Wizard101 Dragonspyre Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (2024)

Wizard101 Dragonspyre Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (1)

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This guide is meant to give you courage while questing. By following the quests in this guide, you can, for example, see exactly how many more collect and defeat (C&D) quests you still have before you can move on to the next area. I hope this guide will help you keep going, as you see the list of quests get shorter and shorter with every step you take.

I’m only listing the main quest line quests, aka storyline quests, which means the ones you have to do in order to get to the next area. Side quests are not mentioned. For each world, I list the quests you have to do in a certain area. The areas are listed in the order you should do them in (unless otherwise specified). The area is not always one hundred percent correct, as certain quests can require you to run back and forward between areas to talk to people. To simplify matters, I have not listed this kind of running; the quest will say “talk” but not where the NPC is located. Also, if there is only one quest in an area, I will not mention the area separately. Between brackets are the different parts of the quest, as sometimes a quest will require you to do multiple things.

I have divided the quests in the Spiral into the following groups:

  • Talk: Quests that require an interaction with an NPC.
  • Mob: Quests that require the defeat of regular monsters.
  • D&C: Quests that require the collection of something from certain monsters (Defeat and Collect).
  • Boss: Quests that require the defeat of a boss. Elite monsters are not counted as bosses.
  • Cheat: Quests the require the defeat of a cheating boss.
  • Instance: Quests that require the completion of a dungeon.
  • Puzzle: Quests that require the solution to a puzzle.
  • Interact: Quests that require interaction with a certain object.
  • Collect: Quests that require interaction with multiple items of a kind.
  • Explore: Quests that just require you to run towards a certain area, NPC or item.

Dragonspyre Main Quest Line

Wizard101 Dragonspyre Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (2)

Dragonspyre has a total of 106 quests. It has 35 bosses, though 4 of those are in lower worlds, when you collect the Obsidian Chests. It has 9 Defeat and Collect quests and 39 regular mob fights.

Dragonspyre is maybe best known for its final instance: Malistaire’s Lair. I ran it again for this guide (my lvl 103 ran out of cards in one battle and had to flee *hides in shame*) and noticed that it’s been simplified considerably. I think I like it better now!

Interestingly, 5 of the instances are the tower type. I remember doing all of those alone, in the days when I was mostly playing when no one was around. They were hard for my little Balance! I also remember The Labyrinth, a place I grew to hate, since I had to redo it 15-20 times to help friends and to get the stone rose.

Wizard101 Dragonspyre Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (3)

  1. Bad Blood (talk + boss + talk + explore + talk)
  2. Crystal-Matic (explore + talk)
  3. Holger’s Crystals (interact + talk)

The Tower Archives

4. Stone Tower Pilot (explore + talk)
5. The Crystal Towers (D&C + talk)
6. The Towering Crystal (explore + interact + talk)
7. Friend of My Friend (talk + mob + talk + interact + talk)
8. Key to Trust (explore + interact + talk)
9. Wizard and Crystal (boss + talk)
10. The Last Key (explore + interact + talk)
11. The Dragon’s Claw (interact + talk)
12. Portal Combat (mob + interact + boss + talk)

Wizard101 Dragonspyre Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (4)

Plaza of Conquests

13. Warkeeper (talk)
14. General Recommendation (talk)
15. Battle On (boss + talk)
16. Blood From a Stone (talk)
17. Recommend This (talk)
18. The Art of War (instance: mob 4x + interact + talk)
19. Stone Soup (talk)
20. Application Procedures (talk)
21. The Best Defense (boss + talk + talk)
22. No Weaklings Allowed (interact + boss + talk)
23. Fighting With Dishonor (talk)
24. Trapper Keeper (boss + talk + talk)
25. Foe of Foes (interact + boss + talk)
26. Going Portal (talk)

The Grand Chasm

27. Don’t Fall In (talk)
28. The Paper Chase(talk)
29. So Little Time (interact + talk)
30. Crystal Crawlies (D&C + talk)
31. Charged Up (talk)
32. Just Charge It (instance: mob 4x + interact + talk + talk)
33. The Time Is Right (interact + talk)
34. Forward… Into History! (interact)
35. Back to the Beginning (instance: talk + interact 7x + talk)
36. The Vault of Fire (instance: talk + boss)
34. Forward… Into History! (instance: talk)
37. One Good Deed (explore + boss + talk)
38. Stone Free (talk)
39. Attune Town (interact + talk)

The Drake Hatchery

40. Portal Decay (explore + talk)
41. The Glamorous Life (instance: mob 3x + boss + interact + talk)
42. Control Ring (explore + talk)
43. Welcome to the Academy (talk)
44. Textbook Example (D&C + talk)
45. Et Tu, Statue (interact 3x + talk)
46. Enter the Dragon Rider (talk + talk)
47. The Drakester (interact + talk)
48. The Good Old Days (talk + talk)
49. Rein It In (boss + talk)
50. Rein Check (interact + talk)
51. Feels So Good (interact + interact + talk)

Wizard101 Dragonspyre Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (5)

The Crucible

52. Passing Out (talk)
53. Strenous Course (talk)
54. Back in Session (D&C + talk)
55. A Brief History (interact + talk)
56. Justice Hurts (interact + interact + boss + talk)
57. You Call This Easy? (instance: mob 3x + boss + talk)
58. Judge Not (interact + boss + talk)
59. It’s an Honor (interact + interact + boss + talk)
60. Feeling Defensive? (interact + boss + talk)
61. Pick Up the Spare (talk + (instance: + mob 3x + interact + talk))
62. Obsidian in Crystal (mob 4x + interact + talk)
63. The Last Lesson (interact + boss + talk)
64. Acceptance at Last (talk + talk)

The Labyrinth

65. Bridge to Over There (instance: talk + boss + talk)
66. Jail Break (instance: talk + interact + interact + boss 3x + talk)
67. The Den of Dean (instance: talk + interact + explore + talk)
68. Cloak and Danger (instance: talk + boss + talk)
69. Staff Direction (instance: talk + boss + talk)
70. The Lesser Evil (instance: talk + interact + talk + boss)
71. Stay for Detention (instance: interact + talk + explore + talk)

Dragonspyre Academy

72. Fire Shield (instance: mob 3x + boss + talk)
73. Win or Go Home (explore + talk)
74. Wizard Tours (Wizard City boss, Krokotopia boss, Marleybone boss and Mooshu boss + talk)

Wizard101 Dragonspyre Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (6)

Crystal Grove

75. Headless Rider (explore + talk)
76. Quest for Perfection/Root of the Problem (interact 6x + talk)
77. Cutter’s Way (mob + talk + talk)
78. Room to Breathe (mob + talk)
79. A Quiet Place to Work (talk)
80. Sit and Spin (D&C + talk)
81. Tools of the Trade (interact + talk)
82. Table Where? (boss + interact + talk)
83. Staff Assembly (talk + talk)
84. Forged in Fire (interact + talk)

The Drake Hatchery

85. Earn Your Wings (talk)
86. Mother of Fire (talk + talk)
87. Don’t Count Your Eggs… (instance: mob 3x + boss + talk)
88. Over Easy (explore + interact + talk)
89. Hammer Time (D&C + talk)
90. Break an Egg (boss + interact + talk)
91. Words of Wisdom (talk 4x)

The Forum

92. Fly Free (explore + talk)
93. Hit the Books (interact + talk)
94. Read the Manual (interact + talk)
95. Training Wings (explore + talk)
96. Overdue Fees (boss + talk)
97. Third Time is the Charm (explore + interact + tWizard101 Dragonspyre Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (7)alk)
98. Fuel and Flame (D&C + D&C + talk)
99. Forging the Fire (interact + talk)
100. Repo Mage (D&C + talk)
101. Ancient Dragon Secret (interact + talk)
102. He Who Smelt It (interact + talk)
103. Scales of the Dragon (mob 3x + talk)
104. Armor for Baby (talk)
105. The Last Dragon Rider (talk)
106. The Final Countdown (instance: interact + mob + mob + boss + interact + mob 3x + boss + talk)

Finished the Dragonspyre main quest line? Take a look below at what comes next!

All Wizard101 Main Quest Line Guides

Wizard City



















Happy Questing!

  • Wizard101 Dragonspyre Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (28)
  • Wizard101 Dragonspyre Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (29)
  • Wizard101 Dragonspyre Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (30)
  • Wizard101 Dragonspyre Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (31)
  • Wizard101 Dragonspyre Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (32)

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Wizard101 Dragonspyre Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (2024)


What level should I be for Dragonspyre Wizard101? ›

Dragonspyre = beginning at around level 47-48 which is a big level due to pet acquirement and possibly learning an AE spell.

How many main quests are in Dragonspyre Wizard101? ›

Dragonspyre has a total of 106 quests. It has 35 bosses, though 4 of those are in lower worlds, when you collect the Obsidian Chests. It has 9 Defeat and Collect quests and 39 regular mob fights.

How to find quests in W101? ›

When you press the Quest Finder Button in your Journal the Quest Helper arrow will now point to the nearest available quest. Quest Finder will look for quests within your current area, and then expand to the current world you are in.

What happened to Dragonspyre Wizard101? ›

The Dragon Titan's cataclysm

Using a summoning ritual, Darkflame summoned the Dragon Titan and Titan Army, who attacked Dragonspyre and wiped out much of the world's population. The rest of the people that had survived the terrible event evacuated.

What happens at level 50 in Wizard101? ›

All trained spells of the Wizard's school through level 50 will be added to their spell book. (Note: You'll still want to add spells from your spell book to your deck before charging into combat!) A new set of level-appropriate gear, a mount and a pet will be awarded to the character.

Where can I farm Spellements in Dragonspyre? ›

Cantrip Chests – While exploring Marleybone, MooShu, and Dragonspyre, you may run across a Cantrip Ritual Chest. Using the Cantrip “Magic Touch” (along with two of your friends) you can open these chests and get Spellements for everyone who helped unlock the chest!

What is the longest dungeon in Wizard101? ›

The longest dungeon(s) are: Waterworks, Tower of the Helephant, and Ghost Avalon.

How long does Marleybone take? ›

Re: Marleybone's Length

Since it's the weekend I've played about 8 hours a day (with breaks in the middle), so I'd say if you just did the storyline and really wanted to grind your way through the world you could get done in about a week or week and a half with 2 hours a day. It's not too long.

What is the fastest way to level up in wizard101? ›

Quests are by far the fastest and most consistent way to earn XP and level up. In each world, complete all of the available quests. Most players will progress through worlds in the following order: Wizard City.

Why don't i have a main quest in wizard101? ›

You can try contacting KI directly for assistance. Re: Help, can't find my main quest .. ? Another maybe less notably idea is to re-visit every area you've access to in Krok and use the quest finder there. You can further just accept the quests until you're able to re-locate your main quest.

Can you abandon quests in wizard101? ›

The only way to remove a quest from your quest journal, young Wizard, is to complete it. If you are not a strong enough Wizard to complete the quest on your own, find others who are working on the same quest and ask if you can team up, or spend some time completing quests in Grizzleheim to help you up in levels..

How long does it take to finish Pirate101? ›

Around 86 hours, according to 8 GameFAQs users who told us how long it took them to beat it.

How long does it take to finish Solasta? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Solasta: Crown of the Magister is about 40 Hours in length.

How long does it take to complete Skyscale? ›

This collection requires a minimum of 3 days to complete and up to a maximum of 12 days as it requires 12 Charged Quartz Crystal. Upon entering Sun's Refuge you will see Raise your skyscale hatchling (80) in the Content Guide telling you what steps have yet to be taken for the day.

How long does it take to finish Descent into Avernus? ›

How long does it take to finish descent into avernus? It really does vary depending on your group! But this is definitely a long one as far as bang-for-buck goes. Weekly sessions at 3-6 hours will last you 4-6 months, longer if your party really takes its time!

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