hand, with all-round xpcr ence FIXERS, fuUy experienced on church worL: excel ent p-ospects. Full partlcujars to Guildford Glass and Metal Wors, Ltd Portsmouth Road. Oui.d. ford, Surrej MANAGER required by large Manufacturer of Coloured Woven Shirtingi- applicant have knowledge of and be competent to proLucc (o- both home trade and export App.y confidence, -Iving fun details of qt-a lnca-tajns tud ase. to Box 533, Dlh and Son.

Ltd Manchester 3 TV'l ANUh ACrURING ChcmiLs. Ion estttb- Kuoofframophoncs. and Gramophones 1U1. Brtdae St Mancr-ester 5 tBLAcktrlars 4634 SNOOKER SNOOKER TOURNAMENT at the Hou'ls-wcrch Hall, 90, Deansgate, Manchester. NOv' 19-28.


S. SMITH, wLl play at every session Tickets 36, 6-. 9-, 126 O. H. LUPTON SONS PRE 1881 NOW BOOKING.

in any conaitton GOLDWARE LTD Till Corporation St Mc nnd Roacoe n. Fold St-cet. Bolton, on and ANCHESTER BEECH AM alter November 14. 1946 OPERATIC CHORUS GRAND CONCERT CHILL Cast Phosphor Bronze Bar, cored and solid All sizes In stock Drawings rns- be seen and other part'tmlars obtained at the office of the Engineers between the hoars of 10 am. ard 12 noon (except SaMrJaT) or fav aoncLr-trnerit REGAL OXFORD ROAD Com.

iram 12 40 CEN. 2437. IF Mr. CLAYTON Mr. FRASER lately residing at Gunn's Hotel.

Lo'd Nelson Street. Liverpool, will communicate with BURGESS. 9. HusJtlsson Street. Liverpool 8 (telephone Roal 1127), they will hear jackson as CO Lord street.

Manchester 10 COL 3016 GARDEN. Tfidr-s In paSn tnve'opes. endo-sed Seer and House Connect'ois must reach the under -s'ced not later than twelve coon on iiinr uuAii KJ Royal Opera House. London. W.c 2 WE DO WATCH REPAIRS very QUicJtiv.

A. guaranteed job bv exDerlenced TO-DAY I SEE A DARK STRANGER TO-MORROW (from 2 30i NEXT WEEK Barbara Stanwvck George Brent, "MY A I Acts from Famous Opens CAVALLERIA RUbl I CAN A "FAIR MAID OF PERTH SAMSON AND DELILAH On Wednesday Nov 20. lf at the A4bert HaiE. Mfinchester. 7 15 ro Condjctor Edward Stanlej Accorrpan'st.

Marjone Bnftrt. A M. A Seats 4- 3 2- craltsmjji OIL3ERT, Jeweller. New Arcade, 12. St Ann's Square Manchester The Council do not bind themselves to accept Eis at 6 45.

Mat Saturdays at 2 30. Season Continued to Jai uec SADLER'S WELLS BALLET Full programme Box Offic (Tern 7961) 1141 APH1 1 ABC. Ard CONTRACTS CITY OF MANCHESTER The Transport Comm'ttee of the Corporation are prepared to receive tende-s for the supply and of PAPER ROLLS lor Tic tet Issulnz Machines CONCRETE EDGINGS and COLOURED FLAGS MARTL'ND. CJerfc of the OomsciL Couicl OfScea, Newton Road. Lowton.

near Wa-rlngton. November 6. 1946 Mat 2 15 Firit Holsc 5 40 Second, 8 5 iTX prlniarilv conctrned llh niarkct.r.g rpATTERSALL SONS, LTD Sp eel flea ions ard forms tender may be EBRITY CONCERT. upplled and LAID CONCRETE UNIT Tr fiord Part. Manchester Tet TRA.

1846 1 '8 JL Chimnev Refractory Contractors, larct o. proprietaries are appointln3 Central Manager prt.nt kno ol this adverut-n'tn tand dates should be between 35 und 45 ani have tirm gracp of general manage- Manaeer. Tmfrtwi't mFrr Rotary K4Ins Water Tube Lancashire Boiler DNESDAY, 27th NOVEMBER, at 7 30 prompt ArtLstcs ir'DISH STREET CHAPEL. Rr ERNEST HAMSON. D-fE's It i -l: Hnir u.tth Question I CHAPEL (Unitarian).

I NOt EMBER 17. I MICKLEWRIGHT, Hist S. -i' a- Unlc Reilclon K. and the Future -v ictl Free Discussion. r.

pt Arn-ml no-w on cale. 4d. i F-i'e 29 and 30 HKInAN SCIENCE SERVICES I 1 a of Ihe Mother cburcn. The i- t( 1 OF THR1ST. SCIENTIST Fl.irON MasR USA ilEtY KE.T FREE ai-tMOS NOVEMBER 17: itrLS AND IMMORTALS i H' HJ11 OF CHR1S1, SCIENTIST.

oltN 11 and 6 30 Sunday 1 -i Testimony Mtr Wed. 7 30. 5' )D CTJRCH OP CHRIST. SCIENTIST, "i Kit tlsbury. SUN 1 1 and 6 30 Srh am Test Mt WED 7 45 1 C'ltRCH CHRIST.

SCIENTIST, j-i-sj-'r, oppos te Krott Mill Station. 11 a ti 30 Sunday 1 Testimony Merlins, WED 7 30 ft. PT', O'lnRCH US' CHRIST, SCIENTIST. 11 and 6 30. Sun.

Meet nts. Wed 1 5 11 7 1 Red'is-room eiso open Smtur- to 4 in r-li THViCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. i i-ci Le.ensnulme, SUN. 11 and Srhj .11.

Test Mtc WED 8 I- CHURCH OP CHRIST. S-'TNT'ST 5. Rl 11 and i 1 1 Test WED 7 30 'REi iTBUC READING-ROOMS aitb the above: v-xiRv-I lSla. DlrJcenscn Boad, 1 ma a entrance to Blrcn Park. X' 1 C4l w.hnsloa Rd Dldabury.

i "..1 it Ct irch EdtOce Knott Mill. J3 Peer St-M. M'e 2 1 t-r 1.111 'tea. Church Edifice Lenrmhulme. church Edifce.

55, Piccadilly. Manchester 1 Tenders, enclosed Setters '37 soutMl Road MSddlesbrounh VAN JOHNSON "EASY TO WE Colour SUNDAY COMiNl.OCS 2 30 BARBARA STANWYCK, GEORGE BRENT "MY REPUTATION," at 3 15, 5 30, 7 5U (sun) Cafe- Ret. 10 30 to 9 ni Sun 3 30 to uji aua cioocrn mancei ng ticvnue as app to pharmaceutical Industn. the CITY OF MANCHESTER. NoLkc 15 hereby given, that the Council nPHE URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL oi me tity or aiancnester nas tnis aay JL OP ROY TON.

HAOGArE HOUSING SITE apintment resporLi.D.e and import jnt to the compan-. "i i 1 carry a ccmmenturaio fcdiarj end he progress uat G'ad. Riplts na Barbjie Cvni Mart-n Iner TAW hams Be-jt Dakn Contra. to Scjirano Tenor Vmn st Organist Accompinist TENDEJt-S are INVITED for the INSTLLA BELLE VUE ZOO GARDENS. Open Dally irom 10 am DANCING Niehtly at 7 5 and 6 30 OLD TYME Tuesdays fc Thursdays 7pm FREE-STYLE WRESTLING Weds 6 Sits 7.

BRITAIN GREATEST FIREWORK SPECTACLE E.ery Wednesday aid Saturday at 8pm BELLE VUE announces Its GIGANTIC INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS CIRCUS NEVER GREATER IN CIRCUS HISTORY Opening- December 21st 20 STAR ACTS BOOKING PLANS NOW OPEN THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21st. at 7 MALCUZYNSK! -he Worlds Greatest Pianist FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, at 7 P-m. Grer.t Return Visit ot TED HEVTH ard his MUSIC RUGBY TO-DAY, KICK OFF 2 45 BELLE VUE RANGERS ST HELENS deta.l exper'ence anil sa.ari required a id ve lie ouic.a: eve opes, sea.ea, are to be aidressM to the Cha rman the Transport Committee. 55, Piccadilly.

Manchester 1. ar.d must be receil not later than 10 a m. on Monday the 25th November. 19-3 6. The Committee does not bind itself to accent the lowest or any tender.

PHILIP DINGLE. Town Clerk. Tdwti Hall. Manchester, 16th November. 1946 Rfsoh etl.

Ordered, and Declared that, it is necessary that the following streets. Ways, or Pasaaces, or portions thereof, s'tuate In the City of Manchester, shoud be STOPPED TION of ELECTrRIC ENERGY to 50 HOUSES Sundayi TATLER CEN 6015 an cou-se or erection on the sdotc estat; Irom 2 50pm ree re i encea jote Pi case ao iw vv te un-tis yoa have vci nrst-c'ass ex per tne in ti Dharmareut'ca! or associittd IndJstrUs. Deta.led specittcatlon, together with form of tender mav be otnatneti on app'Scation to Vf ana ihl.iax3H.jj, ana it, is nereD acccia-lnrly resoived and ordered that the same be In Addrts 32o Manchester GuardUn cooKson a imi e. aia Stopped Up and Inclosed under and by virtue of the power contained In the Manchester General Improvement Act. 1851 namely; survevor.

'loan uaa. K03ton. Lancasnire Bri-isftlck Meloi st Church B-ad Street. Pendleto i Rp.s-itd Seats 5 and 3 'j obla nab from CKu-ate 1 UKHIb and ucmp i iteiiie sourv i Liruura tX require cpable and ixperlei 'tl MANAGER for hiEh-class Ladies' and Cnllclrtn Outiittlnc Business in centre of inaers nctosea a niain ieajea enve ope. endorsed L.phin to be dejivered to the PROBLEM DRINKERS L-Marcn ot T.u.e.

Commencing ilonday, Nov 18 EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL PICTURES OF BIO BRUCE FIGHT GEORGES WOODCOCK v. MARTIN FltTPatrlcK Cartoors World New Shreftsburv experience of buMnz, utalT control. underained not la'er than rZ noon Tuesdai. tie 26th November. 1946 The Council do not bind themselves to accept the loaest or any tenaer A.

DONALD OGDEN Clerk of the Councti Town Ha" R-vtcn 7th N'ovprrber 19-46 WAiU-Jtt BIKMl. irom a point south-east ot LANGS TON STREET to the cul-de-sac end Passage be-hind demolished property formerly numbered 8 and 10. WARDE STREET, and 124 to 130 MORETON STREET. MOP ETON STREET, from LANGSTON STREET to JULIA STREET MORETON STREET, from JULU STREET to a po-nt 80 south-east of JULIA STREET PasAe serln demolished property formerly numbered 129 ana 151. ORE AT DUC1E STREET, and 100 and 114 MORETON STREET, from MORETON STREET to ELYSIAN.

Cneadle Hulme. TRUNK I-sr'd BerBmac, Gary Cooper Corrm 5 50 FOR SALE BY TENDER HOULDSVOHTH HALL. DEANSGATE TUES I- i DiCEV-aiR 3 1 L4o, PIANO FORTERE IT A HEDWIG STEIN (Mrs Ito insonf Prograrrme inc'ude? Scenes cf Cnildliocd, Bethoven. Fureral March or ata; A benj: Triana, tc. Tickets 53 35 26 -es "16 unres.

FORSYTH BROS 126 Deansgate Mc 3 ANCASHIRE COUNTY REX, Wilmslow. SPANISH MAIN iTech with Maureen O'Lara JUi COUNCIL. CIVIL DEFENCE DE? 4.RTMENT CITY OF SALFORD. TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT. TENDERS FOR BUS CHASSIS AND BODIES are INVITED lor the SUPPLtf and DELIVERY of the to take ace early In 1948 (a) 90 Two Axle Compress'on Ignition Englned Doub.e-decjc Bus CLiassis.

(b) 90 Hlsrhbr.dce type 56-eatex MetaMramed. Doub.e-decJ: Bus EodLfs. Or a (c) 90 Two Axle Compression Iffnttlon Eajlned Double-deck Bus Chassis, comp.ete ith Hishhrldge type 5b-seatcr Metal-iramed Double-deck Bus Bodies Forma of specificat'on and tenecai conditions of tender niaj be obtained from the General Miauea Saiiord City Transport, Frederict Road. Saltord 6. Sealed tenders la plain eiivelDoes.

marked outside Tender lor Bus Chassis and Bodies must be delivered not later than lO a.rn on Monday, December 16th. 1946. to the Town Clerk. Town Sal ford 3 The Corporation does not bind ltse.f to accept th lowest or any tender TOMSON, Town Clerk. Town Ball Saltord.

November. 1946. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS CIVIL DEFENCE and Paul Henre'd liAH.Vl Vhe Faith that fulfils DRAPERY. MILLINERY JR. TAYLOR St.

Arnes-on-cea. has vacancies work-corns Milliner: Thoroughly experienced practical Assistant, must be used to copying: permanency Ladles Talorng: TaJoress ortrng and used to a'ten-'ens to ready-wear in ccats and si.rts: perm progressive position. Dressmaking 1 ssi.tants experienced In work posttlcn nserie. Asi must experienced in hir.h-class tiaJoty work: permanent Ail particulars aje. wee.

ac3 esperlenco first letter. "TASTLES. Goans Minever. window jJjL dresser, wide dc -en Position: ex re'5 March ste- Gaardan FITTER; Cutter ana Grader. L'Eht Cloth -irii Liverpool (dresses, blousts.

children's near) Amercan method flve-day ieti App.y J. and P. Jacobs, Ltd, 12 The County Council has lor sale In ore 1 1151 ate 'ration of everr aeeter Store in the newmccurhood of Preston thi ENGINEERS. DRAUGHTSMEN IMPORTANT Lac Lash re Rayon Yarn Producing Company requires Young Man, 25 to 30 years of ace. for Production mut t-iiu1 ethical, otorai.

i ac1 -is irv to-day Metlne 7 Surdaf. BAHA I CENTRE, have good genera education jnd scant! eninserirr knonledgc ei-officer technics una licely to b. saitable iu.d salary and pr. specs to sd lab man. Box 1 65 Lee and 2.692 2 707 1.384 794 850 1.S08 ana iraae exceueni ljiu-ptcts fcr nun with Inltiatlie and sound kiowlecge of burin is house provided.

Appj bv letter lo tjt'crt-tari. Head Office, Welsh Brldfie, PETROLEUM BearcS Laboratory seeka (1) quarried Er.t rctr lir; o- frecond class henou-a degree, aijed 30-3d with experience in the des-gn. deve.opmer.t and testing of escl trwlits to organise and conduct roe arch In re atlort to eogsr.e fue s. t2 qua fled EuCneer. with honours degree.

taxe charge ol fuel injtct'oi equ pment of this laborato-y. Address, stating age. quaUflcatioas, experience, ad anen avaiiabre. A 421 Manchester GuardUn. PLANT Chemists urgently iequired lur Process Plant Operation by Iirfte company operating in tbe Middle East: applicant! need net be graduates, but should have r-od a Chemical Training up to Inter E-Sc.

or National Certificate Sundard with experience of shift work in e'ther a jzas. coke oven or chemical worU fttce not over 30 salary In -veiling between and 60t per annum plus fetneraus atlJ-vances In local currency, aih free furnished bachelor accommodation, passages out and home medlca attention, also kit allowance and nrovide fund benefit. Addreu. ttat nc 28e quaflcaLons ard exper- t- L0 1" 2 "MO PURCHASING Officer ab.e to work mlraclei of suppjy thruugh dogged resorccfulnes and his personal conuicts in trade required to demonstrate this abl tt7 bj proB-esslve light enc neerlng and chemica' rruinul jcturers in Yo-fishlre. gene-ous remuneration.

good write fu'ly. stating sa ry now earned t-rd required A 374 Manchester Guardian i Tunr-KASIN'G Denartmnt of weil-known NCHSTER AND SALFORD MISSION jl'bilee celebrations N.v Hal'. Peter fitrtwt. K.i LESLIE CHURCH. Ph.D..

foi'owirur surplus vil Defence fatores Water Bottles Water Bottle Carr.ers led Cloth (yds Tape, unbicached, lin tt lln (doz timet Spotlights Metal Stretcher Bi's Wool, absorbent unbleached .1115) Sreeons Tow ftonst Sal ery Pins across St diura Larnps Blankets Tripe Lilt Sets S-retcher Harness T'e-on LabeSs iplain) Pr mus S'oves Heating -Sioves, o.l Adhes ve Paster tperlsed) Handlamps (varJous HCULDSvAOATK HALL. DEANSGATE The Co.ip.e.e cf BEETHOVEN THIRTY -TWO PIANOFORTE SONATAS ir Stv? Re iU ISO ELI SON. JA.NU.ARV I1 Id. 25 and 28. tnd FEBRUARY 1 He has t-u-mped in a task ch few planLsts dare to attempt eiicr Guard an April 8.

19-j SLibjt-iptiori T.ctets from November II. 12 2s 30s 21s rsrtl cteti, I run err, be- 16, OF OUNT BOROUGH the cul-de-iac end Court KTTtnx demolished property, formerly numbered 11 to 19. SV LT TSl KtJtl' 117 to 125. GREAT DUC1E STREET, and 94 and 9b. MORETON STREET, tram JULIA STREET to the cul-de-sac end.

Passage behind dmojlshcd property urn red 79 to 105 MORETON 6TRETT. 2, LANGSTON STREET, and 46 to 72. BERKELEY STREET, and adjoin lax demolished property formerly numbered 't and 9, JULIA STREET, and 62 and 64. BERKELEY STREET JOHN STREET, from JULIA STREET to a poinc 6 ya-ds south-east at JTJLta STREET. Passage senrinz demolished property, formerly numbered 14 to 18.

JULIA STREET and 90. MORETON STREET, from JOHN STREET to the ctil-de-sic end Passage behind demo'lshed pit-ptriy fo-merly numbered 41 to 69. MORETON STREET, and 10 to 44. BERKELEY STREET from a point 10 yards south-east of JULIA STREET to a point 85 yards south-e-ist Of JULIA STREET. And notice i herebv lurther ttlen.

that It BOLTON IN 1 -vM-EDLATE D'aLghtsman, of p-eparing n-at and accurate craairgs ard deta i-om rough schemes sLat ns tip-erlenre and rwju red, oCS Maii-chestcr GuartLan INDUSTRIAL Consu-tancy and Educator a' Ors'srusaLlon. in course of require ual.fied Ens neeri and other ard Polesstonal Assistants to crt ot a cr bas.s and act as ds'rct jtate age. eTper'ence. ard Hons in A "MG JUNIOR Draughtsman wth a LnCT edxe ol Docattic Electr'cai App lancts V- Fle-, MA. (President Ov the Lord Myor of id Adams), Lord rmbrrveJ.

Re? Dr Lealte P. DonaM i3opr. A Rma.d Wriht. MA, (the x-i lad Presdent Miis Rovbotham, 7s 6i 5s 3d 3s 6d 2l 6i IT -d taxi. kj-oaawav ix.

VV AN TED, EXPERIENCED PATTERN CUTTER AND GRADER, FOR LADIES DRESSES CARDIGANS MALE PREFERRED GOOD SALARY WITH PROSPECTS- PERMANENT POSITION APPLY IN WRITING TO HALLE'S LIMITED MACCLESFIELD ANTED. Designer Cutte-. Ecr rredium to better-class sowrs and two-piece suits good good cond tiens in modern factory Write statirg age and experierce to Scotbman Ltd Park Street, Ardwick. Manchester SITUA110NS WANTED YOUNG Lady lu ly experienced in Mint Dresses, ic reouires Change ble tate full control ard model. 288 ENGINEERS.

DRAUGHTSMEN ARCHITECTURAL Assistant Sen on requ'-ed lmrred ately must have thc-ough tnow-edse of design and corstruct on industrial PROPOSED COMPLETION OP JUNIOR AND INFANTS' SCHOOL AT BREIGHTMET (CROMPTON FOLD). BOLTON The Corporation Invite Tenders lor the proposed Completion of Junior ana Infants' School at Breightmet FcOa. Bo'ton. in accordance the ans Spec fication, B1 is of Quantities, and Conditions of Contract prepared by the Borough Engineer and Sunejor Plans of the proposed rks may be Inspected upon applicat'on at the office of the Bo-ougta Engineer and Survevr Town Hail. Boltnn.

between the i ours of 10 am. and 4 SO PJn (Saturdays excepted. Builders and Contractors desirous of tender FORSYTH BROS LT3 1.6 Larscatg n-Ti-i' Hartley, Esq. r'mcnd Jubilee Appeal i inonledced by Rev H. O.

u. -( OtihamSt Manchester 1 and experience in sh prac te tF organ sauoa in Ccngk Cnesnire. area EX THEATRE, WILMSLOW SMITH. 87 22" 54 621 211 14.000 KW 25 876 1.037 218,000 19 000 4.400 237 5.450 500 2: 62U 921 20 84 1.524 132 3,147 110 1.791 99 144 95 la the Intention ct the satd Council, under the WlB'FCTS TO THINK ABOUT. SUNDAY NOVEMBER 24th a.

3 protlslons or me a-via cc. to ur una INCLOSE the said St-erLs. or Passages 's a nobit word, but is otten I Viler narked "Unknown at -v. tJt tib house ol toousht RATIONAL COLLEGE OF ARTS ing for the work should make application to the ox portions thereof Daced this 30th da October, 19 46 Hs vtndov. To KL Safety Pins with tags, pins tags Lirt Squares Tin Boxes lor elastic p-asteis Elast'c Plaster Graduated Measures, glass (small) BLibs.

tc-ch Pil ow Cases soL.edJ ow Cjaes (part-worn) Jac: Kn ves. Tarious Pocket rives va-Ious Th-oat Torches 1 Eye Shades Csinele and double) Mouth Gass Seasons. Yarious, pairs Elastoplsst Dressings small tins) Force; sinus Spercer Welj. artery, fcc P.axots Ampu a' 'on Knives Po-ser Dredcrs Rubber Aoror-t i. AND MUSIC GOWER STREET, LONDON 1 Exam.r.atrrs in Daacirs, Mus'e.

zc Decerns and June, i- shall rear a race i-Ji In nearly every direction CITY OF MANCHESTER. Notice la hereby civen. that the Council statsrs axpei: a-d 3a-aij, to Box 1B2, co Ph ps Ad ertisinit. Ltd Abiord House. WUtci Rd London.

1 JUNIOR. DrUUghLsman ir cor ofac. Traiford Park neat wo-k some can-Etructicnil knowledge desirable, proipecus for sjitab'e mar. App Bo b. John Newtcr (P-bllcity.

Ltd, 124. Corn Exchange El; lilies Manchester 4 JUNIOR Eig-neers for Refineries fi.r large pet-oleum mut have hrs: or second ass hoiours or equ.vaisrt qua. Scat or lower standard of Wi 1 not oe accepted no: over 25 ears of ae mas: be preparea to s-n; aiur fa.n.-z period th country Rep. Tihen ava.labe to 536 Manchester TiTECH V1CAL Malnter ance Eisineers --i -t oy tne ROSCOE. Bacup- Of tne atr oi Aunaiecr uiis Resolved.

Ordered, aad Declared tiat it is nM-Mur that thi follovma Streets. Ways. V-n LHIGHIANS ASSOCLATION. 1 ir HEVKION SCHOOL or Passages, or portions thereof, s.tuate tn domest.c. and general arch1 lecture Appl statintr ae salary and fu.1 part'culars.

to Johnston and Wright, chartered architects, 13. Cast-e Street. Can.s CIVIL Engireerins Draughtsmen and Steelwork or Re'nforced Concrete Drauertsxen for design of power stations- appointment ar for ione period, commeicua sa-ary Irom about 475 Repty, gvlnir part'eu'ars of tfxperierce. to C. Al'ott and Sen, Consulting Ens'neers.

1, Nrtb Parade, Manchester 3 rOSS rauCTTOL Er. rfneers rec i re a JAMJAKY 11. 1947. 1 IXi rjv At fS. Uuicbester before December Borough Engineer and Surveyor for copy of Ccndlt.cns ol Contract. Bi if Quantities, and Form of Tender, which ill be Issued on Monday, 18th November 1946- Tenders are to be delivered to the not later thaa 10 ajn. on Saturday. 7th December. 1946. and no tender shall be received except in a pla-n sealea envelope sr-aiE bear the words Tender lor Proposed Completion of Jun.or and Infants School BreLghtmet but shal.

not bear any name or marjc" Indicating the sender. The successful Ccntractor will be required to observe the conditions ztt tne Fair Wages Cause, the full ttrms cl which will be embodied tn the Form of Contract, and w'-l further be required so obtain a Bank or respon-slb'e Guarantee or Company to be approved by the Corporation to Jo-n him in a Bond in a eum equal to 10 pe cent of the amount of trie Ten-r for the due performance and fulfilment of trw Coniract. 120 TRINITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC. LuVOON (MinchEiter Centre p'oma tfxam -it'ous subjects. January.

1947 Las dav 1 entry. December 2 1946 E-v-7 iGTms ard prt cular trom tne ty-cai Scr 13. Mrs a iter 373 ra ham Fvid, Ma-c-T '6 'Tel CHO 3418 JAMES CH1NG PIANOFORTE SCHOOL MANCHESTER CENTRE PrtnclpaL EDYTHE MORTIMER Fui. paxiac prs pec us I rem the Secreiar-. 76 Hgh Lane, Maichester 21 -1 cc-nipanjr' has vacances for Ass'itant Bue-5 in purchasing il) Engineering P.ant and rkju.pmcnt (2 General Stores Materials' app.icar.U should preferably be between 25 and 56.

prev.ous experience being essential write giving details or axe. education. MEptrrncc. present position A 376 QUALIFIED Manager for cotton aaste splnne- i prep, and condenser with l-itlativa and capible of bem left in full ccnt-ol required, excellent calar and bonus for suitable person. in cr to Mesa- Wrtgiey, C.ydon.

Co, PO B5x 44. Oldham. KEO'ENED Co-ton Wewvlng P'rm, 4X wbing to weave pran and fl'ament rayon require weal-expenencd Man to As." lit Sr. Maragement and to Obtsn Yarn Supp'ti good sa.ary for the rght mar. Addreia 265 Mancheste- Guardian RESEARCH Cheniiit.

age 25-30, for Sjntretlc Rs'ns and P.astlcs for North Cz jat-y Firm good Kent's cegree, prelerab'r pest-graduiue txpe-l-nce organs and ps'cai chim-siry and intereit ng pest iseU-equ-pp-d laivritory: approximate commenc'ng aalary 500 according to Quall-ficat on giv all detail. Address 4i9 Mincii tr Guad'an. RUBBER Techuologist. with up-to-date of rubber compoundlec techn'qu and reqj rird fo- Cab'e Works in MarjChsKr area, app ic3or. stating f-il details and sa.ary requ rd.

be tf-id la Address 553 Manchester Guird.jr. "'l'one to the Memorv of i M- LIONEL NVHUM wU be wcnuy require- lor tcr.c Company the Midde East- app.icanrs she aid First-class DRAUGHTSMAN capable -L r.e 7r'5h ana Porsuuee G-oie Craiston, on TUtsd ay designing both relnicrced have comp etec1 a g--od afprtnt cesh.p tarre I concrete a oi atcnirJi ecjircr- enc re-ris virts. a.Ln vears i li 3u a tne Uliy Ol iiancnesicr. auuu.u uc a iwrraj-f UP and INCLOSED; and is hereb accordingly resolved and ordered that the aame be Stopped Up and Inclosed under and bv vinue of the powers contained in the Manchester General Improvement Act. 1851 name.y: MUSHROOM STREET from POSTAL STREET to HOULDSWORTH STREET MUSHROOM COURT, from MUSHROOM STREET to the cul-de-sac end Passage serving demolished property formerly numbe-ed 2 and 4.

MUSHROOM STREET, and 17 and 19. DEAN STREET, from MUSHROOM STREET to the cul-de-sac. And notice la hereby further drea. that It Is the Intention, cl th said Council, under the provisions of the said Act, to STOP UP and INCLOSE the said Streets. Ways, or Passages or portions thereof Dated this 30 tn day of October.

1946 ALw t-tciiex ncs. woocen sr-onns; Vo'atile" Tswel Clips. Iodine Amps. Pouches, St John Tourniquets, SmeL.rc Salts. Tourniquet Canes; Saa 1 Sar.dbss whlte and DrojrrO- White Ca.xo Bags Wocd and Canvas Camp Beds.

Ruober Band ages. Rubter Feednc Tubes. Masks, wire face. Silk Thread; Blue Valises. Needles, hypo and surgiciil.

Scalpel Blades and handles Airway Medium; Galvanised Backets, Firemen Axes. Too1. Boies with Pull-lifts FeJir Axes; Heavy Hammers. Beds; Stretchers, iron Sh3 Levera; Trestles lor Stretchers; Small Cupboards, I Wooden Dowels sit 6in. long.

eich Trays DEANSGATE sucsequent expernce cn tne rna.n: i equ pcient such as engines steam Dese i. ceitr fuza' Ditmns como'esscrs. and eenera1 1 rID HALL. TH BKOTF BROTHERS LTD. Stud os: HI ME ADDISON.

John Da Street. Manchester 2 I. IDE JAMES Mc ALLAN PHILIP S. RESNISON. Town Clerk Ton HU Bolton chem-a plant- they shca.d also bave even ag up to ce-ti-tlcate sLaxia'd age 25-35 salarr ot less than 540 per anrm.

tscether c'nen-i allowances -n local currencr. free bachelor aKcinmcda.or.. paasares cal attention prov dent funds and k.t ance Address 357 Ma-jcnestcr Gua-1 an rOUNTY OF THE WEST RIDING Vraifcu-D FOR ALL OCCASIONS. MAMELOK'S DANCE ORCHESTRAS" Ph Ard day: after 7 Rus 1 1 0-6 leg wouia be ai advantage cut nst acsoiuceiy essential. Apply.

statLrg ape, experierce, and ralarv required to and Forrter, Ltd. Hertford Road. Barton. Eisex. DESIGNER DrivcghLnruiD capab.e of worJcing to olid a the cevt.op-ment of Rubbe- We.ded to Metal Devices.

Address, stains experence ard salary reqji-ed. 530 Mar-ahester Guardian DRAUGHTSMAN required for the design and deta.1 of rolling nx-ls and auxiliary mill equipment: preference will be shown to anyone having experience of small and medium sect'ci EC-lls and rod mills: some knowlecge of ho; and ccld ferrous and ccn-ferrous mJls for flat itoc will be an advantage, but as sot 'heir Lecture-Recital YOUR MUSIC?" vEMSKK HC. at 6 30 P.m. JOURNALISTS bv ticket obtainable froen aarer. witn up-to-cate xno-ffieca-e oi LTD 126.

Dcanscate TENDERS FOR THE SCPFLY AND DELIVERY OP NSW PL-ST FOR HIGHWAY AND BRIDGE WORK. The Count Ccnca of the West Riding- of INMTE TENDERS for tne SUPPLY and DELTVErtY. under contract, cl the undermentioned item, cf PLANT EXPERIENCED Reporter: must be capable ALES Ma- of covering a.i tjpes of engagemer.ts and -1 sei inc marjceu. to zz up on I "riDLAND compaiy requires tre i'l serv-ces of fxo o- trre? methods i p-ccess plannmct Er-ff-n eers write in Ai'iiiSTER Ldtr-ne aucrets; -1 wooaen stunts, uut Bins too lids); Pinch Bars or Crow Bars. Spades Picts.

Tenders are invited iroat 'Who'-esalen and Estaljlished Traders who are prepared to mate offers for a substantial nLmher ol all or any Tender forms and ccnditlons of Tender may be obtained by, in writtrut. to the Cert of the Lancaster Counts Ccncil, Civil Defence County Offices. Preston. Goals on view 21s: ard 2 2nd November, tne ontantsai-on or ACADEMY OF Ai-osib Street Man- of -fcOri Ltor, -XKIBITION OF STUDENTS Farry Goods. Toys.

SUtlonery. and Barda-e- dsncei, stating full de'ails cf experience and salary required: cwd stall have been r.cttf'ed of Lais adie-tisemerjt. A 331 Group I Earth-movicei Group LI contmuec Ml TILL NOVEMBER 23 THE SHIPWRECKED MARINERS' SOCIETY amonfst Its objects eocouracis SEU-HELP AMONG SEAMEN and and their FAMILIES by means of Its MARINER MEMBERSHIP. P.eaee assist thj useful ax-it by arflnj a donat.on to Local Honorary Aent. Counc.ror JARVIS.

44. B-atennose Street. Manchester P. L. S'DISOTEAM Es! C.

Secretary. London Offl-e. (E 16. WUIred Street. westmlnstrLoolon.

S.W 1. PATRON M. THE KING exce ient prospect for raitab person. Address corjfldentially. Including references and salary required.

322 Manchester Guardian FREE 1 PLANNING Engineer Egjr.eer-rjg Parte ry for modc-n Lijht In Yo-xshire. cczn- HESTER GUARDIAN and Ancii.ary riant Item No Descriptioei 1-2 Excavator. 3 Trench EEcavator. 4-11 Tractor Closing cate ror iencn lovemcer. xv-d Manaxer is required by an ncireerLng; to oe raaue s'-atL-is full cf expernce, aaLScat.ons.

age. and saiarv requ-red. and addressed to lhe Streta-- Th? Brihts.da Fc-r-dry and EglrerJJC Ca Lid, G.P O. Bex No. 113.

Stern e'd 1. DR-AUGHTSMAN requed f2rst-ctass ir wcrs knowledge of cornhLsiion app iances an advantage. Write, ruailrjg age. experience, salary required, to TOUENALIST vant lo tixe c.narge oi Branch OEw spor ts fcrwi ledge a-i Iccal eoverrment experience accQm-rodaticn affaiUb Wr'te Manag-DtrtcTeor, Warr.ngton G-iardlin." Warrjsgton evenm rewspaper sen cr Eab-Edjto- at once. Address A 369 Ma -Chester Gua-d an THE PROTECTION OF TR.DK 'M'tL MEET1NO.

TUTORS, GOVERNESSES. JtC. NGLISH Mistress (Ph ECinburgh), item No. ueser.ption. 35 Portable Electric Generatlnc Set 36 MobJe E.ectr.c Weldms Plant.

37 Concrete Vibrator (petrel typet. 38 Hydrauac Jack (100 tonsl Gro-p TV Genera, HLchxay Plant Conpaay. near London, mamifactunng ana selling PreciiiOT! Instruments: essential qual -ficatlons are' (1) Engineering, exptrlerjce. and qualiffcatvoni, (2) experiencw ccrcp.ett with that the 120tb ecently returried Icr personal reasons NO MEMBERS will be he'd MANCHESTER ROYAL INFIRMARY i.Wtvy o-! th nrst floor. 1 a on MONDAY.

James idoogsinson, fnaajK.u, in centreline a tecnnicai zaies aeparimen-, and servce department, operating on a bcrfwLirs baslx. f3i srerious tteraoral Scraper Ripper. 13-13 Iumper 14 SCeciianical Leading Shore! Xo-icrarlDt lhe foUowln- association with Qxrer-amest technical DRAUGHTSMEN reQC-red, conversant th of shell-type boilers. brK.Tari sertmgs lor same, and cusc layouts. Reply, stating particulars ed-ca-i' cn.

espenence. and salary required, to Edwin Damfcs sutd Co. (Oidiuryj. Ojibury. NEW CONTRIBUTIONS U3 J-iper Trade's 25 Club.

Ccllectlctn at Annua: Dinner." 25: Braceeirdle, "Sale of CbrvsantneEcmn Plant at Local Show." 4: tern No Description. 39 Asria and Txrraacadam Spreader and fcr.dry., press sheet heat trsatmen: er.ameiling. and eonveyor-sed sreps 50J-ad cr. crs ci ts mass prcduct-on 115 -it and medium assemC-es tssentiai succesifu.

tppcan: -i-ill be remunerated acrordLrly fullest detai-s cf ae, and preerat earrinss 304 Mar. -n ester GuarrLan -RATE-FIXER required for eatab-hshed hrm of Hvdrau-c xr.d General Engiregrs in tse Ballon area, ctate particulars of exper.ence. age, and sa-ary raju-red, 313. PLATERS required fcr welded ste1 p.ate tcp E.

London: ezzsi be 'j pressu- tessels. Jabr.catd frames condc-t--ers rate 5 14a ii fr. hours: ecewora paid to su-tao'e emp-oyees after short probat-onary period, b.eci-wsrk bonua oz a case rte ct 78s 6c. SO ptr cent overtte wcrzed tecunt of jmpjymeri assured far number cf years, rep.y stat ng arr. expeii-enc.

nd when for Bsx 1C35. Ltd. 69 Vew Otinrd Srre-t -PC Hulme Hall Cnao, 2. BuxTortn and TRAUGHTSMAN 4 Structural able to desLes Air 15 Meter Grader. 16 Sheepsloot Bel er roup ti Ccccre tln Plant Item No Descrlptian 17 Batching Pot- 18 Mechanical Dtstnhxitcr from Heacuiitr-ss-saip in Australia, cow avauhie ior smilar post or tpartnershlp in Private G.r.s SchocL Bci 1071, Robertson and Scca.

EdinhjrgrL. FROEBEL Teacher and Infaai Teacher reauirei January cr earj-r: lull cr par; lme- Buratia Sca.e. App.y to Principal. Mactesier and Salford Jewish Day School, 6. Vivien Pabsoa.

Manchester a GIRLS School in. Stixkport requires icr Teachers Icr Narrative Subjects. Ma'hs ajai Art to standard: good pay and cod.tii3s: 41; days weekly- acwmaodaj.cii could be found tzz two ladles or man and xif on presuses. 567 Manchester Guard-in. WANTED in January, Mistress to teach and.

If pcssih geography, to Schoc' Cen-flea: standard gtjod salary offered: cr ncr-resideni. Huticn. Hicfcfleld School. Harrogate AO Report and Account of past year. Ps itrt and Vice-PresldenU rr reir Li to replace those Ad tor for the ensatne sear.

Bc-d 2T gr.AM Chairman 0 BtTRD. Secretarr. Manchester 2. -r-be- 15)46 Pcrtab ComnressckT PRINTERS A PRESSMEN COMPOSITORS Wanted; prererence for those Kj experiencsd iQ'jmal and cata'gue product. on T.A good ccaditicns h-fe-day weec accc mntoda tlon permanenriss Ful par icu-lars tc Times Printing Co LyJ Mexborcugh Ydrkahire.

DUBLIN Pr.r.T-iriE Hoi TequJ--iS L'thc-CSzn and Litho-Flatboi Mach ne Mirier: single men preferred' constant esnp-oTment Bex 3343 Eason AdTrertJing Service. Duban. FIRST-CLASS Col ocr Proofer required far Coniposinir erase arailsble fcr yoan? married mart wih good expertence-W lorarich I STEP-TYPE Operator reqtrlred for a Darby-tb're printing office, high -e lass and -t5 good wages and eond-tions. 338 LETTXP. PRESS Machine Minder Wanted for Jttb zx and Boocworic oa Wharf eds and j-jnt MacElzes.

Gy and Co Ltd Corfc. LINOTYPZ Operator requireal; also Reader: A- App.y Epic-rmcnt Secretary, Manchester GuardUn." 3. Crows Street-Marahegter 2 19 Vibratory Tamper fc Finisher j- and -r and mul t. -storey and sr rucrures saary accoreLnc to ace and experence perriaarjent. App.y.

statir- a.i parUcn ara. salaxv to S'alT Oficer. British Insulated Callender1! Cab es, Prescct Lancahre, yRAUGHTSMAN Wanted fcr engireering XJ work: young man, preferred, tc train for specialised work Thas Barter and Sees. Ltd 1-aksry eigtraeera.

Carriage) Street Old (track type oiM Vibrator Tam per. Fti-sher le.ectrlc hand-rotitrcJed ACCOUNTANCY EALTH FREEDOM iOClSTY-' MESI ONWARD HAT J. Mi-vNSQATK. NO. 1S46.

Bt 7 15 p-m. Siear WON. Editor of Health Ltxe." irom Uie "pTrarj cordial gTltatlcn to all- RZQCTRED Icr eitensi-e prj-gTH-m-ne. eiio DrsthtESer; Traaora. Manchester Sxee: 'Road 4 COOUNTANT rrqaired appJcant must have -rsLr: and ceta.I ot trve TVEAUGHTSMAN.

xrlTi erperience of tectLe erperieice 41-42 Diesel Petrol Boa era. 43-14 KeaTy A Light Tippi-i Lorries. 45 100-2 000 rails Tarspray- ln Grcut-g Mache tself- 46-47 250 60 gaTs Tarsprayera. 48-49 Birsmm Boiler. SO-51 Gr.Uer (attached and independent) 52-53 Water S.ade Oarts-54 Gsiiley Enmty- Irx stH Sj royeljed 1 55 Sweepans Broom (bcrse-drawn).

56 Grass Mower ihcrc-gh, fcnow.ede cf cfz masagement Forrrs (straitht ir-ishinar machinery cr in fcLcrwina. c-atfarr-sce coen-ntarth jut cyexc errie-rij-jiT: musi -cr, starr super- ro 'jzs mi-s. and ircn aac xtee. wrrs nant M-nistry cr Fxi and MJx Mariet-ng Beard records, prepare iztal accounts, and compile and Eenbitt. ex.

Owft Mirer. Chinler Council Schcols. Cl 9s. 4d In rememerance or Robert Leian. 1: Anonyrrioua.

Ctitadle Hulme." Blesan Box (addl Ss. rSCRCASSD CONTRIBUTIOSS. Mr. A. E.

Hadnela. to 10 Marple Orifinal Burial Society to 5 la. PATIENTS' LEAGUE OT REMEMBRANCE. Mrs. Minnie Otmerc-ii.

1: Mtss MarlorSe Brown. Mrs. K- Boler. Mrs. M.

Mocrhocse. Mrs. Mavrjorte Ibootaon. Miss Mary Smith. Miss Phyllis Olacrwtn.

Mrs. Dens Clarle. 2s. 6d. COLLICnONS- Bcaes: Eocene.

Ltd 2 16a. 4L; Sn Inn. STertoa Road. 1 6s. Post Otaces: 67, Queen'.

Bead. 2 8s. 7cL: Moston Lane. 1 2s 3d-: Edee Lane. Droylsden.

14s. Lonrricht (North Road). Ss. 5d Filrneld. 6s.

Sd- CONGREGATIONAL COLLECTION. Peyntcr Pmnsh Church. 3 3s. And the foUowin GIFTS: Fruit- Ptowers. Bocks.

MaMlses. Tickets lor th. Manchester Palace and Manchester Htrtodrcme. and Paper, A Report cr other Snforststlori tre su polled by the Boa. Treasurer.

Kcyal tnnrraa'T. Marviester 13 j. i-intr Genera! supertntersdent and Secretary- procedures and forrlgm marxeta. (5 ag 30 40 years the initial salary Is between 1,000 and 1.500 per enncm, and subject to satisfactory service the aucceaxful candidate iU be eligib for a higher executive appoinKnent, Apply by letter to Box A.C-14 '23. Samsoa Ciari 57-61.

Mortimer St-. Londaa. W. 1. SETfiOR Chemist rcraired for Robber DirUion of E-ectrlcal Cab XaJbera Msici tester district: rep.y in contldence.

statin expenerjce, cna.tgcations, and aaftry xequlrtd-Address 552 Mi heater Grxacdlam. WOEES Management Asstant rated br Light EiWtneeriDC Pirm to West Scotland: rta. afcty, good cigaaisinc arxl e-stglne-rin expeneet. and atlirty tc band men esaential: good prospect If aaitabi-. wlLh.

erotiial cLrectorship- tate acv es(perieac. references, and salary. Apply Wosfc atariagwpeat. co. ThoffiMP.

Jaejcsach Ooartay, and Taylo. 24, George Booare. Glaagtrr. SITU At tQK WAHTCO LABOUR and Welfare Manager. aoo4 lasm ledge of tne lob, seeks a.

new aptpoictmeot. Write Manchester Guardias. ClOCTH Africa. Moter Garao Proprietor. ag-'d 36 in the trade, Attires Susmess in oouti Africa: to tike mnag-eriai pest, either saea or repair-; or bctb: th-cough kncw-ie ot h-re ggrchare: would welcome aay pTopoeit-oa w-lh regard of Brit firm: we3.

ectacated. and tan nert if dented. Address 375 Kmeh-ster Guardian. YOtnK atan. ELarrted.

age 29. recent deicocdlified. seek poeitica with Textii WeaTer er Merchant: presto-is to war aerriee had 9 years' of esniinsoos fiJamenfi and rpra rayen eteth asalys-s, ecctlng. ecnstrjc-uon. and prrodortn wisfa very proaatnene riycKi corcem: prepared to eoosJder oiler from cotton firm rontemp lat irjf entry into lha Groop -I Special ta-ance-sh4.

Apply, staims age. wages required, a-d t-zZL pirticulars of experience ad Cicallficatians. ro Mar-ag-Trc Secretary. North east Lancasire cs-cperative asscc-' HOSE GUILD OF -FTSMEN EXHIBrTION. n-HrrWOBTH ART GALLERY, -i Marchester 15.

WeWrteys. i edesctaya till a jpjn Also a Mancctte." byWAtDO THIS SATURDAY. a-. 5 m- and 7 pjp- Lcn. Ltc MANAGERS.

FOREMEN, JkC A Large Manafciurtag with worics in Lcxsiiire arJ elsewhere has Tscanci Icr seve-ra: Yo-xng Technical Mas between to sges cf 24 30 years either straight from cr cz "irj had industrlaE experer-c cr servir w.ta H. Forces preterit 7 i Tmra. j-a anr.catlcni furd A 405 Manchester Gaardn- draugbtfimttj ctd em era. mechaninil TVRACGHTSMA2. 'quired for large ehem-cal -ciL be conatcertd App.y by JLj? works tn Mxcchester area: kixwiedge of latter, ststisf: age.

er per. race, ar.d xaiary chemical plant and buLding ccmstrurticn an 1 required to Chief Da--is-man. Dorma-: Lcng ate full parttct-jars cf axe and Co Ltd Central Depa rtmant. expenence. 337 Manchester Guardian.

Britannia 'orrs. Midtis-res-sh. ELECTRICAL Drre-cpment Englr-rers with "0 SQUIPSD Petrol--m EeeirS: earpersence dt-reicpmtni for prod pet i or: Xv Laj-x-rato -n re Ntrrth-west area, a of all classes of radio equipment, are resrutred cecer-i eegtrteer-g and by well-establish ed Srm: prcspects azd, ia---e knewdg. ol -rermmcraricxi exsi lor aspJcacts havtr-ff te 1C a-io Drtugtitsmari ViTfc isecessary espertenre and qrra-jii zz, Rep r. txter'rfr: tne dsigr: cf trurrjents arid Item No Descriptloii.

26 JlobJe Crane C2 tens) 27 Portable Crane C5cwts) SS Scotch Oerr-x tZlz tors. BRITISH Society of Commerce. Lg-a ttca of Fe.lows F3.S C. Execctives and others heding responstble pca-nons in ccm-merc-e inntcd to apply for aetaij cf isesiher- i red. a cooc gsierai eCEscarion to.

tpetrciv. 29-30 Steel PL Frame OF FRIENDS. 5U MvEKISM Meetc House. Monnt Street. Vd0 e'rw- CiSS g-tvtrj cletas ci expe.

apprtntxe cra.nsd oxtd exper larr- fl-a Zo tbe Ferscune. A 37S M.G.- tn N' Scr 17th. 50 ractici. per--rce ne swer wirjen 31-33 CKttrJcai Pcmp ipower-ttrtTen. portah.e.

Sin--n-. br a imiversitj cVecee tn eigirrr.rjg, phyrics. or enfm-stry. Iri general terms th jatrr-or. is ctt oy thsse youn men as tftdmical ii-itni prcce-1 dpartrrymts.

ard if 4ctrt' they can lost forward to amotion to p-i tra of reports Atty cn ttx in control cf manafacturirig pro Manager. G.E Ridi and Tel-Ttsicn Worits. Tractor. JLi of a flrst-cjss Ccst Accountant: ahcu.d te exper-e-ired 1 textile ecsi---gs and be capai-e cf ccn'rcllg and. where necessary.

4 tecs 59 T7LZCTBICAL Eznermx Tm (in Esrex 3zd ccmpreh-ns-te ScwJedw of demes1 Meettnr. THOUGHTS ON COCRAGS. Alastair Heroc ertezided to all Loader ura 34 Portahlt Air XL have a vacancy fcr a Jg and Tco. e.rr.i apparces rec-aKl rrr crganucn Compressor cesses The commenct" otierea I Pleas state salary reC'-iired and deailed eti- it-. -pu anc oeper-coag Partro-ars 01 the Kant requtrec iog--eir -trc-lars of xixb wtii be treated I -r-- Tf-te frxl-r ird Bc-i 12 5.

i te caaficat-cn? and experience. STOTT SMITH, JDV NOTICE LS BESEBT OTVEX that tte FRKFKRETOS and ORDINARYSHAEi TRANSFER BOOKS will be iCLCr3Dfrcm 22ad ItcTember. 1946. to 2Slh NoTeaber 194ei. both days tochtstTe.

for the pxeparapen with forms ci tender, may be oblarrafd at th ts ir-rLest coeirhlc-sce. to A 400 M-G-" I Phi" -rrs t-t rr Ec-ase. VTiItcrr ttt sfciesta-r Gtardiac cAr omm-j. ART GALLERY. PSEL PARK.


io ajn. to dusk. 3 pjn. to ot Dtrldead Wa-rants payable 29 oremcrcr. office cf the Cocnry E-irreer and -VUALTPIED Aeortniant required.

aged vsriciiesteT GuartLan. P.zii. SW a wlel7 trxpertenced and capable Man Coauty Hai- WilrrrV d. Applicant 'forms between 25 aod 35. wtth aec-reEirtal and VGIXEER Asslsaart ttrr C.S3LLZD Mater Mecrar.

r---re-l: A. r-qLred by crganaticn In the Corxtcr. of xssder atea.9 state the particrLcmiij taxation experaor. ts Assista-at to Secretary fV dnei9t- large and Hubber pesttcn izr am tab: i Che-he. irea to taie ccmpurte chars of nain: of ptacit for which they destre Sa tender and trr pr.gtr Transport Campary in iSeetis- woexs oocOea: prcspects Vcen: Greenhcus shop voivin infra-red procesa.

A iae th faa hctV-(i). -rest: gocd prcsjwrj. Address apprcattra, cr ipolxant tii i Mote- Works. te-r-r, and prs-rticai kncwleice of 146.

Bj ortier ot me -twmro. RRrTTJC PORTER. 82. Gtorr Street. Maachcsier 1 tt j-cci.

co niKJx TO cvrng xsa paxtir-aiars. is eciaaesee. cs age. experno-, ind ssliry req-red. Addrsss ItACANClES eaast for DriujhUmen and pxi.

its rpplicatlasai. and alLed proceaes to accept die lowest cr anj tepder. crrtr1 experience, p-resrd TttvV Talrti Met; ar ni D-srrs expernce eaxeritiai- pc.5t offered very progressive ard ualn ACP RFUDVALS. AC tertcers, cy e-aacrsca- m.aessc. acs-tiec zA salary recr-jJrea.

to a aai aii- fc rfcii-Oallescmz Detvt. Sc-rtn the cr prcat-icrscci tZ rauio corri- gsaz asmmsriclnw salary a-raiis tbe rigbt MSTASCK REMOVALS and Public Lecture te i 97. Oxford Road. AU srNDAY. at 6 30 P4B-.

br EKLAJ U-dxn. Subject: "BSOT1R1C yt--agrTrrr--F-S-" Actc-a" icr eaes Xi Ixrridcc. c3ptcrice In ch-p and siwd-a: t-et-cus ar.d crtdfr: appeari: cnly zzz xtl to 2p5iT ts most 1 rory in Tree area. scad esner-erce rTT J-a issiz. reeeivfrs: d-Saners sHati-d Jpr.r- and rMrrledxtcrd anci? lf STORAGE- PICSPOBOS cocnrry-a-ida sffSt be (rrrered to se.

tt- ttacrsiped, most be devered to ise. UattaEersned. nnt later tnan IO aai- OC SatUr-LS-r ue oOt2 t-arrsa" '-srzmrm tfTiV-r-ti-Tr; ti'1 rrr i- ajt fcwrrc-coca-j scrr-xi tfaj cf Ncmber. 1546- essentlsl: shciuld have a wide works barirrontL 5S5 iliricheitcr it msciLirsms- RiT-J. mvlrs ca3 cf expert- i Philips AivrtU-r Irtd Hcase AST Estabiished Cc3irpry in the East Rldin ol Yorzshjre wiihes to appoint Uzjtagrreis sperrlae trrth Staff and Wcrkr Ca-ateex-a (600 rstals the eanrerm ara to be rex-orated arid re-eqs-ipped acd there wtll he seop- far creat-re the eiawxrca wiX be expected to eostrol the diet asd the buTac of food: taie expe-reoee.

agt. saixry reqxired. A 402 afair-chesttr Guardiari. M.ASAGZHfcS, eocT.peteiit to take Jw eaxttxoc at bifh-eus Restaurant: male road. co-aersact with retcms.

tfrg a 357 afanrhmer Guard tas ANTED. Caniea Kanagerax. Icr InCaxrna! 7 Canteen aerrts 20O-25O enadB mealn dailTt good organiser ard ca-erer with iaetJai masner rzecrtiary- A --t a writtDg Off pxscnaZy. to The Lar.asV.-re Pelt Cctrtpitny. Ltd- Wet tret.

Decf- asrosau aa.vxw. 4 DetiLs and salary recsrec co so.a at-t. fv 1 e. e-rt age, ana iiary rtttsta. ve-fir, os sw i Det'-s ar4 salsry req XNGrjrEER.

Ardwick SSS3-5; Oarfte'-d Road. Altr-Tharn Cfccmry OocscL. nr mwrn uii i tucov i Ft TXTi r-- Pe -rl Manager. E-C-. Eadia.

and I a dtsstTlSER w-ahea to Ccattact Bssisess MILLINERY. spec. far apt-rude DRAPERY, Works. pcn Street- cnti with exserter-ce bcying Cccnty KalL Wakefieid. October.

196- dglT. ASS3TAST lVii-. 1CJ- P-amp and xmalr-rare: mtact also be capabL- cf trsrr-cinc lea cjon. Factor--. LiierpccC dresses.

hloases. J--w- p-c- Bcciiisdi laear. I wrn re-rrr wwrehi5-i" aati able ta anxx-jQaw-c NCHESTER MUSEUM; LECTURE. "KiEK VASES IS TEB v--CHESTEK MTJSSUM." L. WEBSTER.

M-A-. rjSJU 5 pjn. Adaitsslcn Tree. Nert Saturday: -i CKOWTH OF CrtTSTALS." 1'- S. BLL'KLET.

ON, URBAN DISTRICT; wrt- --fii w-eeiL AryalT J. and F. i -r- s-kxl 2 ju- JENT exper-erzee and i state age fashions 3si c. A-Z ppu CATIONS are irmted tar the foCowt gSS-VllOS PaRMANSSTT HOCSIS Jjccea, LtcL. 12.

Bread way, Liverpcclll. and Knirwear. Bcjer retrtrl by Wart and Grant. Lid- cmcsi Street. iOSSETBY.

Individually Designed YASTETX firs-clssi met: ty-y. Vtl ptec-siro aisLra-a4 xhcstli her- good knew- I -C infictire cf ss. tads. Jixrurts: piece and bst actxrees cf 1 wcrt arstrm in cperat-rn- App Crc.t Eacinrtr- ca batch bastst al ProduriiCfa Ah-roees li-dge bei Sr'-tTt -7, W2Jcec--i aru: sar-as-yy areas: -eiaa- oi. tea-tBiMi can- 3nt: Street- Ss-tsz.

made to rocr exact reairetoenu lcinr3e Health a-ad Ocmfcrt. Orr Coe-5tsr-e. a State Reg-itered Nurse. rr.Tcs rtih desigti and correct fitttae. Ordtrs to -aecScal direciica rates: stve fiitij exper1- 1 7-- nrmn tstZiermr.

jig ancl tool -d "irrPT-CLaASB MANAGERESSES 4 FOREWOMEN ADIJta' HAIRTJBXBSING ACADQCT, Cttr Jj Centra: pr-artt-al up-to-date traimxc sr. ire, i Va 1 Ma-c-tstiir GardiaB- per r.3ttrr: (U Pxtttce- ccstsJcTlRY (acrual j'l ti ro -s-rc-rs-i rxrnt. tn Marjathester In taie Charze. 211 araacaea. irmarxing; ana uk-aj HOSTELS ASSOCIATION.

1 ct Rerxnat Grootx ANXL'AL QgCSRAL HIET7SO i- i bteld ax 3 m. cm SVTUR-" NcTnsber. 194j. tn tbe Small Domini Street. Mxrjcbester.

be addressed by L. DC Ksa- PHtL wcttitics rtrh; laaa: hiiiss ccsts and under cilrf cf a2 Press Tcol TSDCR5 ar fcr the ERECTTOiS of lo (4 bloct ol 4 hecses exctv 3-bedrocaa trp. cn, the S. Lawrence Scad sit. Piaus may be seen aai copies of the s-peclScatkic.

general c-ocdittocs. hls of quantities. ai lorm of tender citained st the office ot the Each-jeer aad Eurreytir Ttrwn Den ten tTeL DEN tan 2633 ehzriac orcttsary effiee bears, cn depestt cf 3 3x. i cheque crcsaeis an-d made payab-e ta th crhan District Ccsac; of Dectczi. The deposit will be reftmded cn receipt cf a bena-ade "sdV act -aha-trrasitry -rithSrawtiTt man-c-tccrera).

229. Tee atocat. Bary- TteL 313-Hctjts lo to 1 p-m- 2 P-m- to 6 P-m av ao. 25 1 rc ticca- SL Mccrshacx: ai i Txssxzz geoc saary a-i TOtsaxy-. APART If EMT8 WAKVEO Lid- 2.

aartisa Screes. Brown street ce rtgcx ma. Jtreg, s-( ars yr.FB i-g to oflf I -jjri Cl S50-85C per Tfirn- WOOL CLOTHS, encitanting Put. PrutaSci, Hcatca Put, srrvxTisns vftTEa i. cciocrs.

aeany lairty sy-e-j oc--cu I ril-U irsrrx id TCLLY QcaLied Engiseer. W. eusst twn: I -TtTi 1 -MJ afle tn 1 nTT-irr- r-f APARTMENTS TO LET sfiinola cyrcrri j-i-n-i Sect- aaUrr rde A 335. T-al -rf. tfr small rer- otxr experts Dresses to ateasure rroea fc.3 I its.

Perfect culnc tniaraateed Write to-day fbr catali7g-ae and patterns. LETTDIAN. LTD (MG-90 Palo-. Frmr. Brtdx-e S.

Leeds 2 be deivered tJ the -v se aeiveres; tta te Tellers are to -znoeraizn-Ba -urt -r. -eia prcaa rsca, g. trnsx Ttx Conaar? ia rot litrr tlan o'ekek noca cn 1 f7 r-- ew. fsH erjgr ft. -7 Bvwixn Bra grl rail? fcra- ec Coax.

Tartsesti: ex eociCac: ac nitt tat arts eedroomi: tit oteot Hex. ta area, anc gzu.i era -c--aC-T TC nntfsn f.iT- cm jH 1 Lh Derenir Ufi t- rTrTi. 12 ZT: Tvl m--. recratrL ari Mr-t, r.rv-f-.v 1 be arc-jt-d txrept in a pjin srajed ZTS. "-fei cf-merr rwrwer TKPTRIAI.

Chem. rccu on or ncectnatloExa. slCncd BT -se- id Seconier. arho snooM furnish snocld mfcta tne taot Nowmber. The arttten coosent i accompany all nociltQattooa-.

be fcJoed 6y Tea Ipnce 'bcm of a ner TJA. Colour 1 -i uj a ReonroB i txi tCcatbtned Thkets. Tcteu Tci Tea jiid or Daaoa sear be tie Reiteeal Office, or trom Mr. 1 5C Wcodhocis Lan. Sale- -rIaA members and tiaotc retained Fwce ar.

parbcqlart wVceeed. iis "rr'-i cr abo. arid aLEtarc a.i jiaffra tr--- rrwiact rVrm snistslsi f-eas- censcji Ea 2Ktn IVTttrpcol 5- TeL CESrxai -Ttf23. wan: tea "DEi VATi eanu nod umki arLi ttx aj-. ayrninrrrj .1 art C5cscsny.

57 Jttrr to Bet XC 14S22. DC afflireiaea i arrraeer rpr a Kiij. 3.uu -x s-r-1 lfcrsaer etxca. rcsarT. 5caarpe i AZjk ri-ra nszsi caic em 3-ce9 rir- rix ware wsm VASUOUS TRADES tonsTtm, ma tMamrr OOSSCLT caStJSES aerarj the jywtsx or any trader.

1 solaorpe. i is aptf msrxx. ct ar-od all-rofxaser lor Libera i tct wis wron, eciwipt-ed' with pnlrirrigiati and mfcetag TSTORLD TRANSPORT AGENCY. faBS BKBS. CITX OZ at 1 Vr CBSociL ial caracjpgn AOricm cc All Biirotcs -SJLSKOTt BAJUKES.

JtCOl arwa. Rn, am sr. mi nniwi, ZIUKBia. 13, 194A. 1..

The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.