List of Character Side Stories and Hero Ascensions - Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Guide - IGN (2024)


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Every character in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 comes with a character class. Each class can level up to Rank 10 when you first unlock the character. When you make it to Chapter 5 of the game, Hero Ascensions and Side Stories become available to you. Hero Ascensions and Side Stories will allow you to Rank even higher with a character class. Keep reading more to learn more about Side Stories and Hero Ascensions.

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  • What are Side Stories and Hero Ascensions in Xenoblade Chronicles 3
    • All Side Stories
    • All Hero Ascension Quest


Instead of blades, Xenoblade Chronicles has different Heroes that'll join your mission. Most Heroes have two Hero Quests associated with them - the Standard Hero Quest to unlock them and the Hero Ascension Quest. We have a separate article going over how to unlock every Hero Quest that you need to complete the game.

After unlocking a hero, you also unlock their class that the six main playable characters can use. As soon as you unlock a new Hero, one of the six main characters will become an Inheritor to that Hero's class and have it automatically unlock. The remaining five main characters will have to slowly unlock the class themselves by fighting alongside the Hero and earning CP. For example, as soon as you unlock the hero Zeon, Noah will inherit his class and can equip Guardian Commander. However, the other characters don't have Guardian Commander unlock, and they will need to fight alongside Zeon to slowly unlock it. Hero Classes can only level up to rank 10 at first.

Hero Ascensions start becoming accessible at the start of Chapter 5. Hero Ascensions become available only if you've completed enough Standard Quests and if the Hero's Inheritor reaches a rank 10 with that same class. Most Heroes are aligned with a specific Colony, so if you want to unlock a specific Hero Ascension, you should complete Standard Quests in the Colonies they are aligned with. You will also need the specific Hero in your party to first gain access to their Hero Ascension.

Side Stories are similar to Hero Ascensions but are specifically for the main six playable characters. Once you completed a Side Story or Hero Ascension, that character's class can rank up to 20 rather than 10. For instance, completing Noah's Side Story will allow the Swordfighter to level up to 20.

Each of the main six playable characters has Hero Quests called Side Stories. Side Stories offer important character developments for Noah, Mio, Eunie, Taion, Lanz, and Sena, but only Noah's and Mio's Side Stories are necessary to progress the main story. Each Side Story has lengthy cutscenes and ends with a boss fight.

Jump to:

  • Eunie
  • Lanz
  • Taion
  • Mio
  • Sena
  • Noah

Eunie: Side Story

This Quest first becomes available in Chapter 5 when your reach The City at the base of the Sword. Eunie's Side Story is also the first Side Story you can unlock in the game. Gather Info around The City; specifically, overhear a conversation about "Fortune Clovers." Discuss the info at a Rest Stop, and a cutscene will play. This is a level 45 Hero Quest.

Once you've accepted the Quest, go to the Yellow Exclamation point in the Urayan Trail at the Pentelas region. Head into the nearby Loska's Cavern, and you'll soon find Colony 5 soldiers. Escort them out of the cave and head back in. Continue traveling forwards until you hit another cutscene. You will then fight a boss. Defeating the boss and seeing some more cutscenes will finish the Quest.


Completing this Side Story will increase the class rank for Medic Gunner to level 20.

Lanze: Side Story

After completing Eunie's Side Story in Chapter 5, head to the base of the Great Sword at the Cadensia Region. Head inside the base where you first entered to get into The City and Gather Info when you reach the harbor. You'll eventually overhear information about a special kind of training. Discuss the information you gathered at a Rest Stop. This is a level 46 Hero Quest.

Travel to The City and head to the Training Ground to get a cutscene. After the cutscene, go to a shop marked with a Yellow Exclamation Point. After another scene, head to the War Room for a third scene. Then head to the Yellow Exclamation Point at the Erythia Sea. Follow the path at the Morrack Inlet until you reach the cradles. Fight the Boss to finish the Quest.

Completing this Side Story will increase the class rank for Defender to level 20.

Taion: Side Story

After you clean up the Agnus Castle at the start of Chapter 6, one of the first pieces of information you'll overhear is about "The Sea." Discuss the info at a Rest Stop. You need Riku and Manana in your party. This is a level 54 Hero Quest.

Return to Colony Lambda and talk to Isurd to watch a scene. Discuss the information he gave you at a Rest Stop and then talk to Isurd again. Travel to Hermit Inlet along the northeast of the Erythia Sea. Walk along the path until you witness another scene and have a boss fight. Keep following along the path until you hit the Colony and have to collect some items. You need to collect Fluid Crankers, Monochromagnetitie, and Cube Chip and use 9 Ether Cylinders to reactivate the Ferronis. Once you have the necessary supplies, return to the Ferronis and after another cutscene, follow the path leading to the Consul. Defeating the Consul will finish the quest.

Completing this Side Story will increase the class rank for Tactician to level 20.


Mio: Side Story

The Hero Quest is required to complete the main story. You automatically unlock this quest when you first enter the upper part of the Aetia Region in Chapter 6. This is a level 50 Hero Quest.

Follow the Yellow Exclamation Points as you travel through the upper Aetia Region. You will come across several cutscenes as you trek along the road. You will eventually make your way to Colony Omega, where you are reunited with Mio's friend Miyabi and fight several enemies. Defeating the boss at the end of the fight will finish the Quest.

Completing this Side Story will increase the class rank for Zephyr to level 20.

Sena: Side Story

This Side Story first becomes available to you at the start of Chapter 7. Gather Info labeled "Ghondor's Grumbling" around The City. Have Ghondor in your party and then Discuss "Ghondor's Grumpling" at a Rest Stop. This is a level 53 Hero Quest.

Travel to Material Storage Warehouse in Swordmarch to fight some enemies. Return to The City and follow the Yellow Exclamation Point markers as they appear. There will be several scenes, but the Quests ends when you defeat the New Consul S.

Completing this Side Story will increase the class rank for Ogre to level 20.

Noah: Side Story

Noah's Side Story is part of The Ultimate Vessel Standard Quest in Chapter 7, which is required to complete the main storyline. This is a level 60 Hero Quest.


Once you've entered the Keves Castle Area, follow the Yellow Exclamation Points as they appear on your map. Keep following them until you encounter Consul C in the throne room. The Quest ends when you defeat the Consul.

Completing this Side Story will increase the class rank for Swordfighter to level 20.

Every Hero has a Hero Ascension Class that you can unlock. It becomes vital that you unlock as many Hero Ascensions as you can, or else all your classes will remain stuck at level 10. Having higher rank classes will become very useful in later parts of the game.

Jump to:

  • Zeon
  • Alexandria
  • Gray
  • Isurd
  • Riku and Manana
  • Teach
  • Valdi
  • Juniper
  • Fiona
  • Triton
  • Ghondor
  • Monica
  • Miyabi
  • Segiri
  • Ashera
  • Ethel
  • Cammuravi
  • Melia
  • Nia

Zeon: Reasons to Evolve

Noah must be at a level 10 with Guardian Commander, and you must have completed the For Colony 9 Standard Quest. For Colony 9 is first available at the start of Chapter 5, and you must have completed several other Colony 9 Standard Quests beforehand. Kite in Colony 9 will have a Question Mark over his head after completing For Colony 9, and talking to him will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Zeon - Reasons to Evolve. Reasons to Evolve is a level 49 Hero Quest.

This is one of the most repetitive Quests in the entire game. After talking to Kite and accepting the quest, you need to gather info all around Colony 9. Every vital piece of info you need to collect will be marked with a Yellow Exclamation Point. Once you've gathered enough info, Discuss It at a Rest Stop. Once you've discussed it, talk to Kite. At that point, keep following along the Yellow Exclamation points throughout the world.

This quest will constantly take you back and forth between Colony 9 and Colony Tau. Simply keep finding the Yellow Exclamation Points on your map and teleporting to them. You will need it to rain near Colony 9 at multiple points in the Quest to complete it. There's a Nopon called Splishsplash located Northeast of Colony 9 that can make it rain for 10,000 G. They'll show up as a Question Mark on the map when you need them.

This Quest is a long one, so be prepared. Completing Reasons to Evolve will increase the class rank for Guardian Commander to level 20.


Alexandria: Inescapable Past

Once you've completed enough Standard Quests for Colony Iota and Colony 30, a Question Mark should appear within Colony Iota sometime during Chapter 5. Taion must be at rank 10 with Incursor, and you must have Alexandria in your Party for the Question Mark to appear. Heading to the Question Mark will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Alexandria - Inescapable Past. Inescapable Past is a level 57 Hero Quest.

After accepting the Quest, head over to Colony 30. Talk to Valdi and then follow him until you fight a boss. You will then follow a trail that leads to another boss fight. Once you've beaten the second boss, head back to Colony 30 to finish the Quest.

Completing Inescapable Past will increase the class rank for Incursor to level 20.

Gray: Payback for Treason

You first need to complete the Lovebirds Standard Quest in The City. Once you've completed Lovebirds, a Question Mark will appear on The City's map during Chapter 5. Have Gray in your party and head to the Question Mark. Eunie must be at a rank 10 as a Full Metal Jaguar. Heading to the Question Mark will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Gray - Payback for Treason. Payback for Treason is a level 50 Hero Quest.

Head to the Yellow Exclamation Point on Daedal Isle at the Erythia Sea to fight some Lost Numbers. Travel back to the Astelle Harbor in The City and gather three pieces of information relating to "Rozana's Whereabouts." Discuss the information at a Rest Stop and then Head to Great Sword Passage in Cadensia for another fight. Winning the fight will end the Quest.

Completing Payback for Treason will increase the class rank for Full Metal Jaguar to level 20.

Isurd: Effervescent Heart

You first need to complete the Duty and New Development Standard Quests in Colony Lambda. A Question Mark will then appear in Colony Lambda during Chapter 6. You need Isurd in your party for the Question Mark to appear. Taion must be at a rank 10 as a Strategos. Heading to the Question Mark will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Isurd - Effervescent Heart. Effervescent Heart is a level 59 Hero Quest.


After accepting the quest, gather three pieces of info about "Natural Spas" in The City. The pieces of info should be marked on your map. Discuss it at a Rest Stop, and then go talk to Kotan. He's located up the ladder behind the canteen in The City. Travel to Cadensia to find the Geothermal belt. The Geothermal Belt is found in a cave southeast of the Erythia Sea. You need to first find a beach called the Searing Strand and walk through rivers of poison. This quest will be easier to complete if you unlocked Segiri.

When you reach the cave section called the Malevolent Hollow, be very careful. There are enemies inside that are over level 90. You will have to avoid them if you are not at a high enough level. Once you find the spa, you need to defeat some enemies. Defeating the enemies will complete the mission.

Completing Effervescent Heart will increase the class rank for Strategos to level 20.

Riku and Manana: Culinary Repertoire

A Question Mark will appear at Inlet Camp in Erythia Sea starting in Chapter 6. It's the same location where you first go before heading toward the prison at the end of Chapter 5. The Question Mark will only appear if you have Riku and Manana in your party. Shena must be at a rank 10 as a Yumsmith. Heading to the Question Mark will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Riku and Manana - Culinary Repertoire. Culinary Repertoire is a level 52 Hero Quest.

Head to the Yellow Exclamation Point on the Daedal Islein at the Eythia Sea and fight some Crustips. Once you've experienced a cutscene with Tempapa, prepare any meal for the legendary Nopon. What kind of meal does not matter. Follow Tempapa until you witness another scene where he sends you on a quest.

You need to collect a Lagoonite, Wyrdstone, Acid Resistant Quarmu Shell, and Samon's Thing. Acid Resistant Quarmu Shell can be found at the Yellow Exclamation points south of the Erythia Sea. Find Samon in The City to gain his thing. Lagoonite can be found on Cascade Crossroads, and Wrydstone can be found in Harga Point Camp. Return to Daedal Isle and talk to Tempapa to finish the quest.

Completing Culinary Repertoire will increase the class rank for Yumsmith to level 20.

Teach: Shadow of Enmity

You first have to complete the Standard Quests called Extracurricular Lesson. for Colony Gamma. A Question Mark will appear in Colony Gamma sometime in Chapter 6. You need Teach in your party for the Question Mark to appear. Mio must be at a rank 10 as a Thaumaturge. Heading to the Question Mark will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Teach - Shadow of Enmity. Shadow of Enmity is a level 54 Hero Quest.


Travel to the Everblight plain and watch a cutscene. Find the three containers located on your map. You will have to fight a group of enemies at each container. After witnessing a few scenes, head to the destroyed Ferronis in the Everblights and fight the boss.

Completing Shadow of Enmity will increase the class rank for Thaumaturge to level 20. Finishing this Ascension Quest will also complete the Teach's Teachers Quest.

Valdi: I'm a Mechanic

You first need to complete The True Culprit Standard Quest and have filled out Repapa's "Phase 4" and "Phase 5" item collection requests. A Question Mark will appear over Yuzet in Colony 30 in Chapter 6. You need Valdi in your party for the Question Mark to appear. Lanz must be at a rank 10 as a War Medic. Talking to Yuzet will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Valdi - I'm a Mechanic. I'm a Mechanic is a level 42 Hero Quest.

After talking to Yuzet and witnessing a scene, talk to Isurd in Colony Lambda. Head to the Yellow Question Mark in the Great Cotte Falls and fight some enemies. Then go back to Colony Lambda again to talk to Isurd. Afterward, head back to Colony 30 to talk with Yuzet, and after talking to Yuzet, head to Colony 4 to talk to Solon. After another scene plays out, head to the Yellow Question Mark in the Dannagh Desert and fight some more enemies. Return to Colony 30 to finish the quest.

Completing I'm a Mechanic will increase the class rank for War Medic to level 20.

Juniper: Survivors

You first need to complete the Learning from Lambda Standard Quest. Return to Colony Tau with Juniper in your party in Chapter 6 and a cutscene should play. Noah must be at rank 10 as a Stalker. Returning to Colony Tau will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Juniper - Survivors. Survivors is a level 48 Hero Quest.

Travel to the Yellow Exclamation Point at the Maktha Wildwood to collect some Twineturf. Return to Colony Tau to fight some enemies. After defeating several groups of enemies, you must fight against the Consul. Defeating the Consul will end the quest.

Completing Survivors will increase the class rank for Stalker to level 20.


Fiona: A Farewell Rest

Return to Colony Mu with Fiona in your party in Chapter 6 and there should be a Question Mark at the Colony. You must have completed several Standard Quest relating to Colony Mu for the Question Mark to appear. Lanz must be at rank 10 as a Signifer. Returning to Colony Mu will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Fiona - A Farewell Rest. A Farewell Rest is a level 56 Hero Quest.

Walk to the flowers field near Colony Mu. After witnessing a scene, head to the Erythia Relay Base to fight some enemies. After defeating the foes, head to the Yellow Exclamation Mark left of Inlet Camp to see another cutscene. Return to Colony Mu to finish the Quest.

Completing A Farewell Rest will increase the class rank for Signifer to level 20.

Triton: My Memories

Cook Manana's Battle Soup at any campsite with Triton in your party, and you will gain a new piece of info called "Manana's Cooking" that you can Discuss at a Rest Stop. Lanz must be at a rank 10 as a Soulhacker. Discussing "Manana's Cooking" will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Triton - My Memories. My Memories is a level 60 Hero Quest.

Travel to the Yellow Exclamation Point near Colony Gamma and fight an enemy. Then trek to the marker near Colony Lambda and fight some more enemies. Finally, head to the Hovering Reefs at Keves Castle and battle a boss.

Completing My Memories will reward you with 10 Miso items and increase the class rank for Soulhacker to level 20.

Ghondor: Knowing Your Family


Return to Agnus Castle with Ghondor in your party and there should be a Question Mark at the Ascension Grounds. Sena must be at rank 10 as a Martial Artist. Heading to the Question Mark will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Ghondor - Knowing Your Family. Knowing Your Family is a level 61 Hero Quest.

Travel to the Yellow Exclamation Point at the Fornis Region. Then head to a second marker to fight several giant enemies. After the fight, head west to find some footprint tracks. At the end of the footprint tracks, you will have to gather some items. You will need to collect Springroots, Juicy Broccoli, and Zapcaps. Sprringroots are quest-specific and should be marked on your map. Juicy Broccoli is found in Rae-bel Tableland, and Zapcaps are found north of Trikin HQ. Once you have all the items collected, head to the Yellow Exclamation Point in Fornis Region and enter another fight. Winning the fight will end the Quest.

Completing Knowing Your Family will increase the class rank for Martial Artist to level 20.

Monica: Promise to the Future

Return to The City with Monica in your party and there should be a Question Mark outside the Memorial Hall. Eunie must be at rank 10 as a Lost Vanguard. Heading to the Question Mark will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Monica - Promise to the Future. Promise to the Future is a level 59 Hero Quest.

This is a simple quest. After heading to the canteen in The City and witnessing a cutscene, go to the new Yellow Exclamation Point in The City. After watching another scene, travel to the next Yellow Exclamation Point at Corne Island at the Cadensia Region. You will fight some enemies on the island. Defeating the enemies will end this Quest.

Completing Promise to the Future will increase the class rank for Lost Vanguard to level 20.

Miyabi: Happiness

Return to City with Miyabi in your party and there should be a Question Mark at the Canteen. Mio must be at rank 10 as a Troubadour. Heading to the Question Mark will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Miyabi - Happiness. Happiness is a level 64 Hero Quest.

Head to the Exclamation Point Markers throughout The City to gather "Cooking Contest" info. After Discussing It at a Rest Stop, you'll be given the option to pick either Manana's cooking or Miyabi's cooking. You'll end up having to help both anyways.


Miyabi will send you to get some common items marked on your map. After gathering them you have to talk to Boxy. Manana will send you to find Quest-specific items that are also marked on your map. After assisting both ladies with their meals, watch a cutscene and the Quest will be done.

Completing Happiness will increase the class rank for Troubadour to level 20.

Segiri: Invisible Bond

You first complete the Acknowledging Feelings Standard Quest. Return to the Li Garte Prison Camp with Segiri in your party to witness a cutscene at a Question Mark. Sena must be at rank 10 as a Machine Assassin. Heading to the Question Mark will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Segiri - Invisible Bond. Invisible Bond is a level 68 Hero Quest.

Talk to No. 6 at the first Yellow Exclamation Point at the Prison. Then travel to the next Exclamation Point at Colony Lambda. Continue following the markers until the Quest points you to Colony 4. The next Yellow Exclamation Point will be at the Dannagh Desert. Once you reach that marker, follow the trail until you hit another scene. Fight a boss and then continue following the next markers until you make it back to the Prison.

Completing Invisible Bond will increase the class rank for Machine Assassin to level 20.

Ashera: A Deep-Seated Scar

You must have completed Side Story: Noah first. Head to the Question Mark at Old Kana Battlefied in the south of Fornis Region with Ashera in your party. Eunie must be at rank 10 as a Lone Exile. Heading to the Question Mark will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Ashera - A Deep-Seated Scar. A Deep-Seated Scar is a level 63 Hero Quest.

Head to the area outside of Colony 11, the place where you first met Ashera. Fight your way into Colony 11. Once you're back inside Colony 11, follow the Yellow Exclamation Points until you received Consul R's coordinates. Head to the Question Mark at the Hovering Reefs to create a path to an island near Keves Castle. You will eventually confront Consul R on the island. Defeating her will end the Quest.

Completing A Deep-Seated Scar will increase the class rank for Lone Exile to level 20.


Ethel's and Cammuravi's Ascensions

Ethel and Cammuravi do not have Hero Ascension Quests, but both characters can still ascend. You first need to complete A Twist of Fate Hero Quest in Chapter 6 to unlock Cammuravi. Once Taion is ranked 10 as a Seraph, return to Omega Colony with Cammuravi in your party. Walk through the doors at the back of the Colony and you will spot a lone cradle in a lab.

Interacting with the Cradle will lead to a cutscene, and Ethel will rejoin your group. The class rank for the Flash Fencer and Seraph will then increase to level 20.

Melia: From Atop Her Throne

After you finish the main story, return to the first floor of Keves Castle to find Queen Melia. Talk to her and she will join your group.

To unlock Melia's Ascension Quest, Noah needs to be at a rank 10 with the Royal Summoner class.

Note: You may also need to have recruited all other heroes to unlock the quest.

Returning to the Keves Castle Throne Room with Melia in your party will unlock the Hero Ascension Quest for Melia - From Atop Her Throne. Three subquests will also unlock - Colony 9's Backup, Friction With Agnus, and The City Pep Talk. Completing all three subquests will end Melia's Ascension Quest.

For Colony 9's Backup, you head over to the first marker in Colony 9. Then go to the next marker found south of Colony 9. Keep following the markers along the south until you return to Colony 9.


For Friction With Agnus, you travel to the first marker in Castle Agnus. Keep following the markers until you enter a fight.

For The City Pep Talk, go to the marker at the War Room in The City. Follow the proceeding markers until you reach dialogue that asks for a decision. It doesn't matter what choice you make.

Return to the fourth floor of Keves Castle to finish From Atop Her Throne. Completing the Quest will increase the class rank for Royal Summoner to level 20.

Nia: Grasping My Future

After you finish the main story, return to the Cloudkeep to find Queen Nia. Talk to her to recruit her.

Once you've recruited Nia, four Question Marks will show up around the world. Each mark is a Nia Event; going to each mark will play a scene with Nia involved. The four marks are located at Agnus Castle, the Saffronia Tree south of the Fornis Region, the Tower Camp west of the Pentelas Region, and the Memorial Hall at The City.

After witnessing the four Nia Events, discuss it at a Rest Stop to unlock Nia's Ascension Quest - Grasping My Future. Mio must also be at a rank 10 with the Lifesage class.

All you have to do to complete Grasping My Future is go to the Cavity at the Great Sword to watch another cutscene.

Completing Grasping My Future will increase the class rank for Lifesage to level 20.

Also, check out other Wiki Guides for Xenoblade Chronicles 3:

  • Walkthrough
  • Beginner's Tips and Tricks
  • Characters

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List of Character Side Stories and Hero Ascensions - Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Guide - IGN (1)

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List of Character Side Stories and Hero Ascensions - Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Guide - IGN (2024)
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